Eighteen minutes later, a red Bugatti Veyron braked suddenly and stopped outside Li's old house.

Then, a pair of beautiful legs got out of the car.

Li Qiyun, wearing a suit and skirt, appeared in everyone's sight.

Suits and skirts are too formal. Although they must be worn on many occasions, few people can look good in suits and skirts. Li Qiyun is definitely an exception.

Wearing a light gray plaid suit skirt on her body, it perfectly outlines her body proportions, slender waist and long legs, coupled with her unique strong woman temperament and charming and heroic appearance, giving her It gives a feeling of strength and charm.

She is exactly the type of woman that men will like and women will also like.

She held her bag in her hand and slammed the car door.

The old housekeeper had been waiting for her outside for a long time. When he saw her, he immediately said hello, "Miss, you are back."

Li Qiyun didn't waste any time. As she walked inside, she asked, "Where is grandpa?"

"The old lord is in the drawing room."

She frowned and asked, "Grandpa didn't tell you why he wanted to see me today?"

The old housekeeper walked half a step in front of her and said respectfully, "No, the old master didn't mention it. He just asked me to call the eldest lady."

Li Qiyun's brows furrowed even harder!

But after just a moment, she let go and asked calmly, "How is grandpa's health lately? He's been busy these days. The last time I saw grandpa, he seemed to have a cold. Is he okay now?"

"Go back to Miss, I'm fine now. The old Sir is in very good health."

"That's good."

Li Qiyun said no more.

The old housekeeper didn't even take the initiative to talk to me.

The Li family is so big that it took more than ten minutes to walk from the door to the castle's living room.

The living room is completely European style. The more than 200 square meters of the living room is majestic, and the pure European palace style decoration adds a bit of nobility to the atmosphere.

As soon as Li Qiyun entered, he saw the person sitting on the sofa.

The person sitting on the sofa had his back to her, pruning the branches and leaves of a valuable potted plant.

In the trash can next to him were some brightly blooming flowers.

Li Qiyun's nerves became tense involuntarily. She didn't know why, but every time she faced Mr. Li, her heart would feel an inexplicable sense of oppression. Even if this person is his grandfather, it still can't alleviate the feeling of oppression.

She calmed down the expression on her face, walked to the sofa respectfully, and called, "Grandpa."

She was answered with absolute silence, as quiet as if the people nearby did not hear her voice, and continued the project indifferently.

Li Qiyun's heart tightened again. Although she didn't understand what happened, her intuition told her that it was definitely not good for her.

She pursed her red lips and said nothing.

Mr. Li was even more speechless and continued to prune his potted plants.

He moves slowly, and every time he cuts off a leaf, he re-examines the entire potted plant, as if he is thinking about whether that leaf should be cut off, or whether it will damage the overall shape of the potted plant.

He cut for half an hour, and Li Qiyun also stood beside him for half an hour. No matter how powerful she was, standing on a pair of stiletto heels for so long made her calf muscles stiff and she couldn't help but move her heels.

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