Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 69: Ice Vulpix's

Mia, a kissing Pokémon, has the attributes of ice and psychic.

It looks like a little girl, with golden hair, pink skin, big eyes and iconic thick lips.

Pokémon like Mia have a strong curiosity, and its lip nerves are very developed. When encountering something it doesn't understand, it will first use its lips to touch and understand it.

At the same time, it can also use its lips to remember things it likes and dislikes.

In order to keep its lips moist, wild Mia will apply tree sap to its lips every once in a while.

In fact, Mia is a Pokémon that will get up and check its lips first even if it falls, so it is not strange to look in the mirror.

But if you don't look in the mirror, you will "die", which is not self-confidence, but narcissism.

This cannot be completely regarded as a psychological problem.

It is a bit similar to the Uglius in "Eevee eating cabbage", except that Uglius is overly inferior, while this "forever 18 years old" Mia is overly narcissistic.

After a little thought, Jinghe gave his own advice.

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]: My suggestion is to use external interference and divert the target, supplemented by a certain amount of "hypnosis" guidance.

[Forever Eighteen]: What are the specific methods?

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]: For example, hide all the mirrors, or... snatch the mirror away when it looks in the mirror, and then give it some food similar to energy cubes to divert the target.

[Forever Eighteen]: Wait a minute.

Jing He didn't have to wait for long, and soon the other party sent a video.

In the video, the mirror was suddenly taken away by a white hand while the Pokémon was looking in the mirror, and the next second the Pokémon burst into tears.

Until the tears accumulated into a small puddle on the ground, it used the puddle as a mirror to look at it.

As for the energy cube handed over, it didn't even look at it.

Jing He: "."

He took back his previous judgment.

This is indeed a psychological problem!

[Forever Eighteen]: This is the situation.

Jing He felt a little headache.

If Pokémon is inferior, it is actually easier to deal with, as long as you continue to increase its confidence.

But if it is overconfidence that leads to narcissism, you really can't just use "drastic measures" all at once.

If you are not careful, it may backfire, and it will be very troublesome to go from extremely confident to extremely inferior all of a sudden.

Otherwise, you can just show the baby what you look like after evolution.

Then there is only one way.

Jing He sighed.

He looked at Vulpix, who was watching the drama with Haunter with great interest.

'But you probably won't meet it either. '

That's the thought.

He sent the photo of Vulpix in an ice cream cup during the previous garden festival.

[Forever 18]: So cute!

"The other party has withdrawn the message."

Jing He's mouth twitched slightly, pretending not to see it.

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]: Show it, and then tell me the reaction.

Soon a photo was sent.

The baby holding the tablet was stunned.

This made Jing He slightly relieved.

Fortunately, Vulpix's appearance is very good.

[Forever 18]: It became... a little overwhelmed.

[Grapes in the Scenery]: Are you a trainer?

[Forever 18]: Yes.

[Grapes in the Scenery]: Then tell it that Vulpix is ​​working hard in training, and Pokémon in training are the cutest.

[Forever 18]: I'll try.


Another photo was sent, where the lipped baby was training with two small dumbbells with a serious look on his face.

It seems that it has had some effect.

[Grapes in the Scenery]: This is just the first step. You have to pay close attention to the status of the lipped baby in the future. Remember to praise it for being powerful, hardworking, and that the Pokémon who works hard is the most beautiful, etc. If you have any questions, you can come to me again.

Confidence is a good thing, but if you are overly obsessed with your appearance, after the lipped baby evolves.

That confidence is very likely to take a sharp turn.

Of course, it is also possible that after the evolution, it will still be confident in its appearance, but it will be more blind.

So it is necessary to avoid such risks in advance.

And it may be more appropriate for a trainer to transfer the lipped baby from confidence and obsession with appearance to ability and strength.

This is why Jing He asked if the other party was a trainer.

If the other party simply treated the lipped baby as a pet, then the direction of this transfer would not be appropriate.

[Forever 18 years old]: Thank you (exhale.jpg)

[Jing Zhong Zhi He]: It should be.

After sending this sentence, Jing He browsed and replied to some other questions one by one.

Then he put the incubator back to its original position, took a simple shower, and hugged Ice Vulpix to go to bed.

Speaking of which, the number of "sleep aids" has decreased a lot in the past few days.

But how can a person suffer from insomnia every day?

‘Forget it, it’s not the case that you can eat soft rice every day’

Kanto Silver Academy.

“Hehe, the little lipped baby is actually exercising. Will the sun rise from the west tomorrow?”

Lihua pushed the door open and saw the lipped baby who was "huffing and puffing" with a small dumbbell with a serious face, and looked surprised.

Kona pushed his glasses and told Jing He about what he had just consulted online.

“Oh? It seems that our senior Jing He is really good.”

The two of them felt a little familiar with Jing He before, but later they learned that Jing He was also a student of Baiyin College. Although he was not in the same department, he could indeed be regarded as their senior.

"Lihua, how should I thank him?" Kona asked.

And Lihua understands that this "thank you" is not just a matter of Mi Chun Wa, but also some inspiration for Kona from the "Destroying Song" strategy.

"Give me money."

Lihua shrugged.

"I heard that our senior Jing He has been doing work-study studies before."

Kona frowned.

It's not that she thinks giving money is tacky.

But for a person who works so hard, will giving him money hurt his self-esteem?

"You just think too much."

Lihua shook her head angrily.

"Then give me your training experience. Doesn't he have an Ice Vulpix? You are so good at ice-type, so I take your experience in training ice-type Pokémon as a thank you gift."

"Do you think a trainer who is so proficient in commanding Lapras to use the 'Destroying Song' tactic would need someone else's experience in training ice Pokémon?" Kona asked rhetorically.

"That's right." Turning his pear-shaped glasses, he joked: "Don't A'Du know him too? You can ask A'Du."

Click! !

A crack appeared on the tablet in Kona's hand.

After the school festival, there will be a few days off.

Early in the morning, poverty drove Jing He to open his eyes early.

As soon as I woke up, I saw Ghost Stone on the ceiling, rubbing his groggy eyes with a disappointed look on his face.

Another day of failing to lick Jing He awake.


Ice Vulpix turned over, spread its front and rear legs, and stretched out.

Today he was going to visit the Electrical Appliance City to see if he could buy a second-hand "tree fruit mixer". For this purpose, he had already prepared a strategy.

But not long after I got up, I heard a sound coming from downstairs.

"Hello, please sign for your express delivery!"

By the window, a Bibi bird was preening its feathers while holding a package.


Jing He was startled.

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