"You can settle with Lingshi Lingzhu!" Jiang Yan looked at the shopping guide and asked.

"Of course." The shopping guide smiled.

The ratio of low-grade Lingshi to Lingzhu is 1:10, and the ratio of Lingzhu to Dragon Coin is 1:10000, but few people are willing to exchange Lingzhu Lingshi for Dragon Coin cash.

After all, on earth, the common currency is still the cash of various countries.

Lingzhu and Lingshi are scarce resources.

Lingwu Hall is naturally happy to be able to pay with Lingzhu.

"Then let's pay for the Lingzhu!" Jiang Yan originally planned to buy something with a budget of 80,000 yuan, but after the field test reward, there will be an extra 20 Lingzhu, so he doesn't need to save money.

Keep some cash on him, and he plans to change his place of residence later.

Although he shouldn't be able to stay in Spring City for too long, there's absolutely no need to feel bad about being squeezed into that small rental house. Even if he lives in a convenient hotel, it's more comfortable than living in a wooden house.


After using up eleven spirit beads, Jiang Yan exchanged a bunch of things and returned to the rental house.

After washing briefly, he took out the Green Jade Pill and Qixue Pill.

Before synthesizing, he must have a look at the original effect of the elixir.

These two elixirs actually enhance physical fitness, but the qi and blood elixirs are more effective.

Where the gap is, the seller of the elixir didn't make it clear.

This depends on the identification function of the synthesis platform.

Jiang Yan added the two kinds of elixir to the synthesis table, and checked the attribute introductions respectively.

[Yipin Qingyu Pill: Consolidate the foundation and nourish the vitality, enhance the physique, and need to be taken for a long time to see the effect. 】

[Yipin Qixue Pill: It can improve physical fitness in a short period of time, the effect is remarkable, but it will cause certain damage to the body, so it cannot be taken continuously. 】

After reading the introduction, Jiang Yan probably has a good idea.

Qingyu Dan is similar to Huang Yudan, both of which are slow-acting pills that need to be taken for a long time.

One is external and the other is internal.

The advantage is that there are no side effects and the price is cheap.

Huang Yu Dan costs 1000 pieces and Qing Yu Dan costs 2000 pieces.

Qi and blood pills cost 5000 pieces!

Although the effect is remarkable in the short term, it will cause some damage to the body.

This kind should be used temporarily in case of exams or when looking for a job.

If there are no side effects, it is a good medicine.

After taking out the elixir, Jiang Yan identified the spirit wind boots with a synthesis platform.

[Spiritual wind boots: Made of spiritual wind snake skin, it has a lightening effect, and the effect is better when worn by wind healers, and it takes a long time for ordinary warriors to adapt. 】

Functional equipment like this has no grade, and the quality of the item is all on the bright side.

Jiang Yan is not a wind master, and he doesn't have so much time to adapt.

When I bought the Spirit Wind Boots, it was entirely to see if I could synthesize better attributes.

"Then let's synthesize Spirit Wind Boots first!"

Jiang Yan added another pair of spirit wind boots, and the system immediately prompted.

[Synthetic spirit wind boots? 】


[Spiritual wind boots have been synthesized, congratulations on getting the blast boots! 】

[Storm Boots: Made of unknown material, wearing them can increase movement speed by 20%. 】

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Yan's eyes lit up.

He just felt that the lightweight function of the spirit wind boots had something in common with the acceleration boots in the game.

Unexpectedly, he was actually synthesized.

People buy Lingfeng boots because they want to be more flexible.

However, no matter how flexible the figure is, it is not as direct as increasing the speed of movement.

Especially when encountering an opponent of comparable strength, the movement speed is higher than others, and to some extent it is invincible.

Even if weapons are not as good as others, armor is not as good as others, martial arts and spiritual skills are not as good as others.

But if you can't beat it, you can still run!

Keeping the green hills in place without worrying about lack of firewood is also a tactic.

Jiang Yan synthesized the remaining two pairs of spirit boots, then took out two spirit beads to restore full spiritual power, and continued to add the wind boots.

[Is it synthetic blast boots? 】


[The Wind Boots have been synthesized, congratulations on getting the Wind Boots! 】

[Wind Boots: Made of unknown material, wearing them can increase the movement speed by 50%. If the external wind force exceeds level 3, the wind control effect will be triggered, and the movement speed can be superimposed with the wind force. 】

"Is this all right?"

After reading the attributes of Yufeng Boots, Jiang Yan was stunned.

It turned out to be equipment that can produce special effects under certain circumstances.

If there is a wind spirit master by his side, wouldn't it take off in place?

And even if there is no wind power bonus, wearing it can increase the movement speed by 50%, which is more than double the attribute of the blast boots!

It's just that the style is not too everyday, and it is too eye-catching when worn out.

It would be great if the synthesis table could be customized.

But these are minor issues.

Most of the equipment has its own style.

The most important thing is attributes!

A good piece of equipment was synthesized, and Jiang Yan was in a very good mood.

"Weapons should also be upgraded."

Jiang Yan put the wind boots into the inventory, and then took out two black iron fruit knives, and the bloodthirsty fruit knife synthesized from vampiric vines.

They are all the same style, if you don't look carefully, you can't tell the difference at all.

Jiang Yan didn't think about using this fruit knife as his main weapon either.

But it is definitely the first choice for sneak attacks and bluffing people!

So he will definitely continue to synthesize.

Anyway, the materials are not expensive, and you can buy a lot at the two-dollar store.

Now, it is to see if the bleeding effect added by the blood-sucking vine can be preserved after combining several fruit knives.

Jiang Yan first synthesized the black iron fruit knife with two black iron fruit knives, and then added the black iron fruit knife and the bloodthirsty fruit knife into the universal synthesis table.

[Whether to synthesize black iron fruit knife + bloodthirsty fruit knife? 】


[Black Iron Fruit Knife + Bloodthirsty Fruit Knife have been synthesized, congratulations on getting F-grade alloy fruit knife! 】

[F-grade alloy fruit knife: Although it is just an ordinary fruit knife, it is also forged with top F-grade alloy, invincible and comes with a bleeding effect! 】

"F-grade alloy?"

For this result, Jiang Yan was not surprised at all.

Among the refining materials of Fanpin, only alloys can exceed the level of black iron.

And the bleeding effect is also preserved.

The universal synthesis platform has never let him down!

The equipment in his hand now includes Tier 3 vampire vines and thirteen ordinary vampire vines, which can be kept for subsequent synthesis.

There are F-grade alloy fruit knives, which are also materials that can be easily obtained.

The material of the wind boots is a little more expensive, but they are all trivial, and he is not short of that money now.

What you hold in your hand, what you wear on your feet, and what you use for sneak attacks are all available.

All that's left is a good armor.

This Jiang Yan hasn't figured out what materials to look for yet.

If it's just selling money, he can just buy something and synthesize it.

But for his own use, he still needs to find materials that are easy to obtain.

Jiang Yan also put away the F-grade alloy fruit knife.

Next, is the synthesis of the elixir that he is most looking forward to.

In terms of weapons and equipment, he can roughly guess the direction of synthesis.

Only the pill, he was really not sure.

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