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Inside the cave.

Lin Que put Fu Qiu on his shoulders and directly performed An Sai Waist Drum.

"Hey, you want to hit me with a knife, that's outrageous!"

"I'm your leader!"

"This is your punishment!"

"Next time, I'll let you eat big croton!"

Lin Que took out a golden croton in his hand and said to Fu Qiu.

Fuqiu covered her eyes and blushed with shame.

What a shame!

Stealing the chicken is losing the rice!

He was used to chopping watermelons, and he had forgotten about Lin Que's fighting prowess.

Lin Que finished cleaning up Fu Qiu, clapped his hands, sat in front of the campfire, opened a wormhole in the void, reached in, and took out a notebook.

After a few operations, a picture of Caesar's base appeared on the computer screen.

Seeing this, everyone turned their attention to the notebook.

Lao Miao: "Lin Que, how did you do it?"

On the screen, an electronic mouse is constantly transmitting images.

Lin Que also borrowed this from Mu'an's arsenal.

Shen Chuan: "Brother, you are so awesome. When did you leave such a thing in Caesar's base?"

Lin Que grinned: "When we entered Caesar's base, I left the electronic mouse inside."

The scene changes.

The electronic mouse followed the guarding soldiers and found the place where Fan Lao and Ye Mei were imprisoned.

"It's Mr. Fan!"

Shen Chuan looked at the two people on the screen and shouted excitedly.

On the screen, Mr. Fan's mental state was extremely poor, and his body was covered with numerous injuries.

Lao Miao clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth: "Those bastards, Caesar, actually treated Mr. Fan like this!"

Lin Que said nothing, but the cold light in his eyes was enough to reflect the anger in his heart.

Just when Lin Que wanted to zoom in on the picture, the screen suddenly went black!

The electronic mouse lost its senses.

"what happened?"

Lin Que quickly checked and took a long breath: "Caesar released a signal jammer!"

"Now that the location has been determined, in order to avoid Caesar's transfer, everyone should prepare well and take action tomorrow!"

Shen Chuan: "Or attack by force?"

Lin Que shook his head: "A strong attack means death. This operation will be divided into two ends!"

"Li Xingyun and I sneaked into Caesar's base."

"Old Shen, you lead the team and use gene source energy to lure Che Lizi and the others out to delay time for us!"

Shen Chuan nodded, patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, even if you die, I won't let anyone go back!"

Lin Que took out the Happy Life Water and distributed it to everyone, but felt it was not enough, so he even took out dog shit candies.

"Drink happy water when you're hurt!"

"When you can't do it anymore, give me shit candies!"

"You are the most handsome guys in the whole room!"

Shen Chuan and others looked at the supplies distributed by Lin Que, with fear on their faces.

They have seen the power of these two things.

These are not really good things!

Lin Que patted Shen Chuan on the shoulder and said, "If you really can't handle it, don't be stubborn and leave the rest to me!"

"I said I would take you home, not one of you should be missing!"

Shen Chuan smiled heartily, picked up the cold beer in the refrigerator and touched it with Lin Que: "Don't worry, my life is on the line!"

"Come on, everyone, have a drink. I wish us success and go home to hug my wife as soon as possible!"

Xiangxiang looked at Shen Chuan with disdain: "Captain, you're not married yet, where did you get a wife?"

"Ha ha!"

The crowd roared with laughter.

Shen Chuan: "I am happy to see other people's wives!"

The solemn atmosphere in the field disappeared instantly.

Lin Que clapped his hands and said, "Come on, come on, Lin's BBQ buffet stall, 100 yuan per person!"

When everyone heard this, the beer and kebabs in their hands immediately lost their aroma!

Are you really obsessed with money?

Changing tricks to make money all the time!

Lao Miao rolled up his sleeves: "Brothers, eat with open stomachs and teach this heartless guy a lesson!"


at the same time.

Caesar base.

Cheerilee and Kuno Taro got together and tasted red wine.

Taro Kuno: "Che-Sang, are you going to let Lin Que go and let the gene source slip away?"

Cheerilee swayed the red wine glass and chuckled: "Don't worry, they can't escape!"

"I have informed my father that he has appointed my second uncle to come here. I, Caesar, want all the genetic energy and genetic technology!"

Taro Kuno raised his eyebrows.

Cheerilee's second uncle, Mal Caesar!

One of the two Venerable Realms of the Caesar Organization

, with strong strength.

"Che Sang, aren't you afraid that Da Xia will also send out a Venerable Realm warrior?"

Cherry said with a disdainful smile: "Da Xia is now being watched by the eight major countries, and it is impossible to send out a Venerable Realm warrior!"

"When I, Caesar, get the gene source energy and gene technology, countless Venerable Realm warriors will be born, becoming the ninth national-level force!"

"Don't worry, I will not forget your help, and the White Crane Sect will also get what you want!"

Kuno Taro's face lit up, and he quickly poured wine for Cherry, saying flatteringly: "Haha, Che Sang, my White Crane Sect will definitely help you!"

Cherry looked at Kuno Taro who poured wine for her, smiling on her face, but in fact, she had already prepared the butcher knife in her heart!

When Mal Caesar arrives, he will not only kill Lin Que, but also the White Crane Sect.

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