Spiritual Qi Recovery: I Have An Infinite Crafting Bar!

[12] "Martial Dao True Explanation"! 【2 More】

[Limited Edition Short Sleeves]: Global limited edition short sleeves, only 10,000 pieces, price: 20,000+


Luo Xiu thought that something good came out of the collaboration? !

Is it actually a limited edition short sleeve?

Isn't this still an ordinary dress?

However, Luo Xiu thought about it, and it is still useful to synthesize ordinary things.

"Selling Medicine Pill is still too risky!"

"It's easy to explain if you sell 1-2 pieces. If you sell too much, you will definitely be suspicious, but ordinary things can be sold online!"

"And it's not easy to be watched!"

Luo Xiu was quite cautious in his heart.

The limited-edition short-sleeved shirt in front of him, in his opinion, is the real guarantee for making a fortune.

"The way to combine equipment from street goods is broken...ordinary things can only be synthesized into better ordinary items at best!"

Luo Xiu glanced at the kitchen knives, fruits and vegetables on the ground beside him, and shook his head slightly: "Forget it, let's put them all together... At least we can make something good together!"

Thinking in this way, he synthesized all the kitchen knives, fruits and vegetables on the ground.

In the end, as expected, as he expected, although the quality of the final synthesized item has improved, it is still an ordinary item in the final analysis, no matter how many times he synthesizes it, it will remain the same.

Fortunately, the synthesized kitchen knives, fruits, etc. are quite expensive.

If you put it online, you can definitely sell it.

These things are useless to Practitioners, but in the eyes of ordinary people, they are all good things.

"It seems that only the Medicine Pill, the upgraded meat sold by Wutang, etc. can be synthesized and upgraded!"

Luo Xiu took out the Medicine Pill that Wutang can afford today, and prepared to synthesize it.

Suddenly... a stack of books appeared in his sight.

"Introduction to Practitioner Training"!

"Is this thing an ordinary item?"

Luo Xiu froze for a moment, thought for a moment, and finally made up his mind.

After all, this is also Wutang's stuff. Although it is not for sale as a gift, it is still produced by Wutang.


Without further ado, Luo Xiu directly took two copies of "Practitioner's Introduction to Cultivation" and put them into the blank space in the synthesis column.


The composite frame emitted a bright golden light, and then, a completely different ancient book appeared in Luo Xiu's eyes.

"Getting Started with Martial Dao"!

Four bronzing characters appeared on this synthetic book.

The books look a little old, and there are some traces of yellowing.


Although the difference was only a few words, Luo Xiu still opened the book.


The eyes are pictures of the cultivation of the human body.

"It's interesting!"

Luo Xiu immediately looked up.

"Introduction to Practitioner Practice", this is some practice experience written by China's new Great Master Yan Bodhi. Luo Xiu casually read it, most of which are similar to what Martial Dao said, and there are few private products.

But it's normal when you think about it, how could the Great Master announce his cultivation experience in such a grand manner?

Write a few key points at most, and it is already very worthy of own conscience.

What's more, this book is a free gift edition from Wutang.

However, after Luo Xiu opened the synthesized "Introduction to Martial Dao", he was a little shocked for a moment.

no the same!

The foundation of "Practitioner's Introduction to Cultivation" is completely different. This "Introduction to Martial Dao" is all about some key points of practice.

From quasi-Practitioner to Practitioner, the taboos to be aware of in the middle, and some precautions during cultivation, are all clearly written on it.

And some places are marked with pictures and texts, and the writing is extremely detailed.

This is the first time Luo Xiu knows these things.

For example, Vajra Dan, which is a kind of Medicine Pill for skin cultivation, has the best effect when taken for the first time, but the effect of the second time is only 10% of the previous effect.

In Martial Dao's class, the teacher has never taught this knowledge.

"Good stuff!"

Luo Xiu's eyes lit up, this "Introduction to Martial Dao" is definitely an excellent aid in cultivation for Luo Xiu today.

"It's useful. Although this "Practitioner's Introduction to Cultivation" is rubbish, it can be synthesized and upgraded!"

Luo Xiu saw the specialness of this book at a glance.

He glanced at "Getting Started with Martial Dao", but then went on to choose compositing.

Thanks to his carefulness when he bought it, he asked Wutang to ask for 11 copies this time, so that he can upgrade 3 times.

There are 3 more books, just to be combined into a "Martial Dao Introduction", this book, Luo Xiu still does not want to be closed, because it is quite useful for him at this stage!


Luo Xiu started to synthesize "Introduction to Practitioner", and immediately, four identical copies of "Introduction to Martial Dao" appeared in the synthesis box.


Luo Xiu put 2 more copies of "Introduction to Martial Dao" in the blank space.


With a flash of light, a new ancient book appeared again in the synthesis frame.

"Martial Dao True Explanation"!

From getting started, to upgrading to the real solution.

Luo Xiu couldn't wait to get the "Martial Dao True Explanation" into his hand.

The ancient book in his hand is no longer paper, but a simple ancient book made of silk cloth, and there is a faint fragrance that invigorates the heart.

It is not ordinary at first glance, even more extraordinary than "Introduction to Martial Dao".


Luo Xiu subconsciously opened the "Martial Dao True Explanation", and the first sentence that came into view attracted Luo Xiu.

Martial Dao, that is to practice, and to practice, first cultivate yourself.

Strength is second, body is fundamental!

—— Ye Tianyi!


"Ye... Ye Tianyi, Master Ye Zong?!"

Luo Xiu's body trembled violently, and he stared intently at the name of this sentence. In this world, there is only one person who dares to call Ye Tianyi.

That is Ye Jia, Ye Tianyi, known as China's number one expert.

He is also the first Practitioner in China to be promoted to Great Master!

After the opening of the Epoch Times, Martial Dao took only five years to grow from an ordinary college student to a generation of Great Master. There are countless rumors about him.

Moreover, he is also the youngest Great Master promoted, and he is less than 80 years old now!

Such a person has become a mythical figure in China today. After all, there are too many legends about him.

Although he has been missing for many years, no one will feel that he has fallen.

There are many rumors that he may have ascended in daylight, shattered the void, or crossed the universe. After all, with his strength, it may not be impossible.

And the current "Martial Dao True Explanation", could it be his masterpiece? !

The more Luo Xiu thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, because the content inside gave him too much shock... He didn't expect that a prospective Practitioner would need to do so much preparation?

The quasi-Practitioner assessed is only the most basic part of the Practitioner.

"My God, this... Could it be Master Ye's cultivation experience?"


If this is the case, Luo Xiu's synthesis this time is simply a big profit.

However, at the moment it is only synthesized 3 times.


Luo Xiu looked at "Introduction to Martial Dao" and "The True Explanation of Martial Dao" in front of him. He was quite satisfied with these two books.

However, he always felt that something was missing.


Yes, these two books are just the theory of Practitioner's practice. If you come to a legendary practice cheat book, it would be great!

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu has already made a decision in his heart.

Since it can be synthesized again, what are you waiting for? !

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