Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1464 Is he really not busy?

Under his glare, Chi Enen was stunned and couldn't think of anything else.

Li Beijue almost stared a hole in her, but she remained silent the whole time, and he was ready to strangle her to death.

Damn, is it really gone? !

Apart from taking her to see the cemetery, he didn't take her to anything else? !

While he was depressed, Chi Enen was even more depressed.

She mobilized all her brain cells and thought about it, but she couldn't think of anything else.

Besides the cemetery, what else…

She racked her brains and couldn't think of anything else.

Li Beijue stared until his eyes were tired, and he knew the answer without waiting for her answer. His handsome face tightened and he said, "Hurry up and eat, we will go to the night market after eating!"

"You said you'd wait a moment?" Chi Enen couldn't believe it.

Li Beijue reached out and pressed her hair. Seeing how messy her hair was, his jaw immediately relaxed and he was in a good mood. "Otherwise, when do you want to do it?"

"Li Beijue, don't move, my hair..." Chi Enen held his head to protect his hair, not forgetting to glare at him.

But it was no use, her hair was messed up badly by someone.

Fortunately, at this time, the waiter brought the steak and Li Beijue stopped, otherwise her hair would have been ravaged.

"Ms. Chi, your steak is medium rare."

The waiter glanced at her and placed the steak in front of her.

Chi Enen's hair was completely messed up. After saying thank you to the waiter depressedly, he took off the hair tie and managed to comb it with his fingers.

Fortunately, she never perms or dyes her hair, and she usually washes her hair and tries to let it dry naturally, so her hair quality is pretty good.

My hair was smooth in just a few strokes.

It's just inconvenient to tie it up again.

She tied the hair band around her wrist depressedly and looked up at the culprit, only to find that Li Beijue didn't feel guilty at all and started eating the steak with peace of mind.

While eating, he urged her happily, "Chi Enen, don't wait so long, eat quickly!"

Chi Enen, "..."

She wants to eat people now!

It doesn't take long to eat Western food, mainly because French food is slow to cook. By the time the white jade snails arrive, Chi Enen is almost full.

She put down her knife and fork first, wiped her mouth, and said softly, "I'm full."

The handsome man put down his knife and fork, pulled out his chair gracefully, stood up first, and stretched out his hand towards her, "Let's go."

"You really want to go to the night market?" Chi Enen didn't believe it, "Aren't you busy?"

The old man collapsed, and now should be his busiest time.

Why hasn't she seen his cell phone ring since this morning?

Li Beijue was too lazy to talk nonsense to her. When Chi Enen didn't come over, he directly pulled her over, clasped his fingers tightly, and held her tightly. Then he said unhurriedly, "Which eye did you see?" I’m not busy anymore? I’m very busy now.”

Busy taking her to the night market!

Chi Enen went against him, "I saw it with both eyes."

Is this woman so brave? He narrowed his eagle eyes, glanced at Chi Enen, and suddenly touched his thin lips, "Then dig them all! It just so happens that there is still a blind man to dig coal in T country!"

He said he was disgusted, but his body movements were not as bad as he said. He firmly clasped Chi Enen's left hand and pulled Chi Enen out of the western restaurant with his fingers clasped tightly.

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