Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1608 Domineering confession on Instagram

Lin Anxin had a splitting headache and walked out of the hotel holding the bracelet.

She was good at dealing with harassment, but she really didn't know how to deal with this little boy's confession.

Just then, the cell phone in her bag rang.

Lin Anxin put away the bracelet and took out her mobile phone.

It's an unknown number.

She clicked on the text message, just a few words: I am Lu Zhiang, this is my number, check ins.

Her head, which had finally gone away from the headache, started to hurt again.

She clicked on Instagram and found Lu Zhiang's Instagram account.

I found that there was not much content on his account, and it was simply as full of personality as himself.

However, although the content on his Instagram is pitiful, there are not a few fans who follow his Instagram.

Lin Anxin counted it again and found that there were millions of traces.

She immediately felt distressed for her Instagram account that had been in operation for two or three years and could not be traced by 100,000 people.

Sure enough, there is a natural gap in the number of fans between male celebrities and female celebrities.

There is a huge difference between one hundred thousand and several million.

Should she tell Shanni to buy some zombie fans?

Lin Anxin just thought about it in her mind, and had no real intention to buy zombie fans to show off.

She looked left and right, up and down, but didn't see anything on Lu Zhiang's Instagram.

The latest ins is the cover of a new song from a few months ago.

"What the hell?" What on earth did he want her to see?

Just when Lin Anxin was about to quit, Lu Zhiang's ins was suddenly updated.

It’s a black and white picture!

The photo shows a hand holding a bracelet in its palm. The pendant of the bracelet is very unique, in the shape of an angel wing.

The hand holding the bracelet has distinct joints, and it looks like Lu Zhiang's hand!

There is also a sentence on it - 'Sometimes I really want to become a bird, so that I can fly into your heart. ’

Is this... a public confession?

Lin An's heart palpitated.

Lu Zhiang's fanatic fans reacted much faster than her. Lu Zhiang's Instagram was updated less than a minute ago, and someone immediately commented below.

[Front row. Wow, I actually got the first place. 】

[The boss actually updated his Instagram, I’m so lucky. 】

[I also want to become a bird and fly into the boss’s heart. 】

[Isn’t this a line from that movie? 】

[Am I the only one who noticed that that bracelet is a women’s style? what's the situation? Is the boss just talking about the movie or expressing his feelings? Why do I feel so ambiguous? 】

[Get out of here upstairs! The boss must have posted on Instagram because of watching this movie. If he is confessing his love, I will... go on a hunger strike! 】

[Hahaha, I want to be a rational fan, stay closer to his works and stay away from life. Even if he really announces his girlfriend one day, I will bless him. But I want to send the razor blade to that woman, and I will be a black eye for her life from now on! 】

[+1 upstairs]

【Upstairs +10086】

In just a few minutes, Lu Zhiang's Instagram had more than 10,000 reposts and hundreds of thousands of likes.

Lin Anxin was dumbfounded, seeing the popularity of Cangqiong Band for the first time.

She had only heard that Lu Zhiang and the others were very popular when chatting with others on the set. She thought they were just ordinary and very popular. I didn’t expect it to be so popular! With this kind of popularity, he is definitely a top traffic star.

Lin Anxin was still marveling at Lu Zhiang's popularity when she heard the buzzing sound of her cell phone vibrating.

She clicked on it and saw that it was all private messages and Aite.

Basically, he was telling her that Lu Zhiang watched her movie.

Lu Zhiang posted on Instagram that he really liked the role she played.

Some young fans of Lu Zhiang also sent private messages asking about her relationship with Lu Zhiang.

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