Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 70: Tricks and Invitation (Monthly Ticket Request!)


"Kou Jie——"

Ghost Stone floated to the window immediately, made trumpet-shaped hands with his hands, and shouted to the courier downstairs, almost startling the courier.

Then Bibi bird untied the package in fear.

Jing He smiled when he saw the sender's name.


Thinking back to the beginning, it was Kuailong that King Genji sent packages to, but this time it was Bibi Bird who helped Adu deliver the packages. Although this Bibi Bird belonged to the courier, I always felt that it was foreshadowing something invisibly.

"Kou Jie~~"

Before the package was opened, Ghoststone curiously put his head in first.

Jing He: "."

After opening.

What I found was a move learning machine and an invitation letter.

Jing He remembered that when the video of his battle with A'Du was posted on the Internet and caused quite a stir, A'Du seemed to have said that he wanted to compensate for it with a prop or a move learning machine.


When he saw the moves recorded in the move learning machine, Jing He's eyes lit up.

[Trick: Can greatly increase the user's special attack]

"The price of this move is not cheap at all. Did Adu spend a lot of money, or was it a gift from King Juzi?"

"Trick" is similar to "Sword Dance", except that one of the two moves increases special attack and the other increases physical attack. This type of move that greatly improves abilities is often more expensive than most high-power moves.

Of course, it’s also harder to learn.

"But Ghoststone can learn 'tricks', and so can Vulpix."

This is where Jing He feels most satisfied.

Ghoststone is a Pokémon that is good at special attacks, and Vulpix is ​​relatively stronger in special attacks than in physical attacks.

One move learning machine can be used as two.

Make money with blood!

"Ghost Stone, I leave this difficult task to you."

With a serious look on his face, Jing He handed the move learning machine to Ghost Stone and told him to watch it with Little Six-Tail and try to learn it together with Little Six-Tail.

"Kou, Kou Jie?"

"Aren't you extremely talented? Such a move can't be difficult for you, right?" Jing He looked suspicious.

Ghost Stone's face tightened.

He quickly patted his chest and promised.

"Kou Jie!╭(●`●)╯"

That's it? Look!

After taking the move learning machine, Ghost Stone turned around and collapsed, sighing.

It’s too difficult to maintain this ghost setting. How can you pretend to be a genius when you have nothing to do?


When he saw Vulpix tilting his head and looking at him with a cute look on his face, Ghost Stone's spirits suddenly perked up.

He dropped down next to Vulpix and took a deep breath.

Well, it’s exciting!

Jing He smiled calmly.

This is not him PUA Ghost Stone, Ghost Stone PUA himself first, he is just following the trend.

Turn your head and focus on the invitation.

Take it apart and take a look.


It turned out to be a ticket.

"VIP viewing seats for youth exhibition matches?"

Jing He couldn't help but be speechless.

"Fortunately, it's not an invitation to participate in the competition."

In the Pokémon world, because of the existence of Pokémon battles, there are many events, and most of them are very popular.

From the top-level All-League Masters to the low-level Baby Cup in a small town, they all have their own audiences.

The competition can be roughly divided into three forms: exhibition competition, standard competition, and undifferentiated competition.

Among them, the undifferentiated competition type is gradually withdrawing from the stage of the Pokémon world with the development of the times.

Standard Versus is pretty much the mainstream right now.

For example, the World Championship, Master Points Competition, World Hall Main Competition, Attribute Expert Competition, etc., almost all fall into this category.

As for the exhibition match, it's just as the name suggests.

The competition team invites some well-known players to participate in the competition. It doesn't matter whether they win or lose, as long as they play brilliantly and look good, it will not affect points or rankings.

"When will A'Du play exhibition games again?"

However, when Jing He saw the sponsor

"Good guys, Silver, Devin, Poké Table, Battle Company. I'm afraid the appearance fee will be exaggerated."

Generally speaking, some large companies sponsor exhibition games mainly to advertise their new products.

But suddenly so many big companies co-sponsored

No need to think.

This must be the alliance's "reorganization".

"The venue is Liuli City, Fengyuan Region?"

Jing He gently rubbed his chin, and several guesses emerged in his mind.

First, the alliance is preparing to officially put the gorgeous competition on the stage.

Secondly, for some reason, a plan subconsciously flashed through his mind - the Rayquaza Capture Plan!

"Forget it, it doesn't have much to do with me."

Jing He put the invitation on the cabinet.

Whether he wants to go then depends on whether he has time.

After packing his things, Jing He called Ghost Stone and Bing Liuwei out the door.

Taking a taxi, we arrived at the largest electrical appliance mall in Kanaz City.

This is a huge mall that covers almost all the electrical equipment that can be purchased in the entire Pokémon world, such as mobile phones, navigators, Pokémon watches, fruit mixers, etc.

After entering the Electric City, you can see that in addition to the dazzling array of products, there are also electric Pokémon everywhere.

There were positively charged and negatively charged Papa chasing each other in a hamster-like cage, electric shock monsters with wires tied to their heads and arms waving constantly, and even electric dragons holding a bucket of popcorn and obsessed with TV series.


Pichao, it's Pichao!

Haunter saw the cute Pichu that flashed by and shouted excitedly.


When Vulpix looked in the direction pointed by Haunter, he couldn't find the figure of the golden little guy.

Jinghe took them to a specialty store of "fruit mixers".

Although he had done some research long ago, when he really walked into the specialty store and saw the prices of those large and small "fruit mixers", he couldn't help but grin.

Tens of thousands of dollars at a time.

"Hello, sir, how can I help you?"

At this time, a female salesperson came up with a smile.

"I want to ask, is there a second-hand "fruit mixer"?" Jinghe asked.

"Of course."

The saleswoman was very competent and did not show any bad expression because Jinghe asked about the second-hand "fruit mixer".

In other words, there are many people like Jinghe who come to buy second-hand "fruit mixers".

"Please follow me."

The salesperson took Jinghe to a room in the back that was like a warehouse, full of shelves, and there were also various "fruit mixers" on display, but some of them were older at a glance, and of course some were newer, and the prices were also different.

"Excuse me, sir, are you a trainer?"

"Uh, I guess so."

"Then you can take a look at this."

As he said, the salesperson took a flyer from the shelf next to him.

"Kou Jie——"

Haunter took it and handed it to Jinghe, and he also leaned over his head.

"The 'Electric Monster Cup' trainer competition sponsored by Electric City? The prize for the competition is."



The lights in the specialty store flickered and went out instantly.

"Kou Jie?"

Power outage?

The salesperson didn't seem surprised by this, and just shouted to the outside:

"Electric Dragon, sorry to bother you."


A soft hum, accompanied by a red light like a light bulb, the lights in the store quickly returned to normal with the arc flashing.

At the same time, Jing He also noticed that some other stores also seemed to have quickly restored power supply with the help of their own electric Pokémon.

So the electric Pokémon raised by each family is to deal with power outages?

But the question is.

How could there be a power outage in the Electric City, an important commercial area in Kanaz City?

It seems that comments have been restored, right?

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