"No, this cheat book is not for sale, but if you purchase more than 100,000 resources, it will be given away for free!"

The staff member said with a smile: "How about it? Would you like to have a book? These are some martial arts written by the Great Master. They are very helpful for Practitioners to practice!"

"A free gift?"

Luo Xiu became somewhat interested in this book.

However, there should be streaming publications on the Internet, right?

The staff probably also saw what Luo Xiu was thinking, and said: "This is the latest version of "Practitioner Training Introduction", written by China's new Great Master Yan Bodhi, and it just arrived today; every previous set of " "Practitioner Cultivation Introduction" is rarely circulated on the Internet, after all...no one wants to spread their own cheats!"

"Even, many people's posts are edited, misleading people's cultivation, and may be counterproductive!"

"Wu Tang sells it, it must be guaranteed!"

The staff was bragging hard there, and Luo Xiu also knew that she hoped to buy more than 100,000 resources by herself, so that she could earn more commissions.


"Here's a book, here's my list!"

Luo Xiu gave the staff the shopping list, and the staff looked at the amount of Medicine Pill on the list and was immediately frightened.

"This... this Vajra Dan, are you sure you want to buy 64?"


Luo Xiu finally thought about it, and decided to buy the Medicine Pill first, and the Vajra Pill that added physical defense, he directly bought 64 pills.

Compared with strength, he felt that saving his life was more important.

As for the special meat, Luo Xiu has not bought it for the time being, and he plans to go to the vegetable market to buy some slightly upgraded meat.

If you synthesize it a few more times, it is estimated that the special upgraded meat quality in front of you can also be synthesized.

The meat sold by Wutang has been tested by machines. The meat is rich in cells, which is very good for the increase of human strength.

As for the quality of some meat sold in the market, you need a certain ability to distinguish, some can be missed, and some have just grown a little.

However, Luo Xiu's synthetic frame has an identification function, which has a certain guarantee for screening meat quality.

The same is true for vegetables, fruits and tonics.

"Okay, sir, the total is 1,184,000 yuan, and the purchase of resources exceeds 100,000 yuan. Our Wutang will personally send someone to send you home!"

"Ensure the safe arrival of supplies!"

"When is it convenient for you?"

The staff looked at Luo Xiu with a smile.

Because it is rare to meet customers with such a large order, many local tyrants directly place orders online for delivery, or ask the government to purchase, and most of the purchases in Wutang are loose orders.

Luo Xiu bought so much at one go, to be honest, it was hard to see him in Wutang for a month.

"10 o'clock, I should be home by then!"

After paying the money, Luo Xiu suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help saying: "By the way, since 100,000 can give away a cheat book, I don't know, I bought more than 1 million, and Wu Dao heart from the previous issues of Great Master won , can you give me a copy?"

Luo Xiu tried to ask the staff.

The staff member was a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry sir, we have already given away the previous issues—"

"I know the gift is over. Is there an electronic version? I have a USB drive to copy!"

Every Great Master's Martial Dao heart is different, Luo Xiu really wants to know, every Great Master's understanding of Martial Dao.

Moreover, he doesn't know these materials, can they be synthesized?

Anyway, I won't lose money if I try it, what if it can be synthesized? !


The staff member looked embarrassed, but Luo Xiu understood: "Okay, then give me a few more copies of "Introduction to Martial Dao Cultivation" written by Yan Bodhi Great Master, it should be fine, right?"

"This is no problem, you spent 1.18 million this time, and I can give you 11 copies!"


Luo Xiu nodded, reconfirmed the delivery time with the staff, and walked out of the martial arts hall.

"Go and buy some clothes of the same style!"

"And...a kitchen knife!"

Luo Xiu went to the store to do some big shopping, and then made a phone call and went straight home.

Soon, the purchased Medicine Pill has also been delivered.

Luo Xiu put the Medicine Pill away, and after confirming that no one saw it, he closed the door of his garage.


Looking at the pile of resources in front of him, there are miscellaneous clothes, kitchen knives, and even vegetables, fruits, etc., all of which were bought by Luo Xiu of course.

He's going to try them all tonight!

Synthesizing Dali Pills before was a small test, this time, Luo Xiu is going to do a big job!

"Try the normal stuff first!"

Luo Xiu looked at the two shiny white synthesis boxes in front of him, and put the two identical clothes inside.

This time, in order to test the effect, Luo Xiu bought hundreds of street stalls at one time, or went to the wholesale market to buy them, and the cost of clothes and pants cost 10 yuan a set.


The golden synthetic frame emitted a bright light.

After the light passed, the ordinary clothes were still a piece of clothing.

[Short sleeves of average quality]: worth 100 yuan.


Sure enough, it only improved the quality, and the clothes were still ordinary clothes.

Luo Xiu took a look at the synthetic clothes, not to mention, the quality of the clothes has risen to a higher level than before.

"try again!"

"Maybe we need to synthesize more times!"

Just like that, Luo Xiu put a bunch of ground goods directly into the synthesis bar.

【Good quality short sleeves】!

【High quality short sleeves】!

[Short sleeves with perfect quality]!

[Luxury Short Sleeves]!


It was synthesized 5 times in a row and used up 32 pieces of street stalls. What finally appeared in front of Luo Xiu was a limited edition short sleeve with soft material and excellent quality.

You can tell at a glance that this dress is not cheap.

But this is not what Luo Xiu needs.

"No matter how awesome it is, it's just a piece of clothing. It's okay to do business. 32 pieces of street stalls cost more than 300 yuan, and the clothes cost several thousand at first glance..."

Luo Xiu held the clothes in his hands, and he was actually a little happy in his heart.

At least, I don't have to worry about my future clothes!

"Do you want to... try again?"

Luo Xiu looked at the piles of street stalls beside him, and he didn't know why, but he had an intuition that he should try again!

"Come again!"

Luo Xiu only spent 16 pieces of street stalls this time, and a [luxury short-sleeved] appeared!

He activated a level jump, with a 10% chance, the synthesis will skip a level!

"Synthesize again!"


Luo Xiu put two limited-edition short sleeves into the white synthetic frame again, and then the golden synthetic frame flashed with light.

A short sleeve that was completely different from all the previous clothes appeared in the golden synthetic frame.

[Limited Edition Short Sleeves]: Global limited edition short sleeves, only 10,000 pieces, price: 20,000+

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