Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1467 The return rate is definitely 100%

Li Beijue didn't think there was anything strange about his words. If Huo Yi were here, he would have bought the entire stall directly.

But Huo Yi was not here, and he had to take her to the night market. He couldn't go shopping with so many things, so he let Chi Enen choose what he liked.

The two little girls who were looking at earrings at the booth suddenly looked at them, with their main eyes focused on Li Beijue. Chi Enen only glanced at them out of the corner of his eye.

When they saw Li Beijue's handsome silhouette under his mask, the two girls couldn't help but look excited.

This man is so handsome!

Is he a professor from their school?

Since when did their school have such a handsome teacher? But looking at her dress and temperament, she doesn't look like a student like them.

The seller's eyes lit up just like the two little girls, but her eyes lit up when she saw the buyer.

Almost as soon as Li Beijue finished speaking, he introduced her to Chi Enen, "Beauty, what do you want to buy today? We have everything here. I think the beauty has pierced ears, why don't you take a look at the earrings."

"Just now these two beauties chose two pairs of earrings. They are of good style. Do you want to take a look?"

"No, no need. I have a lot of earrings at home."

Chi Enen had her ears pierced because Lin Anxin wanted to have her ears pierced and was afraid, so he dragged her along to have them pierced.

She doesn't like to wear jewelry much and rarely wears anything in her ears unless necessary.

I always feel uncomfortable wearing things on my ears.

"That's it..." Disappointment flashed in the boss's eyes, but he quickly changed his attention and recommended a bracelet for couples, "Then let the beautiful girl and the handsome guy buy a pair of bracelets together! I recently went to college Couples are popular to wear this. Look, I have blue and white, black and white, pink and fluorescent green. The style is simple and elegant, and boys will not look girly when wearing it. Like you If your boyfriend is so handsome and wears a couple-style bracelet, he will definitely turn heads when he goes out."

There is absolutely nothing bragging about her. With Li Beijue's appearance and aura, no matter what she wears when she goes out, she has a 100% chance of turning heads.

But the 100% return rate has nothing to do with the bracelet.

Chi Enen was about to say no.

The men next to her seemed to be interested, and picked up the black bracelets that the boss piled in front of them and looked at them.

His hands have distinct joints and are slender and white.

It was obvious that the bracelet he was holding was a counterfeit that cost more than ten yuan each. When he held it in his hand, it looked like it was an authentic brand.

It's just that this sports bracelet is too shoddy. If you look closely, you can still see that the rubber is poorly used.

Li Beijue suddenly turned his head and asked her with arrogant eyes full of interest, "Chi Enen, what do you think?"

"..." He doesn't really want to buy it, does he?

Chi Enen was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

What a joke.

Isn't he picky about wearing only those designated brands?

A counterfeit product like this that costs more than ten yuan should be trash in his eyes, right? With his mysophobic personality, he would actually hold up a cheap bracelet with great interest and ask her what she thought...

Did Mars hit the Earth? Or was Li Beijue replaced by someone?

Her look of astonishment was too obvious. The man who had been full of temper just now narrowed his eagle eyes, gritted his teeth and squeezed her hand tightly, saying dissatisfiedly, "Chi Enen, what's that expression on your face!"

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