Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 178 Who wouldn’t be confused? (Monthly vote requested!)


Looking at the plump and translucent fruits, Geng Gui's tears of dissatisfaction flowed from the corners of his mouth.

It's such a shame, really.

I only knew that the sunflower seeds in the breeding house tasted delicious, but I didn't know that there were so many attractive fruits in the garden.

Look, that red garnet fruit looks like a tender and delicious foam chinchilla, isn't it, a barbecue?

Jing He waved his hand in front of Geng Gui.


"Didn't you sleep well last night? Why are there so many bloodshot eyes?" Jing He asked casually.


Gengar sucked back the saliva with a "suck" sound and waved his hands repeatedly.

No matter what you said.

It's a good thing it didn't quibble. Jinghe looked at it suspiciously when it showed its appearance.

"Da na."

Fortunately, Bulbasaur picked up a vine whip and rolled down two tree fruits, attracting Jing He's attention.

Gengar suddenly let out a long breath.

so close.

But even if Jing He didn't tell it, it didn't feel much. Now that it thought of last night's battle, it suddenly felt so hungry.


Gengar succumbed at a speed visible to the naked eye and sat down on the ground.


After noticing the little fat man's condition and vaguely guessing what he did last night, Jing He could only say:

"If you want to rest, take a rest. I'll get you something to eat later."


Gengar nodded obediently, twisted his butt, and leaned against the tree nearby.

Seeing this, Li Jia couldn't help but smile and said, "You Gengar is so good."

Jing He carefully put the fruit into the basket while looking at Gengar biting his finger.

"She's quite good." He nodded while squeezing his neck.

With the help of the Pokémon in the nursery, the work went much faster than expected.

After a while, more than half of the fruits on the tree were picked.

Geng Gui played with the sunglasses in his hand, which reflected Jing He's sharp edges.

Feeling that he was a bit sorry for the efforts of his friends by resting like this, Gengar stood up unsteadily on his knees.



Gengar's nose twitched slightly, as if he smelled something, and he quickly walked towards the grass nearby.

Where is the depressed look from before?

Gently pulling apart the grass blades, I saw a green onion dangling in front of my eyes.

The little fat man stared at the green onion for a long time with half-squinted eyes, and then sniffed it again. Pictures of green onion mutton, green onion burrito, green onion with meat, and green onion roast duck appeared in his mind.

Geng Gui's eyes suddenly lit up, his mouth suddenly opened wide, and he bit it in one bite.

A brief moment of silence and stillness.

About two or three seconds passed.

The Green Onion Duck, who was digging for something on the ground, looked blankly at one of his wings.


He saw a ferocious-looking Gengar looking at him innocently, chewing his green onions in his mouth.

Duck with green onions: "."

It was slow to react, but before it could recover, it was suddenly startled, and a pain came from its wings. It suddenly opened its eyes wide and screamed.


Jing He: "."

He looked at the sneer Gengar, put his hands on his hips, and was speechless for a moment.

You are a ghost-type Pokémon, and you are targeting a normal-type Pokémon.

"dinner time."

At this time, the old woman from the breeding house came over pushing a cart. In addition to the food for the Pokémon, there was also food for Jing He and Li Jia.

Before, my mother-in-law was away, so she was preparing meals for everyone.

"Thank you, mother-in-law." Jing He said.

The mother-in-law smiled and waved after hearing this.

If we don't serve lunch, I'm afraid the duck with green onions will really be roasted to show off.

After all, mobile ingredients that come with their own ingredients are most tempting during meals.

Duck with green onions: Σ(дlll)

Gengar was still chirping, and seemed to think the green onions tasted good.

This made the three little Ice Vulpix couldn't help but ask.

"叏Ga.( ̄¬ ̄)"

Noticing Jing He's eyes, Geng Gui quickly wiped his saliva and focused his attention on the energy cube brought by his mother-in-law.

His eyes couldn't help but light up.

Not only it, Jing He also discovered something special about the energy cube that his mother-in-law brought up.

He casually picked one up from Gengar's bowl.

"This energy cube."

"I never thought Teacher Jing He knew how to make energy cubes?"

"I understand a little bit, I understand a little bit."

Although the energy cubes that my mother-in-law took out didn't seem to be of very high level, they were mixed with some special formulas.

I think so.

There are so many Pokémon in the breeding house, and if they all use top-notch energy cubes, then only those with a family like Daigo can survive.

However, the special formula mixed with it seems to speed up the Pokémon's physical recovery.

This is actually what Jinghe lacks.

Mainly because he learned how to make energy cubes from Mikri.

Although Mikri's energy cube formula is a top-notch formula, he is a coordinator after all.

It’s not that his formula is flawed, it’s just that in comparison, it is more inclined to the appearance of Pokémon.

On this basis, Jinghe added his own taste understanding and adjustment of energy cubes.

Therefore, Gengar and Vulpix are extremely confident in their appearance, and they also like to eat the energy cubes he makes.

The energy cube that the mother-in-law took out was obviously different from his in terms of its focus.

The two briefly chatted for a few words.

Grandma discovered that Jinghe's attainments in making energy cubes were much higher than she had imagined.

That was not something that could be achieved by copying other people's formulas, but rather by having his own unique understanding.

If Gengar and the others knew the surprise in Grandma's heart, they would definitely sneer at her.

What a joke.

Whose trainer fights with Pokémon for energy cubes every day?

This proficiency and understanding, he ate them one bite at a time!

And the most surprised person was Lijia.

'Is Teacher Jinghe also a top Pokémon breeder? '

He is a very powerful Pokémon psychologist, recognized by Dr. Yamanashi and Dr. Oak.

He is also a trainer with good strength, and has tactical reserves and qualities comparable to a master.

Such a person is actually a top breeder?

Lijia secretly made up her mind.

'It seems that I have to put pressure on the superiors when I go back, and I have to dig Teacher Jinghe back! '

After lunch.

Grandma tapped her cane and said to Jinghe:

"Teacher Jinghe, digest after the meal?"


Jinghe was stunned when he heard it.

Seeing that Grandma's eyes fell on the mini dragon who was about to finish eating, he immediately reacted.


"Desert dragonfly." Grandma shouted with full energy.

There was no sign of the weak look before.


The fierce wind and sand swept in.

A desert dragonfly fluttered its wings and flew over and landed beside Grandma.

"Good boy." Grandma smiled and patted the desert dragonfly's head.


The desert dragonfly rubbed Grandma's palm affectionately.

"Mini dragon."

Seeing this, Jinghe also shouted.

"Yin, Yin?"


He turned his head and saw that the mini dragon's head was embedded in the rice bowl and stuck!

Jinghe: "."

Seeing this, the blacksmith and Geng Gui hurried to help take the bowl down.


Dragon, who was still chewing an energy cube, looked confused.

"Are you full?" Jinghe asked.

Dragon nodded.

"Then let's play with the Desert Dragonfly."

Dragon looked at the Desert Dragonfly after hearing this.



Jinghe walked to it and squatted down, gently patted its smooth head, and said softly:

"It's okay, just a casual fight, no need to decide the winner, we'll end it when it hurts."

Hearing this, Dragon took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

Step forward slowly.


Who knew that he didn't look at the road and fell again accidentally.

Others didn't feel anything when they saw this scene, but Jinghe's heart skipped a beat.

You have accumulated a lot of bad luck!

Dragon VS Desert Dragonfly!

Grandma is just a breeder, and she doesn't mean to command. In fact, strictly speaking, this Desert Dragonfly can't be considered her Pokémon.

However, this did not prevent the Desert Dragonfly from competing with the Mini Dragon.

At the mother-in-law's signal.

The battle began!

The Desert Dragonfly flapped its wings suddenly, rolling up layers of wind and sand.


A hot deep purple flame surged out of its mouth.

Dragon Breath!

It was a strong attack.

Jing He glanced at the Desert Dragonfly illustration that appeared in his sight.

Just looking at the illustration, it was clear that this Desert Dragonfly was well trained.

Jing He waved his hand.

"Mini Dragon, dodge quickly, and then... Water Cannon!"


At first, the Mini Dragon was a little nervous, but when he heard Jing He's calm voice, he immediately reacted.

A burst of bright white light appeared on its body.

Then it dodged to the side at a very fast speed.

The hot dragon breath swept the ground.

With the speed advantage brought by "speed", it was obvious that the Mini Dragon was not hit.

The next second.

As soon as the mini dragon stood still and took a deep breath, the thick water flow gathered into shape, and the surging huge water column "boomed" towards the desert dragonfly.

"Sure enough, you have a good talent, you even mastered the "water cannon", but this move hits... huh?"

The mother-in-law was stunned as soon as she praised.

Because the terrifying water column actually hit the face of the desert dragonfly without bias.

Although the desert dragonfly is not weak to water because of the combination of ground and dragon attributes, but such a big "water cannon" hitting the face, that feeling.


Bang! !

The water suddenly exploded, and the desert dragonfly roared, and when it spread its wings again, a ferocious light purple coat suddenly appeared on its body, like a roaring dragon.

Dragon Dive!


The heroic appearance of the desert dragonfly was reflected in the mini dragon's eyes.

"Don't lose your mind."

Jinghe's words made the mini dragon startle, but at this moment it seemed too late to avoid it.

"Water cannon!"

Bang! !

A head-on confrontation between "Dragon Dive" and "Water Cannon"!

Although the "Water Cannon" of the Mini Dragon was not enough to defeat the Desert Dragonfly, it did successfully slow down its falling speed.

"Get out of the way quickly."

Seizing the opportunity, Jing He quickly commanded again.

This time, the Mini Dragon focused his attention and reacted quickly, running to the other side in a flash.

Boom! !

The Desert Dragonfly fell down with a bang, and the ground shook violently, splashing a large amount of sand and dust.

Since it's like this

Jing He smacked his lips and said:

"Come on. Water cannon!"

Dragonite didn't hesitate, and took another deep breath, exhaling a huge wave--

Bang! !

In the dust, the sound of a desert dragonfly being hit came.

The flying desert dragonfly flapped its wings twice to barely stabilize its body.

When he looked at Dragonite and Jinghe, there was a bit of confusion and disbelief in his eyes.

No way, sir.

So lucky?

So accurate?

"Water cannon" hits the target every time, so how can the special meow play?

Jinghe couldn't help but take a breath.

So this is the experience of the European emperor's "water cannon" hitting three times in a row.

Who wouldn't be confused if he used it?

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