Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1479 If you don’t want to fall into pieces, don’t move.

An hour is neither long nor short.

In a blink of an eye, time passed.

Huo Yi's voice suddenly sounded inside the helicopter, "Sir, Miss Chi, there are still six minutes left. We are about to arrive at the destination. We can already see the destination."


Chi Enen looked outside, but couldn't see clearly yet.

The man sitting next to her, who had been immersed in work, suddenly put on his laptop and stood up.

He is 185cm tall, which usually looks tall enough, but standing in a helicopter makes him look even taller.

With broad shoulders and a narrow waist, a simple black shirt and black pants look perfect on him!

Li Beijue stood up and picked up a set of safety belts from the side. He put them on first, and then said to Chi Enen, "Stand up and I'll put them on for you."

"Why are you doing this?" Although Chi Enen stood up obediently, she couldn't help but ask him.

Li Beijue put the safety straps through her arms and waist. With a handsome face and a deep face, his thin lips touched up and down and said, "If you don't want to fall into pieces later, just tie it up obediently!"

Don't want to fall into pieces?

What's the meaning?

Li Beijue did not explain to her, but bent down to help her close the buttons on her waist and abdomen. He wouldn't know if he didn't tighten it, but during the process of tightening the belt, he realized how thin this woman's waist was.


Doesn't she usually eat?

Why are you so thin?

He pursed his thin lips and pulled the straps to the innermost link. Finally, they were no longer so loose.



Before Chi Enen could react, she saw him squatting down and passing his hand through her left leg.

Her body instinctively dodged.

His ankle was grabbed forcefully.

"Don't move!"

A belt passed through her left leg, and Chi Enen gradually relaxed.

It turned out to be to help her fasten her seat belt...

It's just that this posture... is too ambiguous!

She couldn't help but move again.

The next second, the hand holding her ankle tightened, and the squatting man raised his head, narrowed his eagle eyes, and threatened, "Will you try moving again?"

If she moves around a little bit more, she won't have to see the surprise later. He just throws her onto the sofa and teaches her a lesson.

Chi Enen has been with him for such a long time. You can tell when he is a real threat and when he is just talking.

Whenever there are two balls of fire flashing in his eyes, you must not provoke Li Beijue at this time!

Although the way he helped her fasten the seat belt was a bit ambiguous... Chi Enen still resisted moving and stood there stiffly, letting him tie the seat belt around her.

After the last metal buckle was buckled, there was a crisp click sound. Li Beijue let go of his hand, stood up and said, "Okay."

"See for yourself where it's not tied tightly?"

Chi Enen raised his arms and moved, only to realize that the seat belt seemed to be just some bandage-like straps and a few square metal buckles, but when he actually put it on, he realized that it actually had weight. Especially the one on the waist, with a connecting joint hanging from it, is even heavier.

"No, they're all tied up tightly."

"It's okay if it's not. Just check it more."

As he spoke, he picked up the seat belt on the side again and fastened it for himself.

Before tying it on Chi Enen, he only tied the most basic layer on himself, and he hadn't tied everything up like Chi Enen did.

For sports like this, comprehensive safety measures must be taken before playing. Seat belts must be fastened to the hands, feet and waist, otherwise accidents are likely to occur.

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