Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1496 For me, your sleep is more important than anything else!

"Sir, something suddenly happened at work, so he asked me to take care of you. Miss Chi, do you want to get up?"

Chi Enen's muscles were all sore now, but she was too embarrassed to lie on the bed anymore. She nodded and lifted the quilt, "I'll get up by myself."

The imagination was wonderful, but when she moved, she realized how sore the muscles in her body were.

If she hadn't reacted quickly and supported the edge of the bed with her hands, the moment she got off the bed and touched the ground, her already embarrassed legs would have fallen to the ground softly.

"Miss Chi, are you okay?" The maid noticed her little move and asked hurriedly.

Chi Enen held the edge of the bed for a while and calmed down. He took a breath and said, "It's okay."

She slowly let go of her hand. Although her calves were still sore, they were gradually getting used to it. She picked up her coat, put it on her body, and walked outside.

As soon as he went out, he met Huo Yi.

Huo Yi was still wearing a suit and tuxedo as always, instructing the servants to place the dishes. When he saw her coming out, he immediately greeted her respectfully, "Good morning, Miss Chi."

"Morning. Butler Huo." Chi Enen was a little embarrassed when Huo Yi saw her current appearance.

Huo Yi could see that she was uncomfortable, so he opened the dining table beside him and said, "It's already twelve o'clock. Miss Chi, please wait a moment. I'll call the lord for dinner."


Before Chi Enen could stop him, he had already ran into the study.

After a while, the domineering and arrogant man walked out of the study. He seemed to be very busy. As he walked, he put one hand on the Bluetooth headset next to his ear and gave some instructions. His brows were furrowed and his expression was serious, completely different from usual.

When he reached the dining table, Huo Yi pulled out the chair for him. After he sat down, he said impatiently, "Okay, if you have anything to do, tell me in an hour. Do as I said first." deal with!"

After saying that, he took off the Bluetooth headset from his ear and threw it aside.

He raised his head and said to Chi Enen, "Let's eat."

As he said this, he sat up straight and started eating.

The simple Western food he ate made him feel like an aristocrat, and his every move was as etiquette and standard as a painting.

Chi Enen glanced at him, lowered his head quietly, and began to eat silently...

Fifteen minutes later, Li Beijue had put down his knife and fork, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said, "I'm full, you eat slowly."

Chi Enen immediately put down his knife and fork and asked, "Li Beijue, did something happen?"

Why is he so busy all of a sudden?

And judging from his aura, he was too tough and serious, as if he was in trouble.

She always felt something was wrong.

"What's the matter?" The domineering man seemed to see what she was worried about and immediately said, "You are overthinking it. It's just that the old man is in the hospital and there are some things that need to be dealt with."


"Yes!" Li Beijue suddenly changed the topic, "By the way, Lin Anxin called you while you were sleeping."

Chi Enen's attention was indeed diverted, "Anxin called me? What happened?"

"She didn't say anything, but it sounded like she was in a hurry." Li Beijue took a slight step and said, visibly relaxing his tense outline.

"Then why didn't you call me?" Chi Enen said depressedly, not knowing what to say.

As soon as she finished speaking, the domineering man frowned, glared at her with eagle eyes, and said matter-of-factly, "Why should I call you? To me, your sleep is more important than anything she does!"

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