Ten minutes later, Li Qiyun got into the car with the help of the bodyguards of the Os family, and the Lexus drove out of Li's car amid the siege of reporters.

in the car.

Aos was wearing a suit and leather tie, and his deep face always gave people the illusion of being elegant. However, Li Qiyun knew very well that the man in front of her was not as gentleman as he looked.

It's just that she suffered a series of blows today, and now she is not in the mood to act with this man.

She leaned back on the chair, rubbed her stiff temples, closed her eyes, and asked tiredly and directly, "Why are you here?"

Os put his hands on his knees, leaned forward and said gently, "I thought you needed me, so I came. In fact, my guess was right, you need me."

Li Qiyun frowned, but she was too tired, not only physically but also mentally. She didn't open her eyes or respond.

Aos didn't force her to respond, but waited quietly for her to adjust.

He didn't wait long. Li Qiyun opened her eyes. Although her face still looked bad, her eyes had returned to their healthy appearance. She stared at the face of the man in front of her, as if she wanted to read something from his face, and finally spoke after a long time, "Since you are here, you should know that I lost."

She lost this round completely!

This was the first time since she entered the mall that she had lost so completely.

As her partner, the smart thing for him to do at this time is to stay away from her instead of coming closer.

Judging from the time she has been in contact with him, this man is definitely a smart man!

What does a smart person do when he does something unsmart?

Probably aware of her defensiveness, Aos leaned on the sofa, poured her a glass of red wine and handed it to her. When he saw her taking it, he said calmly, "Of course I know. You lost this time. The price paid is also very heavy. So I thought, as my fiancé, should I take advantage of this opportunity to step in and care about you? What if you are moved? "

"..." Li Qiyun frowned, glanced at him impatiently with her beautiful eyes, shook the goblet in her hand gracefully, took a sip, and said coldly, "Don't be joking, you know I'm not interested in my current mood. Talk to you glibly."

"Besides, this kind of joke is not suitable for me."

Aos shrugged his shoulders, noncommittal, but his eyes that were so deep that people could not understand them remained on her, "Indeed, these words are indeed ridiculous to you. As far as I know, it seems that in recent years, it seems that everyone has Men who show love to the eldest daughter of the Li family will eventually be taken away in the shopping mall."

Li Qiyun has a top-notch family background, top-notch beauty, and top-notch abilities. It is impossible for such a woman not to be pursued by a man, but any man who pursues Li Qiyun will eventually be crushed by Li Qiyun in some aspect, directly crushing a man's self-esteem into powder.

Over time, fewer people chased her.

Li Qiyun has also become an unattainable beauty in this circle.

She is beautiful, heroic, and makes people want to conquer her but are afraid of being pricked all over her body!

Li Qiyun didn't know why he said this. She shook the red wine glass in her hand and said nothing, waiting for his next words.

Oss chuckled slightly and shook his head, as if he realized that it was childish for him to want to see her doubts with just a few words. He stopped beating around the bush, put down the red wine glass, and said, "Let's get married."

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