Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1367 Li Qiyun received the call

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The old butler did not expect that he would be so angry, and quickly advised, "Sir, you are still in good health, don't think so."

"I don't think so, but some people dare to do this!" Mr. Li seemed to be suppressing something and suddenly ordered, "Call Qiyun and ask her to come over."


The old housekeeper just turned around.

Mr. Li suddenly stopped him, "Wait a minute."

The old butler immediately stopped, turned around again, and clasped his hands in front of him, "What other orders do you have?"

"Tell her, no matter how busy she is, come right now. I have to see her in twenty minutes!"


Mr. Li waved his hand as if tiredly, "Go ahead."

"Okay, Sir." The old butler hurriedly went to make a phone call.

At this moment, Li Qiyun had just finished answering a phone call and her expression was not very good.

Just then, her cell phone rang again. She looked at the caller ID, pulled out her chair, and said sheepishly to the man opposite, "Sorry, I'm going to answer the phone."

"It's okay, Mr. Li, go pick it up." The man opposite didn't get angry because of her two consecutive phone calls, and showed a complete gentlemanly demeanor.

Li Qiyun nodded, smiled, and hurried to the corridor to answer the phone.

"Hey, old housekeeper, what's going on?"

"Miss, the old master wants to see you."

The old man wants to see her? Li Qiyun suddenly frowned, hesitated and asked, "Did Grandpa say anything?"

"This... the old gentleman never said that."

"I'm discussing business with Guming Company here. If grandpa isn't in a hurry, I can go there in the afternoon, okay?"

Li Qiyun originally thought there was no problem, but she didn't expect the old housekeeper's methodical voice to be heard on the other end of the phone, "Sorry, Miss. The old master has asked you to come over within 20 minutes. He also told me that if you have anything If something happens, push it first.”

So urgent? Li Qiyun had a vague bad feeling in her heart, but the majesty of Mr. Li was there. She was not Li Beijue, and she dared to confront Mr. Li head-on. She only paused for a few seconds before making a decision, "I know, old housekeeper, please ask grandpa to wait for me for a while. I will definitely be back within 20 minutes."

"Okay, Miss."

Li Qiyun hung up the phone and clenched the phone in her hand, not knowing what she was thinking.

After standing in the corridor for a while, he turned around and went back.

In the office, Gu Ming's representative was still waiting for her. When he saw her coming in, he smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Li, are you done? Then let's talk about the cooperation project we talked about before."

Li Qiyun took a deep breath and still looked capable and heroic. An apologetic smile appeared on her beautiful face, and while walking back, she said, "Mr. Zhu, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it today. I need to go back to my old house right away."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Li Qiyun seemed to have seen through what the other party was thinking, and immediately added, "Tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon, I will go to Guming to find Mr. Zhu, and we will discuss the cooperation plan in detail. You can think of it no?"

The man who originally looked a little unhappy suddenly changed his expression from gloomy to clear after hearing her words. He stood up and stretched out his hand, "Okay, since Mr. Li has something to do, I won't bother you. I'll do it tomorrow afternoon." Waiting for Mr. Li to arrive in the office."

Li Qiyun also stretched out her hand, shook his hand, and said friendly, "See you tomorrow."

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