Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1423 Anyway, the benefactor behind her can settle

"You're right, I do know who you are, so Linnai, I know exactly when you're lying." Chi Enen looked at her coldly.

That look made Lin Nai dare not look at her at all, and then moved away with guilt, and said aggrievedly, "Enen, don't you believe me?"

"I'll let Yunteng block you." Chi Enen said calmly, "You should reflect on yourself for a while, when will you think clearly, and when will you say something else."

"You want people to block me?" Lin Nai screamed in disbelief. Her voice was so excited that it was as sharp as torn silk, which was extremely ugly, but Lin Nai couldn't care less. He said excitedly, "Chi Enen, I told you that I didn't do it on purpose. I just took a photo and shared it with my friends. You're going to block me. Take a step back, even if I did it on purpose, you and her What is the relationship, and what is the relationship with me, don't you know?"

"She, Lin Anxin, is an outsider, and I'm your cousin! You want to block me for an outsider, what do you think? Tell me, aren't you afraid of being laughed at?"

"I think clearly. You are right, she is an outsider, but this outsider tried his best to help me find a job when I had nothing, helped me raise my children, lent me money regardless of the return, and did everything I could. Help me. And what did you and your mother do at this time, do you want me to tell you one thing at a time?"

Lin Nai knew what Lin Meiqi had done. She had no face to confront Chi Enen in front of so many people, but she was unwilling to let her be blocked like this. Qiao's face was flushed red, and it took a long time to hold back a sentence, "So what, that can't change the fact that I am your cousin and she is an outsider. No one helps outsiders bully my cousin, no matter what , You can’t just say that if you block me, then block me. Do you know how long I have worked hard and how much I have paid for the present?”

"Then do you know how much An Xin worked hard and how much she paid?" Chi Enen didn't even pause, and asked her directly, "Have you ever thought about sending your photo to a reporter, and once the reporter reports it, what might happen to An Xin ?”

Lin Nai choked for a moment, and said unwillingly, "Doesn't she have a benefactor behind her? Even if the photo is exposed, her benefactor will help her settle it."

"There is also a financial backer behind you. Do you want me to expose your black material? Anyway, you have someone to help you solve it."

Dong Liu was caught in the middle, sweating profusely.

Now that he knows Chi Enen's identity, he is not willing to offend the future wife of the president for Lin Nai, so he hastily separated from Lin Nai, "Secretary Chi, you misunderstood, I just went out to buy something with Lilian today, we are ordinary Friendship is not what you think."

Liu Dong's actions undoubtedly slapped Lin Nai in the face again. Under the crowd of shopping guides, she felt that she had nowhere to hide.

But she didn't dare to offend Director Liu, even if she was angry in her heart that this man put on clothes and didn't recognize anyone, she could only say sourly on her face, "Yes, you misunderstood, I just came out to accompany Director Liu to buy a Mr. Liu asked me to help him choose clothes. I am different from Lin Anxin, I have no one to back me up. Besides, I don’t have any scandals. Hers can’t be regarded as scandals, at most, she was injured during filming That's all."

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