Night markets usually have more people at night.

But today happened to be the weekend, and nearby universities were on holiday, so even though it was afternoon, there were still many young couples visiting the night market.

Before getting off the bus, Chi Enen had already gone down to buy a cap and a mask for someone to wear.

After making sure to cover his ostentatious handsome face, he got out of the car.

But she underestimated Li Beijue's own aura.

Even if the peaked cap can cover Li Beijue's highly recognizable face, it can't cover his 185cm tall and well-proportioned long legs.

In addition, Li Beijue was wearing the black shirt she bought yesterday. The black dress was very cool. The cap and mask became completely embellishments. When he suddenly appeared in the night market, many people thought they had met a celebrity. He quietly took out his cell phone and took secret photos of them.

While filming, some little girls could not control their excitement. With a blushing face, she pointed at Li Beijue and whispered, "Ah, ah, I won't meet Gu Zekai, right?"

"Is it Gu Zekai? It should be Gu Zekai, right?"

"I feel like it too."

"With this height, he's probably Gu Zekai. What should I do? I really want to go up and ask him for his autograph. But I'm afraid of scaring him away."

The words Gu Zekai entered his ears from time to time, and it was difficult for Li Beijue to ignore them. He frowned and asked the little woman beside him unhappily, "Who is Gu Zekai?"

"He seems to be a star." She actually didn't know, but she vaguely seemed to have heard An Xin mention this name before, as if he was a handsome rock and roll guy. It has become very popular recently and many little girls like it.

He has a cool and handsome style, and he is the type who is very cold towards fans and the camera.

She remembered that An Xin complained bitterly about the unfair treatment of men and women at that time, saying that if a female star acted like this, she would definitely be drowned in saliva, and a large number of female fans wanted to scold the female star for dressing up.

If you change it to a male star, it will become my XX, a good MAN with a lot of personality.

Does Li Beijue look similar to the recently popular idol?

She will search it on her phone when she gets back.

She had just thought this, when an arm was put on her shoulder domineeringly, and the next second, she was completely pulled into his arms in an intimate posture.

Chi Enen was startled and pushed him, "Li Beijue, what are you doing?"

However, his waist was hugged tightly. The domineering man's jawline was smooth and noble. He replied without looking back, "What's wrong with me hugging my own woman?"

Women, women.

He has said this word many times since last night.

It silenced her every time.

His domineering gesture immediately attracted the attention of those who were muttering around him. The eyes of several little girls who were holding their mobile phones and excitedly muttering about whether to go up and get autographs flashed with the same disappointment.

"It shouldn't be Gu Zekai. When Gu Zekai was interviewed a few days ago, he said he didn't have a girlfriend."

"I wonder if he's a boy from our school. He's so handsome."

"Forget it, everyone already has a girlfriend, no matter how handsome he is, it doesn't matter."

Several people walked away chattering.

Li Beijue raised his eyebrows and turned his head, just in time to see the fair side face of the little woman in his arms. She seemed embarrassed and embarrassed, which was more dazzling than anything else!

She was so dazzling that he wanted to hide her in his pocket so that no one could see her!

Li Beijue held her shoulders a little tighter. He raised his thin lips in a good mood and showed a rare smile. At this moment, suddenly, his cell phone rang——

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