Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 31 Warning! Warning!

Big guy?

Jing He's face tightened.

This "big guy" represents a lot.

Especially in Chimney Mountain, Jing He almost subconsciously thought of Groudon, the terrifying existence sleeping in Chimney Mountain.

But on second thought, it was unlikely.

If it was really Groudon, with that guy's ability, Chimney Mountain would have erupted long ago, so how could there be only such a small gap?

No more reference information?

Jing He looked at Gastly again.

After today, he decided to take Gastly back and start to know other Pokémon.

At least.

It should be able to recognize which Pokémon it is when it sees different Pokémon, otherwise such vague investigations will appear many times in the future.

"Kou Jie——"

Garselly seemed to realize that his expression might not be clear enough. It squinted its eyes, turned its head rapidly, and the black mist on its body surged.

"Kou Jie!"

Suddenly, it seemed to have thought of something. As the mist flowed, it slowly extended its limbs and lay on the ground. At the same time, its mouth suddenly opened wide and spit out a mouthful of black smoke.


"Charmer?" Daigo tried to guess.

Although the charmer is not small in size, can it be considered a big guy?

Jinghe thought of another possibility.

Could it be the legendary Pokémon, Fire Steel Sidolan? !

Although Jinghe thought of Sidolan, the first place he thought of was the Harsh Mountain in the Sinnoh region, and theoretically Chimney Mountain is Groudon's territory, Sidolan should not dare to use it as a habitat.

But this possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

After all, Groudon is sleeping, and Chimney Mountain is also a high-temperature volcanic area that Pokémon like Sidolan are keen on.

But if it is Sidolan, it will be really troublesome.

Bang! !

Without giving him time to think carefully, a crisp sound of rock breaking came from the crack again.

Then, the crack, which was already emitting a hot breath, exhaled another scorching breath, and a fiery red winding path emitting light and heat flowed out from a corner of the crack.


"Hey Cha!"

Seeing the magma, the small Geodude and the Rumble Stone group, which had been curled up on the side, became even more panicked.

At the same time, the magma flowed along the rock wall and was about to fall.

"Asha!" Jing He shouted in a deep voice.

"Understood!" Asha hurriedly took out two Poké Balls and summoned a stoic and a lava worm in the red light.

Lava worms are a Pokémon that looks like magma. Because they like high temperatures, they often live near or even inside volcanoes. For other Pokémon, the scorching magma is more like a comfortable hotbed for them.

The lava worms squirmed and intercepted the small lava path, blocking the magma from flowing down the mountain.

The stoic was also helping the lava worms to control it.

"Teacher Jinghe, the lava worms can't hold on for long!" Yasha said hurriedly.

"Let's go!"

Although Jinghe was a little worried, he had to make this decision.

The magma has already flowed out. If it is not replenished in time, it may really cause a large amount of magma in Chimney Mountain to leak out.

At that time, it will not be a matter of one or two lives.

As for if they really meet Sidolan,

then they can only find a way to appease and delay it.

Dujuan has already notified the major alliance organizations in Fuyan Town. In theory, Yasha's grandfather, the retired former Four Heavenly Kings, should be able to barely deal with Sidolan.

As long as they come fast enough.

Jinghe decided to go in, in fact, there is another reason.

That is Gastly.

Although Gastly could not explain the situation inside and the Pokémon it saw at once because of the emergency, Jinghe was sure of one thing. If Gastly felt that the danger was so high that they could not even look at it, he would definitely stop him from going in.

This was out of absolute trust in his companions.

"I'll go ahead!"

Daigo's intention was exactly the same as Jinghe's, but he didn't mean to let Jinghe go ahead. After summoning the Libra Doll, he walked into the crack first.

Because the crack is narrow, neither Metal Monster nor Armored Bird can be used easily, and the small Libra Doll is the most suitable.

Jinghe then took Gastly in.

It was hot enough to stand outside the crack, and after entering the crack, the breath quickly soaked the backs of Jinghe and Daigo.

But this temperature is actually much lower than the two imagined.

The fact that Zubat and Zubat can survive inside shows that the internal space is not that hot.

Very quickly.

Under Gastly's guidance, the passage became larger and larger, and the high temperature soaked the clothes of the two people, and also reflected their faces in a fiery red.

Boom! Boom!

As they went deeper, bursts of roars gradually reached their ears.

A medium-sized volcano's internal space appeared in front of the two people.

The sight swept over it at the first time.

There were about four or five fire camels huddled together in a corner. Although they were known for being dull, Jinghe could clearly see panic, helplessness, and worry in their eyes.


Following their line of sight, Jinghe and Daigo soon saw the source of the incident.

A fire-breathing camel!

It had orange-red hair, three bright blue circles on each side of its body, and the hump on its back had a rock-like structure, which was constantly spewing hot magma, just like a volcanic eruption.

Moreover, it seemed extremely restless. Not only did the volcanoes on its back keep erupting, its limbs were also trampled constantly. The rocky ground around it had been trampled into pieces. The rock wall not far behind it was even more charred and black, with a bright red streak. Lava is slowly flowing out of the mouth.

Obviously, the lava path that Jing He and the others saw outside originated from this.

But when they saw this fire-breathing camel, both Jing He and Da Wu were stunned.

An ordinary fire-breathing camel would stand between one and eight to two meters tall, but the one in front of them was at least three meters tall!

This is a giant fire-breathing camel!

That's what Guisi calls the big guy.

"Bang!! Bang!!"

Two more balls of fiery lava erupted from the volcano behind the flaming camel.

When Jing He and the two noticed it, its bloodshot red eyes also stared at them!


The fire-breathing camel roared, and blazing fire appeared in its open mouth.

Jing He's expressions changed.

Daigo immediately threw the elf ball again, and the metal monster, armored bird and Kodora were all directly summoned by him.

But these three Pokémon are all steel-type Pokémon. Facing the fire-type and ground-type Fire-breathing Camel, their attributes are at a disadvantage in the duel, not to mention that this is the Fire-breathing Camel's home field.

at the same time.

The illustration of the fire-breathing camel also appeared in Jing He's sight.

【Fire-breathing camel】

[Attributes: Fire, Ground]

[Feature: Lava Armor]

[Moves to master: rock collapse, ground cracking, fire breathing, shouting, impact, sparks, gas gathering, heavy stepping, flame splash, instant amnesia, smoke blowing, power of the earth, slamming]

[Mood: Violent (it may have eaten something it shouldn’t have eaten)]

[Status: Abnormal (this is not the state a normal Pokémon should have, warning! Warning!)]

[Friendliness: -50 (Danger! You just approached with your left foot first!)]

This fire-breathing camel is very strong!

There is no doubt that even if it is not in this abnormally violent state, it is definitely much stronger than Ghost.

But although the violence gave it stronger power, it also further weakened its already low intelligence.

Jing He looked at Dawu.

boom! !

Raging flames swept over.

"Metal monster, Libra puppet, telekinesis!"

"Ghost, curse!"

The two spoke almost at the same time.


A transparent light blue superpower barrier formed instantly, blocking the raging flames three meters away from Da Wu and Jing He.

"Kou Jie——"

Guisi's body expanded briefly, and a strange force penetrated from its body into the fire-breathing camel's body in an invisible way, gradually sprouting.

"Armor Bird, throw sand! Kodora, throw mud!"

The state of the fire-breathing camel, the attributes and abilities of the two Pokémon, and the inexplicable tacit understanding between each other made them almost simultaneously choose to fight the war of attrition in the safest way.

Sand, dust and mud immediately blocked the fire-breathing camel's sight, and the flames it spewed began to sweep through the entire cave.

Rocks kept falling.

The flames gradually faded, but the fire-breathing camel became more and more violent.

I saw it take a deep breath, and a stream of white air appeared around it - Gathering Qi!

Then he suddenly raised his two front hooves, the restlessness was palpable, and the earth-yellow energy condensed between the hooves.

It's going to happen!

It's the ground breaking!

A ground-based trick.

As long as it hits, it will be an instant kill even if its strength is not much stronger than that of a fire-breathing camel!

This move actually poses no great threat to the Pokémon present except for Cordora, including Ghost.

But what worries Jing He is.

The movement caused by this kick may be a bit too loud.

Thanks to Mr. Meow Meow Meow Meow for the 5,000 reward, I’m an old friend~

Thanks to book friend 202102111534, Pibo nine, book friend 20230409091522948 and many other big guys for their rewards, thank you!

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