Liu Dong hadn't had time to explain to her the relationship between Yun Teng and Li's chaebol, and the relationship between Li's chaebol and Haohan.

It was too late and then quickly, when he saw a white figure walking over, before he realized what was going on. There were already two crisp applause around him.


Lin Nai's face immediately felt burning pain. She covered her face, looked at the person in front of her in disbelief, and blurted out, "Chi Enen? Why are you here?"

On the other side, Dong Liu who was beside her also recognized Chi Enen, and asked in surprise, "Secretary Chi?"

Then he looked around the store subconsciously, but he didn't see the tall figure. He didn't know whether he was relieved or more disappointed.


Liu Dong didn't have time to get entangled, and his mind quickly recalled Lin Nai's title just now.

Chi Enen?


Chi Enen...

This name is so familiar, he seems to have seen it more than once.

Liu Dong turned his head, and immediately remembered where he had seen it—online!

Haven't there been reports on the Internet before? The name of the top socialite of the Habsden family who is about to marry into the Li family and become the president's wife is Chi Enen!

Secretary Chi's Chi is actually the future president's wife's Chi!

He wasn't shocked enough. Chi Enen, who was cold and expressionless, had already raised his hand, and slapped Lin Nai's face fiercely again. This slap was so hard that Lin Nai was caught off guard. He tilted his head and almost fell to the ground.

After being slapped three times in a row, she finally came to her senses, her eyes widened in anger, and she said angrily, "Enen, what are you doing! You are crazy!"

"Am I crazy? Linnai, you are the one who is crazy!" Chi Enen stared at her face with uncontrollable anger in his eyes, and said word by word, "I heard what you just said."

Lin Nai was inexplicably guilty at first, then rolled his eyes, didn't even type a draft, and said embarrassingly, "Enen, you misunderstood, things are not what you heard. What I just said, I want to ask Liu Did my agent say that to Dong? I didn’t mean that myself. I was afraid that my agent would go and talk nonsense and let Liu Dong and the others misunderstand me. I just said that just to ask Liu Dong. Did my agent say that about me?"

"Did you send An Xin's photo to the reporter?" Chi Enen hit the nail on the head and asked the sharpest question.

Lin Nai was still thinking about how to quibble, but when she asked this question, she was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said, "I like the movies played by Miss An Xin very much. Before she entered the entertainment circle, she was always my idol. I met the other day You guys did take a photo and sent it to a friend. But I didn’t mean anything else, I just took a photo of my idol and shared it with others. Enen, please don’t misunderstand me.”

"We grew up together, and my grandfather often took us to play together when we were young. You know who I am, and you know better than anyone else. I don't have so many evil intentions."

Seeing that something was wrong, Lin Nai immediately played the family card, which was exactly the same as her mother!

But she's not the Chi Enen before. She's gone through so much, and she's not as stupid as she was before, letting them go by the nose with their hypocritical and meager family affection. And after the last time, she had already placed her grandfather in the Habsden's nursing home. Lin Meiqi and Lin Nai could visit her, but there was no chance to threaten her with her grandfather's life.

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