When Chi Enen saw him relaxing, he also relaxed. She would only be worried if Li Beijue kept tense. After Chi Enen relaxed, he smiled slightly and agreed quickly, "Okay."

She put a few more pieces of pork belly on it and grilled it, and put a few shrimps on the side. After flipping it twice, the vermicelli scallops were already bubbling, and the aroma of seafood mixed with garlic hit your nose. Chi Enen checked to see if the scallops were cooked. After making sure they were cooked, he put them on his plate and took one for himself.

"A lot of reviews said that their vermicelli scallops are very delicious. I didn't know whether they were good or not, so I only ordered four. You try to see if they are good. If they are good, I will ask the clerk to bring a few more."

"Vermicelli scallops?" This was Li Beijue's first time eating this.

Seafood is generally in Western food, and Western food doesn't like shellfish, let alone adding inelegant seasonings like garlic to dishes. The most popular dish is white jade snails.

It was the first time for him to eat something like adding vermicelli on top of scallops, topped with stir-fried garlic paste and millet pepper.

Li Beijue tried it. The vermicelli had been grilled over charcoal fire and had fully absorbed the flavor of the seafood. Adding the spicy seasoning of minced garlic and millet, the flavor of the seafood was brought out to the extreme. Moreover, the freshly grilled scallops are still very hot, and the hotter they are, the more delicious they taste.

Li Beijue's eyes lit up.

"Call for some more."

Chi Enen also ate it, and it was really delicious, "Yeah."

She called the clerk and ordered another large portion. Then she put the Jiaduobao the clerk had brought over and said, "I'll bake some vegetarian dishes later. I'll bake an eggplant for a change."

If you eat meat all the time, you will get tired of it after two or three times, so be sure to bake some vegetarian dishes to change the taste in between.

"I want mushrooms." Li Beijue did not forget to mention what he likes to eat.

"Okay, then wait until the clerk passes by us and I'll tell him."

"Yeah." Li Beijue was immersed in eating scallops. He seemed to like the hot sauce here. After getting rid of the fans in the scallops, he actually dipped the scallops in hot sauce and ate them.

This was the first time Chi Enen had seen such a weird way of eating, but she didn't dare to say anything.

After all, Li Beijue's style of doing things is to go his own way, and there is no rule that scallops must be eaten with fans.

Li Beijue didn't eat anything today, and Chi Enen didn't eat much either, so he was already hungry.

She relaxed and baked some more things. When they were done, she put them on the domineering man's plate and started eating her own portion.

It took more than an hour to eat the meal, and basically everything they ordered was gone. Chi Enen's stomach was full. After she paid the bill, she pulled the man who was also full and said naturally, "You're so full, Li Beijue, let's go for a walk and digest it."

Li Beijue knew that she wanted him to take a walk. Huo Yi didn't call anyway, and Chi Enen rarely took the initiative to hold his arm. He didn't refuse, "Where are you going?"

"We're not going anywhere, just strolling around here, breathing in the fresh air, and digesting our food. Otherwise, my stomach will be very uncomfortable." Chi Enen pulled him and suddenly pointed to a place with a lot of people in front of him, and said enthusiastically, "What's going on over there? Let's go over and take a look."

She said the wind was like the rain, took his hand and walked forward.

The place they walked to was a small square, and many people were already gathered around it. When they got closer, they realized that someone was playing the piano and singing here.

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