Spiritual Qi Recovery: I Have A Universal Synthesis Table

Chapter 23 He Is Good Everywhere, But He Is More Vengeful

The head teacher encouraged Jiang Yan a few words, and then called other people to take the test.

When Jiang Yan came out from the crowd, Zhao Siran immediately wanted to go up to him, but was cut in by another figure.

"Jiang Yan, are you interested in secret realms?" Su Mengran came to Jiang Yan and asked.

"Huh?" Jiang Yan glanced at Su Mengran suspiciously, "You mean Secret Realm No. 37?"

"That's right." Su Mengran nodded, "Secret Realm No. 37 is rich in various medicinal materials. I heard that a batch of new materials were released in the Heavens World last month. Now I need a reliable teammate."

"Are you sure you want to find me?" Jiang Yan was stunned.

Su Mengran just bought the quota for the secret realm from him, and now he wants to invite him to the secret realm together. Doesn't this make him prostitute for nothing?

There is such a good thing in the world!

Seemingly seeing through Jiang Yan's thoughts, Su Mengran explained: "Of course there are requirements. The things at the end of the secret realm must belong to me. We share equally the things on the way."

"Forget it, I'm not very interested in this kind of secret realm." Just as Jiang Yan refused, Su Mengran continued: "After the matter is completed, I will give you another martial skill."

"Deal!" Jiang Yan changed his words without saying a word.

He lacks a book of suitable martial arts right now. With martial arts, his strength will at least be doubled.

The key is that it is difficult to buy this stuff with money.

Even if you enter university, you only have one chance to choose martial arts.

So as long as you are capable, you want to try your best to be admitted to a key university.

Because in a good university, the collection of martial arts and spiritual skills alone is much richer than that of ordinary schools.

What's more, Jiang Yan has a universal synthesis table, he won't have too many such things.

No matter how ordinary a martial skill is, it can become a high-end one in his hands.

"But I also have a premise. Before the college entrance examination, you must become a warrior." The reason why Su Mengran approached Jiang Yan was because Jiang Yan knew some of her secrets.

After entering the secret realm, she doesn't need to consider such issues as hiding her strength when encountering special circumstances.

In addition, Jiang Yan got two items in the black secret treasure box, and the hole cards in his hand will definitely not be missing, but good equipment also needs to have matching strength.

Now that Jiang Yan has a spirit stone in his hand, it is not difficult to spend money to smash himself into the realm of a warrior before the college entrance examination.

She didn't want to bring a half-baked person in, but dragged herself down instead.

"Yes." Jiang Yan agreed.

No need for Su Mengran to say, he also has this plan.

He still pays more attention to the results of the college entrance examination.

"Then it's settled." Su Mengran turned on the phone and confirmed the information, "The opening time of the secret realm is on August 20th, and the location is in Shanghai. I will contact you in advance when the time comes."

"Okay." Jiang Yan nodded.

At this moment, a few top students from Class 1 suddenly walked over here.

"Su Mengran, you seem to have two places for Secret Realm No. 37 in your hand, do you want to join our team? We just need two people here!" The leading boy directly ignored Jiang Yan, looked at Su Mengran and said.

In the secret realm, a team of five people is allowed to act.

In such a big environment, it is actually very disadvantageous for a single person, or if the number is not enough.

Therefore, the vast majority of people will choose to join the team before entering the secret realm.

"I have formed a team with Jiang Yan." Su Mengran said lightly.

"Jiang Yan?" Yang Hongchen frowned, and asked sideways, "Who is Jiang Yan?"

"Isn't it the handsome guy next to her?" The girl next to Yang Hongchen said: "The gossip protagonist who made a lot of noise a while ago, I heard that the one-handed strength was only more than 200 kilograms a few months ago, and the one-handed strength just now was more than 3,000 kilograms. Yes, it's pretty awesome!"

"More than three thousand kilograms?" Yang Hongchen sneered, looked at Su Mengran again and said, "You chose someone who is not even a warrior as a teammate, so you really look down on the level of competition in the secret realm!"

For the third and sixth classes of high school, it is already a rare thing for a student who weighs more than 3,000 kilograms with one hand.

But in class one, more than one-third of the students can almost reach this level.

He never took these mediocre people seriously.

"I don't need you to teach me yet." Su Mengran's tone became cold.

"How about this, I can let the two of you join my team, but I have to distribute the things obtained in the secret realm." Yang Hongchen values ​​​​Su Mengran's strength very much. Although the spiritual master's development is slow in the early stage, Su Mengran may break through at any time A first-level spiritual master will become a great help in the team at that time.

It is no exaggeration to say that a powerful spiritual master can even fight ten against one!

Therefore, when the quota for the secret realm came down, he had already reserved a place for Su Mengran.

In order to win over a powerful teammate, he can also choose to make a concession.

"Did I say that I want to form a team with you?" Su Mengran frowned slightly.

This person has been talking here for a long time, she never promised to form a team, right?

Yang Hongchen's face froze for a moment.

After a while, he took a deep breath and said, "Are you sure you want to reject me?"

"I never planned to find other teammates, so why refuse." Su Mengran said calmly.

"Okay." Yang Hongchen chuckled, "Then I want to see how far you can go in the secret realm with this trash, and you will regret your decision today!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Hongchen stared fiercely at him, and then led the people away.

Jiang Yan was scolded for no reason, lying on the gun for no reason, and was also a little speechless.

You really don't have a temper, don't you?

If he meets him in the secret realm at that time, he will definitely teach this brat how to be a human being.

He is good everywhere, but he is more vengeful!


After school, Xu Li organized everyone to have a simple dinner at the school gate.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening when Jiang Yan arrived at Lingwu Hall after the work.

He directly found a shopping guide and handed him the shopping list he had made in advance.

About ten minutes later, the shopping guide packed all the things from the warehouse and brought them in front of Jiang Yan, "Sir, here are the two bottles of Topaz Pill, one bottle of Qi and Blood Pill, and four pairs of Lingfeng Boots that you need. It's one hundred and ten thousand."

Huang Yudan is 1,000 for one piece, and 20,000 for two bottles.

Qixue Pill is more expensive than Huang Yu Pill and Qing Yu Pill, 5000 for a piece and 50000 for a bottle.

Spirit Wind Boots are shoes made of a wind-type monster skin, priced at 10,000.

After wearing it, there will be an illusion of walking against the wind, making the whole body a little lighter.

But only a little.

Those with low strength have little effect, and those with high strength don't like such low-level equipment.

But this tasteless thing is just right for Jiang Yan's appetite!

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