Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 71: Electricity (monthly ticket requested!)

"Excuse me, why is there a power outage in Electric City?"

Jing He couldn't help but ask.


The saleswoman waved her hand casually, as if she had long been used to it.

"This matter has actually been going on for a long time. The power is cut off every once in a while, so everyone has no choice but to bring electric Pokémon to Electric City."

"Then Miss Junsha and the others"

"Miss Junsha is also investigating, but it can't be found out in a day or two."

boom! !

The words were not finished.

There was a sudden roar outside, which seemed to be accompanied by the faint light of fire.

The sudden movement startled the saleswoman, and even the electric dragon that was generating electricity was also frightened.

"Kou Jie!"

Ghost Stone floated in front of Jing He, and the Ice Vulpix in his arms also trembled and grabbed his clothes.

"Does this happen every once in a while?" Jing He asked, pointing to the fire.

The saleswoman swallowed her saliva, lost her previous calmness, and stumbled:

"That, that's not true. This is the first time."

boom! !

Suddenly there was another explosion.

The entire Electric City building shook faintly, and the ground trembled slightly.

At this time, the merchants and customers in the Electrical Appliance City all reacted.

He scrambled to run outside.

The saleswoman and the electric dragon, including Jing He, also ran out with the crowd.

Fortunately, the explosion occurred outside the Electric City and did not cause much damage to the Electric City. It only caused panic.

When Jing He ran out of the Electric City with Ghost Stone and Ice Vulpix, he found that Miss Junsha and the staff from the Kanaz Police Station had arrived and were evacuating the crowd, managing traffic, and using fences to contain the explosion. The area is isolated.

"It's fine."

Jing He gently stroked Bing Liuwei's back and comforted it.


Ice Vulpix was now much bolder than before and let out a low whimper.

"Teacher Jinghe?"

Miss Junsha discovered Jing He's presence in the crowd, and her eyes lit up slightly.

"Miss Junsha."

There was no other way, Jing He could only step forward and say hello after being called.

But he was also a little curious about what was going on, so he asked.

Miss Junsha looked serious.

"We don't know the specific situation yet, but we speculate that it is most likely related to the frequent power outages in the Electrical Appliance City in recent times."

"We originally invited an expert today to figure out the cause of the power outage in Electrical City, but we didn't expect that there was an explosion."

Jing He suddenly realized.

No wonder Miss Junsha and the others came so quickly.

Let’s just say that although it’s not far away, it’s not like we arrived right after the explosion.

"Expert? The owner of the Tiexuan Hall in Zijin City?"

If we talk about electrical appliances and current, there should be no one in the entire Fengyuan region who is more professional than Tie Xuan.

"It was an explosion caused by the electric current hedging."

At this time, a voice came.

Then I saw a young man with short blond hair, wearing a blue jacket, and a Pikachu lying on his shoulders. He looked a little listless walking over.

Namikaze Minato? !

No, Denci?

The Gym Leader of Binhai City in the Sinnoh region, Dentsu!

Jing He really didn't expect to meet Denci in Kanaz City in the Hoenn region.

"Kou Jie!!"

Ghost Stone's eyes lit up when he saw Pikachu on Denji's shoulder.

Pickup Super! Hehe, it's a living Pikachu.

Noticing the look in Ghost Stone's eyes, Denji's Pikachu tensed up, and there was faint electric current pulsing on the electric sacs on both sides of his cheeks.


What do you want to do?

Jing He quickly pulled Ghost Stone behind him.

At this time, he really felt that it was necessary for Ghost Stone to stop following those "idol" dramas.

The cost of chasing "stars" is high.

Doesn’t Vulpix smell delicious?

Fortunately, Miss Junsha introduced the two of them.

"Well, let me introduce Mr. Denci. This is Jing He, a Pokémon psychologist."

Denci couldn't help but glance at Jing He.

He seemed to have vaguely heard of this name.

"This is Mr. Denji, the gym leader of Binhai City in the Sinnoh region."

Originally, Miss Junsha and the others really wanted to find Tie Xuan in Zijin City, but they failed to contact Tie Xuan. Instead, they contacted Denci who appeared in Zijin City. After hearing about the situation, Denci was invited. Came over to help.

Jing He then remembered that Tie Xuan seemed to be busy transforming New Zijin into a modern city?

As for Tie Xuan's transformation of New Violet, some aspects were discussed with Denji.

After all, Denji, known as the "Thunder of the Seaside", should also be in the process of fully electrifying the seaside city.

The two of them learned from each other and learned from each other.

After a brief introduction, Miss Junsha asked:

"Mr. Denji, did you just say that the explosion was caused by electric current hedging?"


Denji looked a little listless.

But when it comes to electrical and mechanical aspects, I cheer up again.

"I took a quick look just now. It should have been the electrical box in this area that exploded. There were obvious traces of current hedging inside."

As he spoke, he frowned.

"The electrical lines in Karnaz City are not old, and the lines that have been laid out for a long time will not suddenly have problems at this time. Moreover, the electric current caused by the hedging is more like the electric current caused by electric Pokémon."

"Electric Pokémon?" Miss Junsha was a little surprised.

Denji nodded.

Then he talked about some professional content about using electric Pokémon to generate electricity and conduct electricity. Not only Miss Junsha but also Jing He didn't understand much about this.

In short, the summary is that it is impossible for ordinary Pokémon to release such a large amount of electricity all at once.

After all, there are so many electric-type Pokémon in the Pokémon world. If just one of them could destroy the city's circuits, everything would be in chaos.

Therefore, circuits and electrical boxes in the city have been specially treated and will not be easily damaged.


An electric shock monster that can provide electricity for a city's buildings for a year is not considered.

Moreover, the evolution of Electric Beast into Electric Monster requires the item "Power Amplifier" plus "Communication Evolution".

It seems that no wild electric monster has appeared so far.

"What if the electric Pokémon absorbed electricity for several days or even longer?" Jing He asked aloud.

Denji looked thoughtful.

"If that's the case, it's possible, but it's rare to see Pokémon with such a large power reserve."

Jing He and Miss Junsha looked at each other.

The two guesses are actually the same.

A violent electric Pokémon!

But it's not entirely certain.

After all, if it was a violent Pokémon, it would probably be causing a scene by now.

"Restore the power here first." Jing He suggested, and Miss Junsha agreed.

But a thought came to my mind subconsciously——

'It would be great if Xiaozhi was here, Gaolu could also be a resistor.'

"need some time."

Denji took down the equipment he brought from Miss Gunsa's police car, and took Pikachu to the electrical box where the explosion gradually subsided.

Jing He looked at Denci's back and rubbed his chin gently.

Are you tired of fighting now, Denji?

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