Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1514 Li Beijue came to pick her up

When Chi Baobao came out with Nuonuo, he didn't even follow him. Although he was relieved, it also showed that he was really busy.

Chi Enen also handed over Chi Baobao to him. Before Haas led the two little guys in, Chi Baobao coolly reminded her not to forget her promise to him.

It wasn't until Chi Enen promised that he wouldn't forget it that he put his hands in his pockets and left coolly.

Chi Enen watched their backs disappear from sight, then turned around and opened the car door.

"Miss Chi, where are you going now? Going back to the resort?" Huo Yi asked from the front.

Just when Chi Enen wanted to go back to the resort, her phone vibrated.

She took out her phone and saw that it was a new text message.

Paranoid: [Where? 】

A text message from Li Beijue!

She typed quickly with her fingers and replied, [This side of Roman Road. 】


The news from over there came back almost immediately, "What are you doing over there?" Where is Lin Anxin? 】

[An Xin went back first. 】

The news from Chi Enen was passed on, but the news about him had already arrived, [Forget it, just stay there and don’t run around, I’ll come find you right away! 】

[Accompany me to a social event later! 】


What kind of entertainment?

She thought for a while, replied with a nice word, and sent her location along the way.

Then he raised his head and said to Huo Yi, "Steward Huo, let's wait here. Li Beijue will be here soon."

"Will the lord be here?" Huo Yi was surprised and immediately said, "Okay, I'll drive the car to the side of the road."

They waited for less than half an hour.

A Lexus stopped on the roadside, and then the rear window of the Lexus rolled down, revealing a handsome face, "Chi Enen, come up."

Who is this domineering voice but Li Beijue?

Huo Yi stood aside respectfully and called, "Sir."

After Li Beijue expressed his gratitude, he helped Chi Enen open the car door, blocked the car frame with his hand, and reminded, "Miss Chi, be careful."

"Thank you." Chi Enen got in the car.

Huo Yi immediately closed the car door for them and stepped aside.

The Lexus drove away immediately...

in the car.

Before Chi Enen's buttocks were warm, the man beside him had already asked casually, "What on earth does Lin Anxin want from you? Why did he leave early again and leave you there alone?"

"It's nothing." Chi Enen didn't know how to tell him about An Xin and Si Chen. After all, she hadn't figured out what was going on with An Xin and Si Chen yet. "Si Shao's mother suddenly made an appointment to meet An Xin, so Anxin called me. Later, Master Si came and took Anxin away. That was it."

"Si Chen's mother wants to see Lin Anxin?" Li Beijue frowned reflexively.

He didn't think that Si Chen's mother wanted to see Lin Anxin with the intention of meeting her daughter-in-law. She must have hidden it from Si Chen and wanted to deal with Lin Anxin privately.

As for how Si Chen knew about this and how he came after him, he didn't know.


"Bring two more bodyguards if you encounter something like this in the future, do you hear me?"

He didn't care how Si Chen's mother and Lin Anxin fought.

But he cares about this woman's safety. If Si Chen's mother is angry with Lin Anxin and wants to take action, this woman will definitely help Lin Anxin.

If Chi Enen is injured, don't blame him...he will be merciless.

Li Beijue narrowed his eagle eyes, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

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