Li Beijue loosened his clenched fists, lifted the quilt next to her, and lay down on the bed.

The soft big bed sank immediately.

The sleeping person frowned as if he was disturbed, and then instinctively moved his body towards the 'heat source'.

An arm naturally rested on his lower abdomen. Just as Li Beijue was about to take her hand away, Chi Enen's soft body had already leaned over.


He let out a soft whimper, as if his sweet dream had been disturbed, making a dissatisfied sound.

Li Beijue's back suddenly stiffened and he became motionless. His eyes fell again on the face of the little woman who had almost rolled into his arms.

With simple eyebrows and long, curled eyelashes, no matter how you look at her, she is not the kind of woman who can make people stunning at first sight, but she is so damn seductive. In his eyes, she is better than all the women he has ever seen. Be nice!

His eyes slid from Chi Enen's small nose to his slightly swollen lips, and his eyes suddenly darkened...

The shape of Chi Enen's lips is not the diamond shape that is popular nowadays. Her lip color is naturally pink, pink and very comfortable.

But now, the corners of his mouth were slightly red and swollen.

But this kind of redness and swelling is fatally attractive.

It's like...asking for a kiss!

Li Beijue was keenly aware of the subtle changes in his body. His eyes became darker and darker, as if two fires were burning inside, and the flames grew bigger and stronger.

Chi Enen was not aware of the danger at all. Her tired fingertips could not move. She closed her eyes and slept soundly.

She was having a good dream, but for some reason, the surroundings suddenly became hotter and hotter. It was so hot that she felt like she was walking in the desert, and was slowly buried by the scorching sand. The scorching sun was scorching above his head, but his body was imprisoned by the sand, unable to move.

So hot……

Chi Enen frowned. Although her physical strength was exhausted to the limit, she still woke up from her sleep involuntarily because it was too hot.

As soon as she woke up, she understood why she had such a dream about being buried in the desert and being so hot that she was sleeping so well.

Because what happened before she fainted was not over yet? !

She opened her eyes, struggled for a while, raised her hand with great effort, and pushed away the man who was pressing down on her. Her voice was as hoarse as broken silk, "Li Beijue, I... I don't want it anymore."

She was really so tired that every cell in her body was protesting. Wasn't he tired?

Could it be that as long as she was in coma, he had been working hard alone?

Chi Enen vaguely felt something was wrong, because she felt as fresh and refreshed as if she had just taken a shower, without the sticky feeling before.

And after she fainted, she vaguely felt Li Beijue carrying her into the bathroom and helping her take a simple bath.

So what is he doing now?

In the middle of sleeping, I suddenly got violent..1?

His energy is too good, right?

Chi Enen was so tired that he could hardly open his eyelids. The arms he raised to resist were limp and didn't have much strength at all. "I'm so tired... I think..."

Before she could say anything about sleeping, the condescending man lowered his head, sealed her lips, captured the city with a domineering passionate kiss, and powerfully declared his sovereignty.

"You do, because I need you."

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