Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 146: Receive Assessment Rewards (Monthly Ticket Request!)

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]: Let me ask you first, where did you capture it?

[Dragon Envoy]: Johto region, Lake of Rage.

Lake of Rage

Then it must be the Gyarados that Jing He remembered.


Jing He remembered that besides Adu, Xiao Yin also had a red Gyarados? And it was also captured in Lake of Rage?

For a moment, he was a little confused by the timeline of this world.

But he seemed to be more or less used to it.

To be honest.

Even if Chi Ye and the silly thing stood in front of him at that time, he might not find it strange.

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]: So, you want me to try to see if I can calm it down?

[Dragon Envoy]: Yes.

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]:?

[Dragon Envoy]:? (Slowpoke question mark face.jpg)

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]: (Geng Gui covers his face.jpg) With your style, wouldn't you have flown over directly?

You are so hesitant, not like the vigorous and decisive Adu at all.

[Dragon Envoy]: Uh, I forgot to mention that this red Gyarados can't be contained in a Poké Ball.

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]: Can't be contained?

In Jing He's impression, it's normal that ordinary red and white balls can't contain some particularly powerful Pokémon, but with Adu's family background, can't he just use a luxury ball?

[Dragon Envoy]: Although it can't break free from the Poké Ball, it will hurt itself in the Poké Ball because of its rage

Jing He suddenly understood.

So it can self-harm.

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]: What you mean is

[Dragon Envoy]: I may need to trouble you to go to Johto.


[Dragon Envoy]: I know you may have some other things to do, so don't worry, I will stay in Johto for a while to investigate the matter of the Angry Lake.

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]: That Gyarados

[Dragon Envoy]: I plan to place it in the "Dragon Cave" and investigate the reason first.

The "Dragon Cave" of the Yulong family.

Then Gyarados will probably experience some "pain relief".


Since Adu has said so, it seems necessary to go to Johto this time.

But the specific time arrangement.

After the school's tutor assessment is over, there will be a tutor mobilization meeting, and some adjustments will be made to the teaching tasks in the second half of the semester.

After it is completely stable, let's see if there is a chance to go to Johto.

In fact, Jinghe has another idea in his mind.

He leaned back in his chair and looked up at the vast night sky and the bright moon.

"Maybe. I should go out for a walk."

The world of Pokémon is so big that he can't stay in Kanaz Pokémon Academy and Hoenn all the time.

There will always be a time when you need to go out and see the world, meet some interesting people or Pokémon, and leave more footprints of yourself and your Pokémon.

The next day, Sunday morning.

Jinghe came to the academy again.

It should have been the last day of the tutor assessment, and it should have been a battle between the strong, but today the school was not as lively as usual.

Because the content of the last round of assessment was drawn yesterday.

6V6 all-member battle mode!

This is quite embarrassing.

Because Jinghe currently only has three Pokémon, it is no secret in the whole school or even on the Internet.

Then he was drawn for the 6V6 all-member mode.

If it was a 6-choose-4 doubles mode, Jinghe might have a chance to fight if he gave up one Pokémon.

But the 6V6 mode, giving up 3 Pokémon, the gap is a bit too big.

It is precisely because of this situation that the director of the Academic Affairs Office drew the final assessment mode in front of all the audience after the assessment yesterday.

The result of the draw disappointed many people.

However, no matter what, the fairness of Kanaz Pokémon Academy has been reflected.

Jinghe naturally didn't say anything about this.

Because after the draw yesterday, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, Minjiang, had already called him.

Minjiang said that although the last assessment could not be compared due to the mode, Jinghe's ability was highly recognized by the school leaders, and it was decided that he would enjoy the same treatment as the first place!

That is to say.

There is no need to compete, both of them enjoy the benefits and rewards of the first place in the assessment.

The only difference is that Jinghe does not have the title of the first place.

Of course, Jinghe pretended to be embarrassed and refused.

Then Minjiang persuaded, Jinghe refused again, Minjiang emphasized again, and finally Jinghe could only accept it "reluctantly".


He came to the school to receive the assessment reward.


The rewards he received were:

Top eight: move learning machine "Venom Shock"

Top four: an evolution stone "Ice Stone (small)"

Top two: prop "Power Headband"

Although there is no learning machine for moves such as "Sword Dance", "Characteristic Exchange" and "Aurora Curtain", "Venom Shock" is also a good move.

[Venom Shock: Poison move, basic power 65, but if the target is in the poisoned or highly poisonous state, the move power doubles! ]

This move can greatly make up for Haunter's shortcomings in poison moves.

As a Pokémon with both ghost and poison attributes, it only has "Poison" and "Mist" as its poison-type moves, which is indeed a bit disappointing.

And the evolution stone did not surprise Jing He.

[Ice Stone (Small): A magical stone that can evolve some specific Pokémon (due to environmental restrictions, it has not been completely formed, so it can be ground into powder for use)]

The stone is as cold as ice crystals, polished to a smooth and shiny state, with a mysterious halo faintly flowing.

As an evolution stone, the Ice Stone can evolve Pokémon such as Ice Sandshrew, Ice Vulpix, and Eevee.

However, this is a small "Ice Stone" and is not enough to evolve Ice Vulpix into Ice Ninetails.

In fact, it is clear if you think about it.

The market price of a high-quality evolution stone generally ranges from 3 million to 5 million, with a large fluctuation range.

And the top four in a college mentor assessment can each get a high-quality evolution stone?

A total reward of over 10 million?

Then the Hoenn League will come to investigate the college the next day.

Even if you have money, you don't have to spend it like this.

The prize money for the champion of a league competition may not exceed 10 million.

However, even if it is a small "Ice Stone", the market price ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands depending on the size, and it is still the kind that is priced but not sold.

For Ice Vulpix, although this small "Ice Stone" cannot help it evolve, the "Ice Stone" containing abundant energy is of great benefit to it.

Anyway, it was originally "free", and it may help the little guy grow better and master its ice-type moves better.

As for the "Power Headband", it is undoubtedly prepared for the Artful Blacksmith.

[Power Headband: A headband with surging power, which can slightly increase the power of the physical attack moves of the Pokémon carried]

The Artful Blacksmith has not yet found a prop that fits it, and I believe it will like it very much.

As for the reward for the first place

"I don't know either." Min Jiang, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, was a little helpless.


Jing He was stunned.

"The so-called 'mysterious prize' was set by the principal, but the principal went to the Padiya region and has not returned yet."

Speaking of which,

Jing He has been in Kanaz Pokémon Academy for such a long time, but he has never met the principal.

Padiya region?

Just don't get involved in those outrageous things in the past and the future.

"But don't worry, Teacher Jing He, the principal is also paying attention to this assessment, and he is full of praise for you. He said that he will prepare well and give you a surprise." Min Jiang smiled.


As long as it is not a shock, it's fine.

Originally, the first prize was "picked up", and Jing He was very open-minded.

"By the way, Teacher Jing He, are you interested in teaching in the battle department or the tactics department?"

In this assessment, Jing He showed excellent strength and outstanding tactical attainments. In his opinion, continuing to be a Pokémon psychology instructor is somewhat a waste of talent.

"Well, forget it, I like Pokémon psychology very much."

Jing He didn't think too much about it and directly refused.

Admittedly, the benefits and salaries of the battle department and tactics department instructors are much better, but there will be a lot more course arrangements, and he will have much less free time.

Forgive me for being unrestrained and free-spirited in my life.


Min Jiang didn't seem surprised by this, and said with a smile:

"Then if there is an opportunity to exchange with other schools in the future, Teacher Jinghe should not refuse."


Going to the Combat Department and the Tactics Department for classes is fake, and the latter sentence is Min Jiang's real purpose, right?

Jinghe, who had already refused once, couldn't refuse a second time, after all, they gave him a lot of convenience.

Min Jiang patted Jinghe's shoulder, "Don't worry, it's all public funds."

Oh, that's okay.

In terms of reimbursement, Jinghe thinks he is still good at it.

"One per person."

Jinghe thinks it's good, no need to fight.

Haunter happily took the "Venom Shock" move learning machine.

It hasn't shown its learning talent for a while.

Holding the move learning machine, it immediately started to learn, and muttered to itself.

"Kou Jie"

Things with highly toxic teeth, claws, or things containing strong toxins, such as poison glands, poison gems, etc.

Haunter's eyes lit up.

Just right!

I have them all.

After learning about the supporting materials for learning "Venom Shock", Haunter searched through the pile of "local specialties" brought back from the Sinnoh region.

Don't say it.

It actually managed to put together a lot of them!


The skilled blacksmith stood in front of the mirror, with a serious face, and pulled hard with both hands, and the "power headband" was put on its head.

It was full of energy, and once it put it on, it felt that its effort value doubled.

I couldn't help but stand upside down and do push-ups.

Ice Vulpix looked at the "Ice Stone" in front of him, looking a little cautious.

"Don't worry, this "Ice Stone" is too small to let you evolve, you can eat it as a snack."

Jing He could see that Ice Vulpix still had some concerns about whether he should evolve.

But it doesn't matter.

When Haunter evolves into a cute little purple-skinned fat boy, its worries should be gone.



Vulpix let out a long sigh and held the "Ice Stone" in his mouth.

His eyes narrowed immediately.

It felt like he was eating candy.


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