The more you drink, the more you will be happy.

"Let's be happy together!"

Lin Que drank up the Life Happy Water in one gulp, and the soul power that disappeared in his body was restored as if it had been plugged into a kilowatt fast charger!

"Cover your nose!"

Li Xingyun roared in anger. He was more afraid of the Life Happy Water than the enemy with thousands of troops.

Lin Que turned his butt and aimed at the enemy troops that came out.

"The dragon is out of the sea!"

Puff! Bang!

A thunderbolt sounded from the blue sky, and the shit-yellow rushing air burst out, catching everyone off guard.

Everyone: !!!


Everyone threw away their armor and vomited on the ground!

"It stinks!"

"Stinky fart bomb!"

"Someone come and stop him!"

"This is even stinkier than snail noodles and stinky tofu!"

"Snail noodles smell stinky but taste delicious, but this thing is just plain stinky!"

The blood-red rose in Cherry's hand withered and died on the spot under the influence of the shit-yellow gas!

"I fucking... vomit..."

Kuno Taro leaned against the wall with one hand and covered his nose with the other hand to retch: "Eight... pills!"

Li Xingyun and others secretly rejoiced!

As long as I move fast enough, no one can hurt me.

The next second!

Lin Que took out four bottles of Life Happy Water: "Let's be happy together!"

Li Xingyun: !!!

What he was worried about finally happened.

Afterwards, everyone took the Life Happy Water, and the injured Shen Chuan and Fu Qiu were revived with full blood.

One fart, everyone ascended to heaven!

Lin Que waved his hand in the air, and a super-large wormhole was opened on the top of the base, and everyone was teleported in a straight line!

Cherry saw Lin Que and others escaping, and just wanted to stop them, but the smell in the base was so stinky that she vomited without saying a word.

Outside the base!

Lin Que and others floated in the sky for an hour.

The sky above the entire island was filled with a thick shit-yellow gas, which did not dissipate for a long time!


A cave.

Lin Que and others sat by the campfire, and everyone's face was full of sorrow.

Lin Que pierced a red sea fish with a wooden stick, and leisurely grilled the fish, holding a bottle of cold beer in his right hand!

Behind him was a double-opening refrigerator and a large oven!

Little Blackie was regarded as free labor by Lin Que, and was constantly spitting fire to grill skewers!

Poor kid, being exploited at such a young age!

"Aiya~ (I feel wronged, when will mom come back)."

Dad is a bad guy!


Lin Que ignored him and took out a leg of lamb from the refrigerator and put it on the oven.

"Bake it well, if it gets burnt, I'll roast you!"

Little guy, Hongye is not at home, and Old Lin is the king!

Looking at the frowning people, Lin Que raised his head and took a sip of ice beer.

"Come and make it!"

Shen Chuan shook his head and sighed heavily: "After this time, Caesar will definitely strengthen martial law and even transfer, and it will be more difficult to save people."

Xiangxiang: "Is the family really not sending anyone?"

As long as a powerful person in the Venerable Realm is dispatched, this matter will be much simpler.

Lin Que stretched out his hand and flicked Xiangxiang's forehead.


Xiang Xiang grimaced in pain, covered her head, and said fiercely: "Why did you shoot me in the head?"

Lin Que rolled his eyes at Xiang Xiang: "Because you are stupid!"

"You don't understand the principle of shooting the first bird to stick its head out!"

The constraints between the eight major countries are impossible to watch Da Xia have another powerful Venerable Realm expert.

Caesar dared to do this because he took advantage of this.

The purpose of arresting Fan Lao and Ye Mei is to obtain genetic technology for their own use.

Li Xingyun: "Lin Que, what should we do next?"

Lao Miao: "If it doesn't work, we will charge again and take Cherry as a hostage in exchange for Fan Lao and Ye Mei!"

Lin Que picked up a bottle of ice beer and put it in Lao Miao's hand: "Drink some first before bragging!"

"After one bottle, your courage will probably make you dance with an atomic bomb!"

Cherry is not stupid, and she must have set up a trap to wait for them to die.

Fu Qiu summoned the martial arts sword directly, and with a clang, he split the boulder in half, and the sword floated on Lin Que's neck.

"You hesitate, this is your fate!"

Lin Que looked at the boulder that was split in half, lowered his head to look at the sword on his neck, and rolled his throat.

Whoever marries this woman will be unlucky!

Damn, she always brings a sword.

"Lady, don't get excited!"

"Come on,

Let's make a skewer first!"

Fu Qiu: "Do you believe I can make you into a skewer?"

Lin Que hesitated for a while: "What do you mean?"

Fu Qiu:???

What the hell!

"Ah! I'll chop you up!"

Lin Que quickly used the Void Movement and got into the wormhole.

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