"Teacher, congratulations."

Daiwu, Dujuan, and Yasha appeared in the player tunnel.

"A fluke, luck."

Jinghe is like a spring breeze.

After the quarter-finals, every win felt like it was in vain, and my mentality was very stable.

"But speaking of which, teacher, how did you train your skillful blacksmith?" Asha muttered in a low voice.

How was it cultivated?

Jing He thought for a while.

Just feed some energy cubes every day, and practice and learn from some slightly more powerful Pokémon from time to time.

Ensure a stable amount of training every day, and then cultivate it according to its interests.

Maybe it's just that the level of this energy cube is slightly higher.

For example, get the energy cube production manual of the future champion and top coordination master.

And this future champion must be guided by a teacher who has become a top coordination trainer and has almost fully mastered the skill of making energy cubes.

As for Pokémon that you can practice and learn from,

There are only a few Pokémon who will be among the top ten trainers in the Pokémon world.

Oh, by the way, finally add 100 million points of talent.

"Well, read more, read more newspapers, eat less snacks, and sleep more."

Asha: "?"

Daigo and Armored Bird looked at each other.

The armored bird nodded knowingly.


I understand. When I grow up, I will practice like this.

Will you grow up in the future?

Jing He had a strange expression.

Such niche writing.

Daigo smiled, he had his own philosophy of raising Pokémon.

"Teacher, let the skilled blacksmith help the armored bird 'repair' it."

He was quite concerned about this matter.

"Are you sure you really want it?"


"Too polite."


In the empty training ground behind the academy.


The clever blacksmith's voice was filled with unconcealable joy.

"Kou Jie~~"

Along with it, there is Ghost Stone.

Just because, both of them have several silver-white metal leaf-like things tied to their hands, forming the shape of wings, pretending to be big birds.


These blades were cut off from Dai Wu's armored bird by a skilled blacksmith.

The "sowing" look of the armored bird still flashed through Jing He's mind.

That is to say, Dawu is convinced that Qiao Blacksmith's inspection and repair are very effective, otherwise Jing He would really not dare to let Qiao Blacksmith do such "mischief".

Ice Vulpix squatted aside, looking at them with worry.


It will be very painful if it falls and falls.

Jing He, who was sitting under the shade of a tree, closed his book, looked at the sun that was gradually setting in the west, smiled slightly, and suddenly became interested.

shouted: "Vulpix."


The little guy turned his head and cast a doubtful look.

But he saw Jing He approaching quickly with broken steps and a teasing look on his face.

"Oh, oh wow!\(□ l|l)/"

Ice Vulpix subconsciously took a step back.

But he was still hugged by Jing He.

Turn over directly.

Aim at its soft belly and it will be a blast



Ice Vulpix narrowed his eyes.

This feeling is like no one else.

However, a shadow soon fell over them.

Look up.

They saw the enlarged Ghost Stone floating above them with a ferocious smile on his face. The huge ghost face stuck out a scarlet tongue and grinned ferociously.

"Kou Jie! Ψ(`▽)Ψ"

Jing He's expression changed.

"Ghost Stone, if you have anything to say, it's good to do business."

A huge shadow fell instantly!

not far away.

The skillful blacksmith who carefully put down the metal piece saw this scene and grinned.

Squat down.

He assumed the starting position of a runner.

Put your feet forward and back, put your hands on the ground, lower your head, and raise your buttocks.

When Jing He finally broke free from the shadow of the ghost stone, his pupils suddenly shrank and his heart skipped a beat when he saw this scene.

He shouted hurriedly:

"Stop! Qiao Blacksmith, don't be impulsive! Don't be impulsive! We..."


I'm coming!

Qiao Blacksmith's feet suddenly stared.

"Ghost Stone, go and invite Miss Joy! Ah——!!"

The next second.


He rushed directly into Jing He's arms.

The sun sets.

It started to rain lightly in the sky.

Jing He kept rubbing his chest. At that moment, he felt as if he had been hit by a truck.


Bingliuwei picked a leaf from somewhere and placed it on Jing He's head, pretending to be an umbrella.

As they walked home, the rain magically stopped.

Jing He walked into the kitchen, washed some wild apples, cut them into pieces and put them on a plate.

"Eat some fruit and think about what you want to eat for dinner today."

The reimbursed tree fruits are indeed a bit too much. If some are not digested in time, they may go bad.

"Kou Jie!"

BBQ, open air!

Ghoststone was the first to poke his head out of the ceiling.

The open-air barbecue in Shenhe Town the day before yesterday was still fresh in his memory. The land shark bit him so hard that he robbed him of a lot of barbecue.

It was going to take a photo and send it to Sirona during the barbecue, and then let Sirona show it to the biting land shark to make it angry!

Guisheng couldn't help but smile evilly when he thought of this.

Jing He stuffed a piece of Pingye fruit into his mouth, rubbed his chin and nodded thoughtfully.

It is indeed an option.


"Haunter, if you want to eat, just tell me. Can I not give it to you?"

He turned his head to look at his side.

I saw that Haunter appeared beside it at some point, and the figure of the upside-down "Haunter" on the ceiling gradually faded.

Is it addicted to the "clone technique"?

Haunter grinned at Jinghe.

It stretched out its tongue and rolled it.

It rolled half a basin of wild apples into its mouth, making a "crunching" chewing sound.

"Where is Vulpix?"

Jinghe looked at Ice Vulpix.

Ice Vulpix was curled up, and its six fluffy tails wrapped it up completely. At first glance, it looked like a snow mermaid floating in the air.

A faint superpower glow lingered around it.

Jinghe's eyes twitched slightly.

To be honest, every time he saw Ice Vulpix meditating, he had the urge to hug it and rub it hard.

In the entire Pokémon world, the only one who meditates like this is probably Ice Vulpix.

"Okay, Artificer, do you have any suggestions?"

Helplessly, Jing He could only look at Artificer beside him.

The little guy was standing upside down, doing push-ups, with some energy cubes on the plate under him.

Every time he lowered his body, he could eat an energy cube.


He was having a lot of fun.

Originally, he was doing push-ups with two hands, but soon it became one hand, and finally one finger.

More importantly.

It still had its hammer on its two feet.

There was no time to answer Jing He's questions.

Jing He couldn't help but hold his forehead.

I don't know how to describe it.

'You work so hard, but I, as a trainer, feel very unfulfilled. '

However, for Artificer and the others, they are not training, but doing what they like to do.

Just like Ice Vulpix likes to build snowmen, Blacksmith likes to smash things, and Haunter likes to lick him, it is a hobby.

In this regard.

Jinghe can only comfort himself with "It is worthy of my 'interest training method'".

"Okay, since there are no other suggestions, we are still very democratic. Let's eat dinner tonight"

"Koujie!" Haunter shouted excitedly.

Barbecue! Barbecue!

"Just eat glutinous rice balls!"


Haunter's voice rose three degrees.

Where is the promised democracy?

On the rooftop at nightfall.

The cool night breeze blew.

In a small bonfire, the flames flickered gently with the night breeze.

From the traces of the burning materials in the flames, it can be seen that it is the remains of the sofa that was smashed by the little blacksmith.

In the night sky.

Mukle got out of the clouds, and a few pigeons flapped their wings and slowly flew through the silent night sky, making a few "Gu-Gu-" sounds.

Haunter held a bamboo stick in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, his face was greasy, and he took a selfie with a grin.

Then he sent the photo to Sirona with a smirk.

In response, Sirona took a video of Garchomp roaring.


The successful Haunter rolled in the air.

But soon, his laughter stopped.

[Eevee eating cabbage]: Where is Jinghe?

Haunter looked serious and secretly glanced at Jinghe. After confirming that Jinghe was just grilling, he took another photo and sent it to Sirona.

[Eevee eating cabbage]: I'll treat you to a big meal next time (Geng Gui's affirmation.jpg)


Haunter showed a "heartbroken" expression.

For our family, I am also worried about it.

"Haunter, it's done."

Jinghe suddenly said.

Haunter suddenly shuddered, quickly put the phone in his mouth, and floated over with a smirk.

Seeing its appearance, Jing He showed some suspicion.

Slowly narrowed his eyes.

The intuition of the Pokémon psychologist told him that Haunter had a secret.

"Kou, Kou Jie"

Why are you staring at me like this?

Haunter was sweating.

Just as Jing He tried to ask something, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Seeing that his attention was attracted by the cell phone, Haunter sighed and wiped his forehead.

It was a close call

Being a "double agent" under the nose of a Pokémon psychologist is too risky.


You have to pay more!

[Dragon Messenger]: Jing He, I may have to trouble you again for something.


Seeing the person who sent the message, Jing He was slightly startled.

Then he flipped his cell phone up and down again.

Why does the phone seem to be fine?

Without thinking too much, he replied.

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]: What's the matter?

Then Adu sent a video.

[Red Gyarados.avi]


In the video, a ferocious red Gyarados collapsed in a huge ice nest that bloomed like a flower.

It can be seen that the ice crystals should be the raging lake water that has been frozen, and Gyarados has obviously lost its combat ability.

Red Gyarados?

Is it the one that Adu has captured now?

What is Team Rocket doing again?

[Dragon Messenger]: Its emotions and state are very unstable. I have captured it, but as soon as it leaves the Poké Ball, it will start to destroy crazily, and even communication is impossible.


PS: There was a big mistake. I mixed up Thundermon and Raidenmon in the previous chapter, but the changes have been made. (Bow!)

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