There are all kinds.

Lin Anxin suddenly felt that the bracelet in her bag was hot to her hands.


Her phone vibrated again.

This time it's not a private message, it's a text message.

It’s still Lu Zhiang’s text message: I’m following your Instagram account.

Lin Anxin's head buzzed.

Sure enough, when I clicked on my Instagram followers column, the account at the top was Lu Zhiang's.

She made a prompt decision and reposted Lu Zhiang's latest Instagram post before fans arrived at the battlefield. Added the sentence 'please work together'.

She reprinted it on the front foot, and Lu Zhiang's fans on the back foot did arrive on the battlefield.

[It turns out there is cooperation, no wonder. 】

[I was shocked just now. I thought the boss was going to make his relationship public. We look forward to cooperation. 】

【Refill. We look forward to cooperation. I hope Sister An An can take good care of our eldest son. If our eldest son does something bad, please forgive me. PS: I love your movies too. 】

Most of the comments below are voices of support.

Lin Anxin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Emma, ​​she was scared to death just now. Fortunately, she reacted quickly, otherwise she would be drowned in saliva in minutes.

However, Lu Zhiang was too bold.

Does he know how scary this kind of female fan is?

Ding ding.

The text message came again, this time the sentence was a little longer: Lin Anxin, I am seriously chasing you. I know you think I'm younger than you and think I'm just playing with you. From now on, you can drop this idea. As long as you are willing, I can disclose our relationship as soon as possible. Admit to the world that you are my girlfriend and give you enough security. So, I'm serious.

——As long as you are willing, I can disclose our relationship immediately and admit to the world that you are my girlfriend!

Even though Lin Anxin considered herself no longer a little girl, she still couldn't help but feel her heart palpitate when she saw such a domineering confession from a man.

The effect of a top traffic idol's public love affair is undoubtedly to drop an atomic bomb on fans, which will cause a devastating blow to his career.

Once this is announced, it's okay to get married. If they break up midway, it basically means quitting the entertainment industry.

Lin Anxin didn't expect that he would use this to promise his seriousness.

She originally thought that Lu Zhiang was just a boy's impulse, or a bet with a friend or something. Not really taking it seriously.

But now, she was a little overwhelmed by Lu Zhiang's series of domineering actions.

What a joke.

Although she broke up with Si Chen, she had no plans to start a new relationship so soon.

I never thought about finding a boy who is 3 years younger than me and a top idol to have a relationship that would shock the entertainment industry.

She didn't even know how to reply to Lu Zhiang's message.

She thought for a while and went back.

After receiving the message, she put the phone back and walked out of the hotel door.

Because Lu Zhiang's ins confession was disturbed, Lin Anxin didn't notice someone walking out from behind her.

Si Chen's assistant saw her and immediately said, "Master Si, isn't that Miss Lin? Do you want to call Miss Lin?"

Si Chen also saw Lin Anxin.

Seeing that she was dressed casually and in a relaxed state, without looking tired or sad at all, her heart suddenly felt as if someone had pulled it out hard and stabbed her with a knife.

Jun's face darkened and he said expressionlessly, "No need!"

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