Chi Enen had heard from the staff of the resort that she and Liu Dong were gossiping, and she didn't believe what Lin Nai said had nothing to do with Liu Dong.

But at this time, Lin Nai still didn't forget to inquire about An Xin's scandal from her mouth. Chi Enen's eyes became colder, and his chest was suppressed with anger. He sneered, "It has nothing to do with you."

"You..." Lin Nai groaned in embarrassment, and found a step for himself, "I just care about it, and I have no bad intentions. It's fine if you don't ask me, I don't want to know yet."

Chi Enen didn't bother to talk to her anymore, as if he didn't hear what she said, he turned his head and looked at the man who kept pulling Lin Nai to make her shut up, and said, "Did Liu hear what I just said?"

Dong Liu has more eyesight than Lin Nai, so he immediately realized what Chi Enen meant, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and smiled apologetically, "I heard it, I heard it. Don't worry, Secretary Chi, I know what you mean, I will Followed up."

Isn't it just Xuezang Linnai?

Yun Teng is so big, and has dozens of stars under him. Lin Nai is not the company's cash cow, he can only be regarded as a little red. Without Lin Nai, there will be a lot of female stars to take her place.

Over the past year, Linnai has also earned a lot of money for the company. She basically helped the company earn back the money the company invested in her. Even if it's a pity to give up such a future cash cow now, it's just a pity.

For the company, for himself, it is not a big deal.

Besides, this woman is indeed too hypocritical.

He didn't think so before, he thought she was 'sensible'. Now it seems that she is a typical example of big breasts and no brains!

No matter how the future president's wife got along with her in the past, the status and status of the two of them are different now, and she still behaves in the same way as before, being competitive. He also spoke condescendingly to the president's wife.


He would behave with his tail between his tails in front of the future president's wife. She is a little star, where did she have such a big face, she opened and closed her mouth to complain and accuse?

Liu Dong now fully understands why the big manager suddenly refused to take her, probably because he has seen through her nature.

This kind of nature that can only cause trouble, who is willing to take her, don't drag yourself down!

Liu Dong can't wait to kick Lin Nai right away, as far as he can go, he never thought of helping her speak, nodded and bowed his head and smiled, "Secretary Chi, don't worry, I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation .”

Lin Nai hadn't realized what Liu Dong and Chi Enen were talking about.

She wanted to interrupt, but was frightened back by a warning look from Dong Liu who had been paying attention to her.

At this time, the shopping guide who helped Chi Enen pack the shirt saw that they had finished speaking, so she stepped in at the right time, and handed the paper bag to Chi Enen, "Hi, ma'am, the clothes you bought have been packed for you." Yes. Would you like to swipe the card or sign the bill?"

The price of hundreds of thousands, as long as you are not an upstart, no one should give you a bag of cash.

Generally choose to swipe a card or sign a check.

Liu Dong has been worrying about being dragged down by Lin Nai today, and he couldn't find a chance to show off, so he immediately said, "Swipe my card."

As he said that, he was afraid that Chi Enen would not agree, so he quickly took out his bank card and handed it over. Keep stuffing it into the hands of the shopping guide, "Swipe mine, brush mine."

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