Compared with how carefully he tied Chi Enen, he tied it himself much more neatly.

First, he put safety belts on his arms, and then tied them around his waist and abdomen.

Li Beijue's waist is the typical type that makes you look thin when you are wearing clothes, but looks fleshy when you are undressed. Chi Enen had obviously seen his mermaid thread with her own eyes, but when he tied the bandage around his waist, people were still amazed at how beautiful his waist was.

Especially when the black shirt is stretched up, you can vaguely see the mermaid line inside, which makes people unable to take their eyes away.

She couldn't help but glance over there.

Li Beijue didn't notice her little movement, raised his leg, stepped on the stool next to him, and neatly tied the seat belt on his thigh.

The movement of his lowering his head just made some hair fall down from his forehead, making people's eyes involuntarily lock on his fan-like eyelashes.

Li Beijue's eyelashes are really long and beautiful. Even as a woman, Chi Enen can't help but envy his eyelashes.

I really don’t know how his eyelashes grow so long. Not only are they long and curled, but they are also clearly defined, which is just the right thing.

His eyes were already beautiful, and his eyelashes were thick and curled, and he simply refused to let others live.

Her eyes moved down from her eyelashes and landed on his full, rose-colored thin lips.

They say serious men are the most handsome! ,

That already handsome man is simply deadly when he becomes serious!

Li Beijue is a typical person who is fatal.

Chi Enen was looking at it in a daze.

Not noticing that the domineering man had fastened his seat belt, he raised his head and noticed her.

"What are you looking at?"

"Ah..." Chi Enen woke up immediately and reacted quickly, "Oh... I'm looking at how you tied it."

Li Beijue didn't realize that she had been looking at her for so long before, so he didn't think much about it. His eagle eyes were locked on her body, and he frowned and asked, "Have you finished checking? Are you tied tightly?"

"Well, it's been checked and tied tightly." To prove her words, she walked back and forth.

Li Beijue grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.

"Well." Chi Enen was caught off guard and ran into his arms, hitting his chest with a bang, and her ear was right against his left chest.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of a strong heartbeat suddenly reached the eardrums.

It was like it was hitting her heart again and again.

Just when Chi Enen was about to reach out and push him away, a man's voice came from above his head, "Don't move, I'm helping you tie the rope."

Tie a rope? What rope?

Chi Enen suppressed the pounding thoughts in her heart and lowered her head to look down.

Sure enough, she saw the safety rope with a steel cable connector hanging around her waist moving.

While she was still wondering what she was doing, Huo Yi's voice could be heard in the cabin, "Miss Chi, sir, we're here."

"I will lower the helicopter to a certain distance now. In five minutes, I will open the hatch and ask you two to get ready."

No matter how slow Chi Enen was, she still vaguely guessed something. She subconsciously grabbed the man's lapel and asked, "Li Beijue, what preparations does Butler Huo want us to make?"

"Get ready to jump!"

Simple and crude!

——Get ready to jump!

Chi Enen's ears buzzed.

"Jump down?" Are you kidding me?

She doesn't want it.

"It'll be okay, I'm behind you. You don't have a heart disease or sudden illness, so don't be afraid."

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