Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1468 His unique domineering logic

"I was wondering if you wanted to buy it?" Chi Enen was not afraid of what he said.

"No?" Li Beijue's tone became more and more dissatisfied, and he held her hand tighter.

Chi Enen frowned when he was caught, struggled to get away, and said gloomily, "It's not impossible. The key is, can you wear it after buying it?"

If you don’t know how to wear it, there’s no point in buying it.

At this moment, the domineering man let go of her wrist, turned his head, and said, "If you wear it, I will wear it."


If you wear it, I will wear it!

Chi Enen didn't come back to his senses for a while, staring blankly at his profile, which was mostly covered by a mask and hat, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Thump thump, beat vigorously one after another.

Her cheeks couldn't help but heat up. Although it wasn't obvious, she fanned her cheeks with her hands as if to cover up.

When the boss saw an opportunity to sell something, he quickly started to sell it, "Beauty, your boyfriend is so handsome and domineering. If I had a boyfriend like this, I would wake up laughing in my dreams. Even handsome guys say this, you Just buy a pair. This couple’s bracelet is not expensive, and since the handsome guy is so handsome, I’d like to make it cheaper for you, 30 yuan a pair, how about it?”

Li Beijue frowned first, then interrupted the boss with a sexy voice, "What's the original price?"

The boss was stunned for a moment when he was asked. He thought he thought it was too expensive and deliberately raised the original price. "Normally, no matter how good a pair of bracelets are, I have to sell them for 50. 30 for a pair is really just for your face, handsome man." I’ve sold it to you. It can’t be any less. If it’s less, I’ll..."

It's a shame that I haven't finished talking yet.

I heard, "That's 50."

The boss's words stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, and he suspected that his ears heard wrong, "Handsome, handsome boy, what do you mean?"

"I said, I'll give you 50 for this bracelet."

The things he bought for Chi Enen didn't need to be bought cheaply by unrelated people!

"Ah, okay, okay, okay. Thank you, handsome guy." This was the first time the boss had seen such a person. After a brief moment of surprise, he smiled as brightly as a chrysanthemum and said enthusiastically, "Handsome guy, help the beauty choose a color. Bar."

He held the black bracelet himself, and then from a handful of colorful bracelets, he chose a white one for Chi Enen with precise eyes, "This one."

The boss put away the rest and praised, "Black and white, black and white is the best combination I sell. You can tell it is a couple's style at a glance. The handsome guy has really good taste."

Li Beijue was in a good mood, curled his thin lips, put away his bracelet, and asked Chi Enen, "What else do you want to buy?"

Chi Enen didn't expect that he actually bought the bracelet, or... bought it after taking the initiative to give the boss 20 more. She no longer knew how to describe his behavior. She looked at the things on the stall. Suddenly, her eyes were attracted by a pair of couple rings in the corner.

"Boss, can you take this out and show me?" She pointed to the ring in the box.

The boss followed the direction she pointed, opened the box, took out the two rings in the corner and said, "Is this one?"

Chi Enen reached out and took it, "Well, this is it."

The ring handed over by the boss was an ordinary silver ring with a simple style and was not eye-catching at all.

The reason why Chi Enen fell in love with this pair of rings at first glance was because she saw the letters engraved on the corner of the rings.


The other women's ring is exactly engraved with C.

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