Boom! !

The ground was like a torn cloth, suddenly bursting open, accompanied by countless rubbles flying, and a huge gully appeared, as if the earth opened its mouth and was about to swallow everything.

The "ground fissure" of the Charizard finally fell.

After all, no one would let their Pokémon go under the "ground fissure" unless they were absolutely powerful, right?

The huge movement even made Jinghe feel that the entire mountain was shaking violently.

The only thing to be thankful for was that although the "ground fissure" of the Charizard was huge, it did not cause any damage to Jinghe and Daigo's Pokémon.

Jinghe and Daigo, since they let go of the metal monster, fell to the ground again.

In fact, the Charizard, which was already violent and had its vision blocked, could not lock on Gastly and the others.

But it would definitely not work if it continued like this.

Who knows if the Charizard's "ground fissure" would cause the magma leakage of Chimney Mountain to intensify.

But the current situation is that even if Jinghe and the others want to speed up the process of dealing with this Charizard, they can't do it just because they want to.

Moreover, because of the Charizard's state and the difference in strength between the two sides, Gastly's debuff moves may not have much effect on it.

However, Jinghe also wants to continue to try.

"Gass, turbid mist!"

If you are lucky enough to put the Charizard in the "poisoned" state, plus "curse" and Daigo's Pokémon, the effect should be better.

"Kou Jie"

Gastly sighed.

It's too difficult.

This Charizard is obviously much stronger than it. If you want to rely on it to kill the opponent, isn't that embarrassing?

However, Gastly is not vague. Just give it a try. It seems that there is really no better way.

"Teacher Jinghe, try this."

Noticing Jinghe's action, Daigo suddenly threw a purple and black ball, which seemed to be wrapped in a special transparent isolation film.


Jinghe, who caught the ball, was slightly stunned.

Poisonous Orb? !

You are a steel trainer, and you carry a "Toxic Orb" with you?

This thing is not cheap at all.

[Toxic Orb: A gem filled with fierce poisonous mist. After carrying it, it will fall into the "Toxic" state (remember, do not take it orally! Do not take it orally!)]

But now is not the time to worry about these things.

Tightening the "Toxic Orb" in his hand, Jinghe had a bold idea in his mind.

"Kou Jie?"

Gastri, who also saw the "Toxic Orb", had his eyes lit up, and his envy was beyond words.

"Kou Jie ()"

Jinghe threw the orb to Gastly, but before Gastly was happy, he said: "Gastri, you take it first, and we will find a way to give it to Charizard later!"

"Kou Jie?!"

Gastri's voice rose several degrees.

"Don't worry, we will get it back after Charizard falls down." Jinghe comforted.

Daigo on the side naturally heard his words and showed a little realization.

So it can be done this way.

"Daigo, you try to stop it, Gastly and I will look for an opportunity." Jinghe said.


At the same time.

The fire-breathing camel on the opposite side did not reduce its anger at all because of the use of "Earth Fracture". The volcano on its back continued to erupt, and a flame was already brewing in its mouth.

Here it comes!

Jinghe and Daigo said in their hearts almost at the same time.

The fire-breathing camel suddenly raised its head and shot a flame upward from its mouth, forming an orange-red fireball in the air and exploding, splashing many flames in all directions!

Flame splashing!


The blue light of superpowers flashed in the eyes of Metal Monster and Libra at the same time, trying to resist the splashing flames as much as possible.

The armored bird rubbed its wings in the air, making a harsh and sour metallic sound, attracting the attention of the fire-breathing camel.

Kodora, who was summoned again, stomped on the ground, and a large amount of rocks were ejected, turning into two rock chains, which were bound around the body of the fire-breathing camel, temporarily restricting its movement!

"Gass!" Jing He shouted.

"Kou Jie!"

Gass, who had long since sunk into the ground, suddenly appeared in front of the fire camel and vomited into the fire camel's mouth.

Hey tui!

Eat my big. big balls!


The fire camel swallowed it with a "gulp".

Before it could react, a purple halo appeared on its face.

Falling into the "highly toxic" state!

Its body shook uncontrollably, and it felt its vision blurred and its limbs became weak.

Because of the "violent" state, the blood flow rate of the fire camel increased, the amount of exercise increased, and the speed of the spread of the toxin increased.

At the same time, its "violent" state had been going on for a while, and its body was almost overdrawn. The "highly toxic" also accelerated its internal consumption, so it took effect quickly.

The fire camel shook its head a few times, and the purple halo on its body became more and more obvious, and its steps began to become unstable.

It also tried to attack.

But it was also blocked.

Finally, under the gaze of Jinghe and the others, the fire-breathing camel fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing this, Jinghe and Daigo looked at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time.

Now we can find a way to plug the magma crack.

Gastly has been looking for the best repair position and angle along the rock layer at Jinghe's signal.

However, when you think things have come to an end, unexpected changes often occur.


The sound of heavy footsteps came from the corridor in the other direction.

Immediately afterwards, a heat wave hit his face, as if hot magma was surging from the tunnel.

Looking at the corridor that was gradually glowing with fire, Jing He and Da Wu's expressions changed at the same time.

When he saw the vague figure in the dim corridor, Jing He's pupils shrank slightly.

I saw that the huge red-brown body seemed to be cast from magma and steel. The powerful limbs covered with metallic luster made it firmly fixed on the rock wall, almost hanging upside down.

A pair of eyes that were like burning eyes stared closely at Jing He and Da Wu.

Are there any experts?

Sensing the threat, Daigo's Pokémon gathered around the two.

Jing He hurriedly stopped Dawu and said in a deep voice: "Don't move!"

Daigo naturally understood, and while comforting the metal monsters, he asked: "This is..."

He could clearly feel the pressure coming from that guy, as if there was an overwhelming piece of magma pressing towards them, and they probably didn't have much chance to fight back.

This can no longer be described by the difference in strength.

Jing He smiled helplessly, lowered his voice, and said slowly: "The legendary magical beast born from magma."

"Guardian of volcanoes, Firesteel, Sidoran!"

"Legendary fantasy beast, fire and steel?" Dawu was stunned, his eyes glowing slightly.

As a fan of steel-type Pokémon, Daigo knows very well what the combination of fire-type and steel-type Pokémon represents.

A total of five with four times the resistance and four with twice the resistance!

Jing He is actually more familiar with Xi Duolan'en.

Before "Sword/Shield" came out, Sildorane could definitely be regarded as the most popular Pokémon in Pokémon battle games.

Its advantage is naturally the attribute advantage brought by the combination of fire and steel. Although it is four times weaker than the ground system, if you carry the prop "balloon", the problem can be alleviated to a certain extent.

And whether it is "fire" or "flame body", they are both very good characteristics.

But with the subsequent emergence of powerful fire-type Pokémon, Firesteel Sidoran gradually became not the only option. Especially after the move "Hot Sand Land" appeared, it completely took a back seat.

Even whenever Sidorane is mentioned, someone will always joke, "No, which volcano Pokémon can't breathe fire?"

But those were all Xiduo Lan'en from Jing He's previous game. What appeared in front of them now was the extremely oppressive legendary fantasy beast!


They looked at each other for a while, but the other party seemed to have no intention of taking action.


Sidoran also waved his claws towards them.

"Is it asking us to leave?" Dawu was a little unsure and looked at Jing He.

‘Is Sidoran guarding Chimney Hill? ’

Jing He thought to himself.

Because after Xi Duo Lan En appeared, the leaking magma seemed to have a tendency to stop.

"Guisi." Jing He shouted, "Leave!"

"Kou - Jie -" Guisi's voice came from the crack where the magma leaked.

There is a strange red stone here.

Looking through the cracks, you can vaguely see ghosts flying in circles above the magma, seeming to have discovered something.

Dawu's eyes lit up.


But Jing He and Xi Duolan'en's pupils shrank suddenly at the same time.

"Get off that damn rock!"

"Kou Jie?"


New book issue, please read it, please vote, Modo Modo~~

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