Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 177: The Cultivation House of Kanaz College (asking for monthly tickets!)

"It is indeed a big customer. I feel like one person can support my entire store."

When he arrived at school, Jing He rubbed his slightly sore hands and couldn't help but smack his lips and sighed.

Someone actually bought the 500 cups of coffee, and it was still 21 cups of coffee all of a sudden.

Sure enough, the world has changed.

Earn more than 10,000 alliance coins.

"What if Daigo gets excited and says he wants to invite all the employees in the company to drink coffee? I don't know whether I should be happy or not."

Jing He shook his head.

When I arrived at the consulting room, I saw the closed office door next to me.

"Speaking of which, Dr. Solans spent a lot of time away from school this semester."

Last semester, the two of them often joked and chatted together when they were bored. As a result, this semester, Dr. Solans became busy.

Give Jinghe one.

It felt like we had agreed to ride three wheels together, but the brothers secretly drove the Land Rover.

But his thoughts quickly disappeared because he saw Li Jia waiting at the door of his consulting room.

"Oh hello, Teacher Jinghe." Lijia bowed slightly towards Jinghe and said.

"It's so early, Teacher Rika."

For some reason, when he saw Li Jia, Jing He thought of his dream last night and his eyes dodge slightly.

But Li Jia obviously couldn't detect these changes.

She smiled and said: "Just call me Lijia."

Jing He opened the door and the two of them walked in, reaching a tacit agreement on the title.

"Want to drink coffee?" Jing He asked.

"The little girl still prefers to drink tea."

Li Jia looked at the coffee that Jing He put on the table, thinking of the coffee shop he opened and the coffee machine in the office. She frowned slightly and said:

"It's not like you can't give it a try."

Jing He smiled.

I made a cup of concentrate for her.

"The materials are limited. If you don't like it, you can go to my store next time and I will make you a latte. It will taste much better."

Lijia took a small sip, her pretty face frowned slightly, but she soon relaxed and commented:

“The aftertaste is very mellow.”

"Where are Abi and the others?"

"They went to class together today."

Generally speaking, the exchange lasts three to seven days, and a longer one is more likely to be a month. The purpose is also to allow students to better understand some knowledge and concepts.

"What about you, Lidya? Where do you want to visit today?"

Lijia, who took another sip of coffee, blinked and said with a smile:

"The Nurture House."

As the largest Pokémon academy in the Hoenn region, Kanaz Pokémon Academy naturally has its own Pokémon breeding house.

Even, there is more than one!

Some new students who don't have Pokémon can choose to get it in the academy's breeding house.

Most students will also choose to get their second and third Pokémon in the breeding house.

That’s the benefit of the academy.

Different schools, because of their different customs and philosophies, will produce very different Pokémon.

Coupled with the special breeding techniques, this is also the reason why some breeding houses are very famous.

to be honest.

Jing He really didn't know what the situation was like in the training house at Kanaz Pokémon Academy.

He has never been to the academy's training house.

It's Gengar.

It should be quite familiar.


Gengar walked struttingly at the front, leading Jing He and Li Jia as they approached the breeding house, when they heard some Pokémon exclaiming.

Translated roughly it is——

Run! That Gengar is here again!

Notoriety belongs to yes.

Geng Gui smiled and turned a deaf ear, which made Jing He ashamed.


Hey guys, I'm here again!

As he spoke, he took out a pair of triangular sunglasses from its dimension and put them on his face.


Looking at the sunglasses Geng Gui took out, Jing He narrowed his eyes.

This style is different from the previous one.

Fortunately, Jing He had already said hello to the school, so Gengar wouldn't be unable to enter the training house.

No, as soon as they walked to the door, a hunched-over mother-in-law came out with a cane. When she saw Jing He and the two of them, she smiled and said:

"Are they Teacher Jinghe and Teacher Lijia?"

"Mother-in-law." Jing He stepped forward, supported the old man, and said, "We are here to visit."

Before he could finish speaking, the mother-in-law pointed to the tools on the side and said with a smile:

"Help, the principal has already said hello, I'm leaving it to you today."



Did I not make it clear?

I heard my mother-in-law say to herself:

"Today the lawn needs to be mowed, a fence needs to be repaired if it is broken, the water in the pool needs to be replaced, and a batch of ripe fruit needs to be picked."

She started talking about it like a treasure trove.

Jing He: "."

He opened his mouth to explain more, but looking at the old woman's trembling appearance, he sighed softly.

"Okay mother-in-law, we get it."

How many times did Gengar trap the seeds of the Sunflower Monster?

Just treat it as being caught and come to pay off the debt.

Li Jia did not refuse.

In her opinion, this way she can better understand the situation in the academy's training house, and also learn how the training house of Kanaz Pokémonology cultivates Pokémon.

Ever since.

The two put on aprons, boots and gloves and walked into the breeding room.

When the two of them entered the house, the mother-in-law of the foster house, who was still trembling before, immediately stood firm.

A smile appeared in her narrowed eyes, and she nodded to herself.

When the principal told her that Jinghe and Lijia were coming to visit the breeding house, she also told her mother-in-law that she had promised Jinghe that he could choose a Pokémon.

That's why this happened.

The mother-in-law also wanted to see what kind of trainer the young man who was praised by the principal was.

Now it seems that he is indeed not bad.

Respecting the elderly means that he has a sense of responsibility.

Then when the breeding house is open next time, it may be possible to give this young man a little guy that she and her old man have carefully cultivated together.

The two breeding houses in Kanaz Pokémon Academy are taken care of by the old lady and her old man respectively.

Jinghe and his friends came to only one of them today.

Walking into the backyard of the breeding house.

Jinghe realized that the breeding house of the academy was so big!

It felt comparable to the teaching area.

This is just one of them.

"Pomelo, wood fruit, cherry fruit, and Lingyu fruit"

Not only Pokémon, the yard is also full of various kinds of fruit.

Among them, there are even some rare and precious lily fruit, dragon eye fruit, Lansa fruit, and even silver phoenix fruit and golden phoenix fruit.

This is all money!

In addition.

There are more Pokémon.

Hunting swallowtail butterflies flying in the flowers, hazelnut balls hanging on the trees, and cats pretending to be stones by the pool.

There are also desert dragonflies hovering in the rocky sand area on the other side, Shakiras cocooned and nestled in the sand without moving, and mane rock werewolves lying on the ground basking in the sun.


A man shaking a sand hammer makes a "shasha" sound, and jumps and hums an unknown tune in coordination with the ensemble of the speaker cricket and the circle wizard next to him.

The water Pokémon in the pond, such as Lotus Leaf Boy, Woob, Mosquito-Kun, and Marylou, also started to dance.

"They are all excellent children, right?"

At this time, the grandmother with a cane came over and said with some pride.

Jinghe and Lijia nodded.

In fact, opening a breeding house is also a good choice.

But the cost is too high.

And Jinghe thinks that he may be reluctant to give away or sell the Pokémon in the breeding house who get along well with him one by one.

He took a breath.

Jinghe threw out the Poké Ball.

"Then let's do it too."

Gengar emerged from his shadow.

Then Ice Vulpix, Artful Blacksmith, and Mimi Dragon also appeared one by one.


Gengar licked Jinghe fiercely with a grim smile and joined the performance of Lotte Kappa.

The two little fat guys hugged each other's shoulders and danced.

Then the three little guys joined in.

The forger used the hammer as a sand hammer and shook it together.

Ice Vulpix exhaled cold air.

The surface of the pool froze instantly, and the little guys inside had stiff expressions, and Vulpix was so scared that he quickly closed his mouth.


The mini dragon accidentally fell into the pool and blasted the frozen surface of the pool with a "water cannon".

Including the mini dragon, the trembling little guys did not express dissatisfaction with the ice Vulpix, but instead showed an interested look.

Shouting: Come again!

Jinghe, who saw this scene, had a question mark on his head.

Why do I feel that the Pokémon in this breeding house seem normal at first glance, but it seems a little bit wrong when I look at it again?

"Oh? They are bred very well, and their relationship with you is also enviable."

The grandmother smiled as usual, and gave a very high evaluation of the Pokémon cultivated by Jinghe.

This made her evaluate Jinghe, who was chewing the "cherry fruit" expressionlessly, a few points higher in her heart.

He is indeed a young trainer worth investing in.

Let Gengar and the others play for a while, during which Jinghe and Lijia also understood what they needed to do under the guidance of their grandmother.

Then he called all the little guys back.

"Genggui, I and Bulbasaur, let's go pick fruit together."

Jinghe arranged the tasks.

Genggui can float, and Lijia's Bulbasaur has a vine whip, so picking fruit is undoubtedly the most convenient, but Jinghe is worried that Gengar will steal it, so he can only watch.

The Artful Blacksmith went to repair the fence.

Glacier Vulpix and Dratini were responsible for changing the water in the pool.

First let Glacier Vulpix freeze the entire pool, then break it and move it out, and Dratini will add water to it.

The task of weeding was given to Lijia and her other grass-type Pokémon.

But what Jinghe didn't expect was.

When they were about to start, the Pokémon raised in the courtyard actually moved to help.

Then they reacted.

That's right.

If Grandma had to do such a big "project" alone every day, she would never be able to handle it.

"Teacher Jinghe."

When Jinghe was about to leave, Grandma called him.


"Teacher Jinghe should have just captured that mini dragon not long ago, right?" Grandma said with a smile.

Jinghe was a little surprised, but did not deny it and nodded.

"Captured in the 'Dragon Cave' in Yanmo City?"

Jinghe was really surprised this time.

You can see this?

"It can be seen that it trusts and relies on you very much, but the little guy is a little overnourished."

Jinghe was embarrassed when he heard this.

Who said it wasn't.

It is a dragon, but it has the smallest appetite in the family, smaller than the forger.

It has only digested a little bit of the two huge dragon scales.

If it weren't for the illustration showing that it is in excellent condition, Jinghe would have taken it to the Elf Center.

Grandma continued: "However, this is also a kind of talent, it must be cultivated well."

Jinghe's thoughts moved slightly.

"Could it be Grandma."

Grandma smiled slightly.

"There are two choices."

"One is to let it evolve, and after evolution, the so-called "overnutrition" will no longer exist."

"The other is to help it "digest", although it may slightly slow down its evolution, but it can also give it more room for growth."

These two choices

"Grandma, you are not from the Dragon Country, are you?" Jinghe suddenly asked.

Grandma smiled at him mysteriously like an old naughty boy and said:


Jinghe: "."

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