Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1513 Chi Baobao is no longer angry with her

Huo Yi didn't want it at first, but she stuffed it into his arms. Under her enthusiastic shouting, he had no choice but to accept the pink little butterfly... hair tie.

After putting it away carefully, he said to Chi Enen, "Okay, Miss Chi, get in the car quickly."


Chi Enen carried Nono into the car.

Chi Baobao followed closely behind.

After Huo Yi closed the door for them, he walked around to the front and got in the car.

Immediately afterwards, the car turned around and drove towards the outskirts of the city.

in the car.

Chi Enen fulfilled her promise, used a bear hair tie to comb the little girl's hair, and then let her play by herself.

She turned her head and saw Chi Baobao holding her iPad and looking busy in earnest.

After not seeing each other for just half a month, her Chi Baobao seemed to have grown taller. Not only did he grow taller, but his whole aura became much stronger.

Especially the way he lowers his head and looks at the iPad seriously gives people a sense of accomplishment as my teenager has just grown up.

Chi Enen glanced at his iPad. It was full of data and trend charts, which should be stock market reports.

In the past, she might have doubted whether her baby Chi could understand. However, after experiencing Scarlett, she no longer doubted this at all.

After all, she has thoroughly seen how talented her son is.

Chi Enen watched quietly for a while, and when he raised his head slightly, he said, "Baby."

"Huh?" Kushuai said in a nasal voice without even raising his head.

"How long do you want to stay in Linshi? If you stay a few more days, I will take you and Nuonuo to the amusement park tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Now the person who was looking at the iPad seriously finally raised his head and gave her some attention. He narrowed his eyes and looked at her a few times before saying, "Are you free?"

Without waiting for Chi Enen to answer, he waved his hand like a little adult and said coolly, "Forget it, take care of the old Wang next door first. Wait until the old Wang next door recovers."

After finishing speaking, he paused and added, "But what happened last night can't happen again! We agreed that it would be an hour, just an hour. You can't just do it perfunctorily!"

It was really an unexpected situation for her last night, and she didn't mean to do it casually. Chi Enen wanted to explain, but couldn't explain last night's situation to him, so he had to forget it.

But the stone that had been weighing on my heart was finally let go.

Judging from Chi Baobao's appearance, he didn't look like he was still angry.

Chi Enen breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

As long as Baby Chi doesn't get angry.

Every time he got angry, she didn't know what to do.

Quan Dongting came to the market because he was busy with work, because Chi Enen called Haas in advance and told her that Chi Baobao and Nuonuo were with her, and she wanted to take the two little guys for a stroll, so Chi Enen He came back two hours later than the agreed time with Nono, so Haas was not in a hurry. Waiting respectfully at the door of the company, he took the sleeping Nuonuo from Chi Enen's arms and said, "Miss, I took the little lady in."

"Haas." Chi Enen stopped him and asked after hesitation, "Where is my uncle?" Why didn't you see him come out?

Haas stopped when she called him. Hearing this, he immediately said, "My father-in-law is still busy. Does the young lady want to see him?"

"No, I'm just asking." Chi Enen said softly after knowing that Quan Dongting was still busy, "Let my uncle do his work first. I'll call him when he has time tomorrow."

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