Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1595: You have to bear the consequences even if you kneel down

Li Qiyun had received too many slaps today, but the assistant's slap still made her clench her fists.

Is there no need to participate, or is it that she is not required to participate?

The look in Li Qiyunmei's eyes was changing. Just when the assistant thought she was going to get angry, she calmly said, "I understand."

With that said, he picked up the bag and left without looking back.

There was no trace of embarrassment on her back, she was as calm and proud as when she came!

Even so, Li Qiyun could still feel the eyes coming from all directions from the moment she turned around.

She had been embarrassed enough today, had been slapped enough, and was embarrassed enough. But she knew it wasn't over yet.

Reporters must still be blocking the door of the company. After she goes out later, she will face a wave of reporters.

After the results of the shareholders' meeting are announced, she will have to face a series of questions.

The veins on the back of Li Qiyun's hands were bulging, but she was still the graceful and noble eldest daughter of the Li family. Even in such an embarrassing time, she still maintained the unique arrogance of the Li family.

Li Qiyun's loss of the shareholders' meeting spread like a meteor throughout the entire W country.

The dispute over the succession of the Li family that has been quarreling for some time has finally come to an end, and the result exceeded most people's expectations.

The Li Chaebol's stock price began to rebound the moment the results of the shareholders' meeting came out. Although it did not rebound to a high degree immediately, it finally did not continue to fall like it did some time ago.

The reporters outside Li's headquarters got the results from inside, and they all set up long guns and short cannons aimed at Li's gate.

The first to come out were the people from the Economic Crime Agency, who took the lead in breaking through the siege and getting into the car with the public relations minister in handcuffs.

After they left, Li Qiyun also came out.

At this moment, reporters rushed over like a tide——

"Miss Li, we heard that the results of the shareholders' meeting have come out, and it is Mr. Li who is qualified for the position of president, is that right?"

"You said before that you were very confident in this shareholders' meeting. What do you think caused your failure?"

"Miss Li, can you express your opinion on this shareholders' meeting?"

"Miss Li, please say a few words."

"Miss Li, can you tell me how you feel now? How are you feeling now? Can you share it with us?"

Malicious questions came one after another. The key was that the people asking the questions looked at her with mocking eyes, as if they were scrutinizing her, wanting to dig something out of her.

Security personnel formed a human wall to block reporters on both sides.

But there are too many reporters, and they all got such dramatic results. They are definitely not willing to let go of the heroine in the flipped script, and they want to pry her mouth open to get more explosive information.

"Miss Li, is the person who was taken away just now a member of the Li family? Does it have anything to do with you? I see that the license plate is that of the Economic Crime Investigation Agency. Are you also suspected of economic crimes?"

"Miss Li, can you answer me?"

Countless spotlights were flashing. Ironically, an hour ago, these spotlights were flashing for flattery.

Now it's aggressive.

The scene was completely surrounded.

Li Qiyun was blocked in the middle, her handsome and heroic face was pale, but she never spoke.

At this moment, there was a sound of tires screeching, and a Lexus stopped outside the circle of reporters——

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