Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1552 Chi Enen, only look at me!

The singer's voice was hoarse, and he seemed to be immersed in the singing while playing the piano, with his eyes half closed.

The streetlight just shone on half of his slightly lowered profile, which made him look particularly impressive.

Several little girls took out their mobile phones and kept taking pictures of the man singing. Chi Enen pulled him to stop and listen for a while outside the crowd.

He completely didn't notice that the man next to him was getting darker and darker.

She had just heard it interestingly, but Li Beijue had already pulled her, "Let's go."

"Listen for a while, I think he sings pretty well." Chi Enen said without looking back, as if thinking of something, he found his phone from his bag, "By the way, I'll take a photo of him." ”

The Habsden family also owns entertainment companies, and potential stocks like this can be tapped.

Li Beijue's face had been bad since she refused to leave, and he became even more bad-tempered when he saw her take out her cell phone and imitate the people next to her in taking pictures of an inexplicable man.

damn it! Does it sound that good? !

He forcibly grabbed Chi Enen's wrist and pulled her to look at him. He put on a handsome face and said expressionlessly, "Wait! You must take a picture of me later, too." You can only take a picture of me!”

Why should he be photographed without missing a second?

Before Chi Enen could recover, she saw the angry man letting go of her wrist and walking towards the crowd.

He was tall and tall, and he was majestic. As soon as he walked into the crowd, he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

But as if he didn't care at all, he walked directly to the singer playing the piano and said something to the singer. The singer was stunned for a moment, then glanced in the direction of Chi Enen in the crowd in astonishment, then stood up and gave up his seat.

Li Beijue sat in front of the piano, raised his hand, and tried the pitch first.

The intonation of a cheap piano like this was definitely not as good as his own. Sure enough, he frowned and showed a look of disgust.

But he still raised his hand and played it.

His hands were already long and good-looking. They were not as good-looking as the man who performed on the street just now. They were well-jointed, slender and white, and they jumped nimbly across the piano. They were so dazzling that people couldn't take their eyes away——

Chi Enen never knew that he still had hand control problems.

But now, she was really attracted to those hands!

"Chi Enen, you are only allowed to look at me, and you are not allowed to look away! Not even for a second! Do you hear me!"

So overbearing!

Not only are you allowed to look at him, but you are also allowed to photograph him!

Li Beijue has a deep outline, a full forehead, arrogant eagle eyes, a high bridge of nose, and rose-colored thin lips. Sitting in front of the piano, Li Beijue looks like the leading actor from an idol drama.

Even if he didn't say anything, no one could take their eyes off him!

He raised his hand, and a smooth piano sound came out from his fingertips. Chi Enen heard it, it was "Concerto in G flat major".

The author of this piece is a musical genius. It is said that he fell in love with his wife, but was unable to express his feelings to her. So I composed this song and put all my love into it.

Li Beijue played very well, and his smoothness was no different from what she heard in the concert. It was even better than what she heard in the concert.

And for this song, Chi Enen raised the corners of his mouth, feeling sweet in his heart, raised his phone, and filmed it at him as he said.

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