Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 30: Changes at Chimney Hill

The dense velvet covered the moon, and the diffuse mist was frighteningly cold and strange, like a dark existence hiding in the dark that could not be seen directly.

At this time, the roar like tearing silk became like the messenger of light tearing apart the curtain, exploding in the sky, with a rumble at the end, as if the earth was cracking.

Jing He and Da Wu's expressions changed when they heard the noise, and Ghost and Metal Monster immediately came to protect them.

The next second.

Click! !

The wooden board that originally blocked the two hot springs was smashed by a huge stone.

Two hot springs were opened.

"What's wrong?" Dawu asked quickly.

"Yes" Du Juan said halfway, her slightly red cheeks that were soaked in the hot springs now looked more like a ripe red apple.

Her face was flushed, her original twin ponytails had spread out, and her wet hair was hanging down on her shoulders.

Fortunately, both she, Yasha, and Jing He were all wearing bath towels.

Dawu was also stunned for a moment, and then he realized what he was doing, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

"There is a stone, a big stone fell from the mountain!" Yasha was not so sensitive and quickly added.

In fact, with her figure similar to Jing He and Da Wu,...ahem.

On the mountain?

Jing He, the only one present who seemed relatively calm, frowned and looked towards the mountain.

Because most of the hot springs in Fuyan Town rely on the temperature of Chimney Mountain, most hot springs and hotels are also close to Chimney Mountain.

The side of Dawu and Jinghe was fine, but the side of Dujuan and Yasha was almost close to the rock wall of Chimney Mountain.

Because of the long distance and some rugged mountains, it is not possible to visually confirm what happened on the mountain.

However, because of the dim night, one could see a faint fire rising directly above them.

The firelight moved like a sharp sword in the night sky, gradually getting bigger and threatening to break a hole in the night.

"Isn't it because a hole has been opened in the volcano and magma is about to seep out?" Jing He said to himself.

Hearing this, the expressions of the three people present changed drastically.

Yasha, who had changed her clothes at some point, had a straight face, staring at the fire in the night sky, as if she was determined to go up.

If Chimney Mountain really opened a hole in the mountain, causing the magma in Chimney Mountain to gush out, then based on the direction of the fire, Fuyan Town would probably...

Fuyan Town is her hometown, she can't just sit back and watch!

It's not just her.

Although the reactions of Daigo and Dujuan were not as intense as Yasha's, their attitudes were the same.

Noticing the expressions of the three of them, Jing He sighed secretly.

He knew that in this situation, he was no longer a "teacher" and could suppress the sense of justice in the hearts of the three of them.

The fire was not obvious enough at the moment, and because Chimney Mountain itself was dark red in color, they might not have been able to notice it if it weren't for the falling rocks.

At the same time, the fire has a tendency to gradually become larger, but at least the trend is not obvious yet, indicating that if the magma in Chimney Mountain is really leaking, this moment may be the best opportunity to make amends.

He wasn't given much time to think, but he already had a decision in his mind.

"Dujuan, Yasha, you go notify the teachers at the Fuyan Gym, the Fuyan Police Station, and the Elf Center. Daigo and I will go take a look."

If someone must go, then as a teacher it is inevitable.

And Daigo is the strongest among the four.

At the same time, his metal monsters, armored birds and even Libra puppets can take them away in the worst case where nothing can be done.

"Teacher Jinghe, I" Du Juan wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Jinghe's unquestioning gaze.

"I see."

Du Juan lowered her head and took a deep breath. She also understood the importance of the matter.

But Asha is not as easy to talk to as she is.

"No, I have to go!"

As if she knew what Jing He was going to say, she immediately added: "I am most familiar with this place, that location. I know a small road is very fast!"

At this time, we should race against time. Jing He could feel Yasha's determination and said in a deep voice:

"Okay! You lead the way, but if you encounter a situation, you must follow my command!"


"Kou Jie——"

Guisi helped Jing He get his clothes.

Chimney Hill.

Three figures quickly shuttled among the rugged rocks and steep mountain walls.

"Is this the shortcut you're talking about?" Jing He jumped over uneven rocks, following Asha's steps.

"I used to walk a lot. Although it looks dangerous, it's very safe as long as you don't step on the wrong foot." Yasha ran at the front.

Make no mistake.

Dawu and Jinghe glanced at their feet at the same time.

in silence.

Jing He somewhat regretted it.

If there were only two of him and Daigo, they should be able to fly up directly with the help of the armored bird, metal monster and Libra puppet.

Although relying on super powers to fly to such a high place will consume a lot of the Pokémon's physical strength and energy, running up like this does save the Pokémon's energy just in case, and the time is not much different, but

It’s true that it’s a bit difficult for someone with a “super newbie” physique.

Fortunately, although Asha seemed reckless, the shortcut she mentioned could indeed get them to their destination.


They came to a small platform.

"Heycha, heycha——"

There are also many small fist stones and even rumble stones gathered on the platform, but they are huddled in the corners of the platform, looking like they are afraid of something.

After seeing the arrival of Jing He and the others, they shrank back to the corner again, and a lot of rock fragments rolled down the mountain.

However, the attention of the three of them was attracted by a red crack on the rock wall in front of them.

This crack was not big, about enough for a person to pass through, and the fire they saw below came from this crack.

"This is."

The three people stepped forward and immediately felt a hot breath coming from the crack, which was far better than the heat of Fuyan Town.



A supersonic bat flew out of the crack in panic at an extremely fast speed.

Jing He and the others got out of the way in time, and no conflict broke out.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of supersonic bats, mixed with one or two big-mouthed bats, squeezed out of the crack and quickly moved away from Chimney Mountain.

Seeing this, the expressions of the three people gradually became serious.

Wild Pokémon are the easiest to respond to changes in the environment. Whether it is a small fist stone or a sonic bat, it shows that there is something that they are afraid of or exists in the cave.

"Ghost." Jing He shouted softly.

Faced with this situation, one must not go in hastily. Jing He stopped the reckless Yasha.

"Kou Jie~~"

Guisi floated out of his clothes and looked at the bottomless crack. He was not afraid, but was slightly excited.

"Be careful."

Jing He had to give a solemn instruction.

"Kou Jie!"

Guisi blinked at him, laughed strangely, turned into a black mist, and got into the rock wall.

Time passed quickly in one minute and one second.

To be honest, Jing He, who was usually calm, was a little nervous at the moment. He was not worried about himself, but worried about Guisi.

After all, the situation inside is unknown for the time being, and Guisi's strength cannot be considered outstanding.

What's more, this is Chimney Mountain!

"Kou Jie~~"

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Guisi to poke his head out of the rock wall.

So hot——

It stuck out its tongue, expressing that it didn't like the temperature in Chimney Mountain.

But seeing it appear, Jing He breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Guisi, how are you doing?"

"Kou Jie!!"

Guishou took a deep breath and his body suddenly expanded.

There's a big guy inside!

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