Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1495 The Lord gave the medicine himself

——Because I need you!

Chi Enen vaguely noticed that his mood was a little different from before, as if something had happened.

But she just slept for a while. Li Beijue should be by her side, so nothing could happen at night, right?

She was still in a daze, and a new wave of waves had already submerged her, leaving her no chance to refuse.

In extreme fatigue, Chi Enen couldn't tell whether he was awake or tired and fell asleep again.

The next day, the sunlight at noon moved from the floor-to-ceiling window to the big bed, and shone into the eyes of the sleeping person on the bed. The sleeping person frowned reluctantly, slowly rolled his eyes, raised his hand, and blocked the eyes. Close your eyes.

Originally, Chi Enen's consciousness was still vague and she wanted to fall asleep, but because of the simple movement of raising her hand, she pulled the muscles in her shoulders. Instead, she was stimulated by the pain in her shoulders and woke up. She slowly opened her eyes.

She didn't know if it was because she was too tired last night, but her eyelids always felt as heavy as a thousand pounds. It took her more than ten seconds to do such a simple action as opening her eyes.

The dazzling sunlight outside the window suddenly hit his eyes. Chi Enen groaned and quickly closed them again.

Although the noise she made was small, it was still heard by the servant who took care of her.

He immediately walked to the bed in surprise and asked softly, "Miss Chi, are you awake?"

Uh...why is there someone in the bedroom?

She opened her eyes again and got used to it the first time. Although the sunlight was more dazzling the second time, it was not to the point where it was unacceptable.


As soon as she opened her mouth, she found that her voice was so hoarse that she was almost speechless.

The servant had expected this, and immediately thoughtfully brought over the honey water that had been prepared and placed it on the bedside. After helping her up, he handed the honey water to her and said, "Miss Chi , drink some water."

It was okay that Chi Enen didn't speak. After suddenly speaking, she realized that her throat was very dry and itchy. She took the water glass handed over by the servant without pretense, raised her head and drank most of the glass.

The warm honey water moistened her throat, and she felt much better immediately. She returned the cup to the waiting servant, scanned the room, and didn't see the person she should have seen. She asked the servant next to her strangely. People, "Where is... Li Beijue?"

"Miss Chi, ask Sir?" The servant placed the water glass on her bedside and said naturally, "Young Master Li is in the study."

Then she turned back and asked, "Miss Chi, do you need me to tell Sir that you are awake?"


Li Beijue must be busy with something in the study. She woke up when she woke up, so there was no need to disturb him.


She is more curious.

"What time is it now? How long have I been asleep?"

"It's about half past twelve. You didn't sleep for long. After Sir Alex gave you the medicine, you only slept for less than 4 hours."

"Have you finished applying the medicine?" Chi Enen suddenly felt a cold feeling down there, and the uncomfortable feeling before he fell asleep was gone.

Li Beijue called the doctor and gave her medicine?

Why doesn't she remember anything?

The servant didn't think anything was wrong and nodded, "Yes, at 8:30 in the morning, Sir Alex asked his personal doctor to come over. After looking at your condition, Sir Alex gave you medicine."

Although she didn't see Sir Alex applying the medicine himself, she really envied Miss Chi. Not only could she have a diamond man like Sir Alex, but Sir Alex was so kind to Miss Chi. Miss Chi must have saved the galaxy in her previous life.

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