Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1621 Tomorrow morning at the earliest

"Really?" Chi Baobao raised his head in surprise, "Uncle Haas, can you take us there? I want to leave tonight!"

He wished he could catch up with his woman right away and teach her a lesson.

Let her not take him with her every time!

Quan Dongting touched his hair with a smile on his face, his brown eyes full of understanding. Why couldn't he see that Chi Baobao was acting just now and was just deliberately being fooled.

"Not tonight. Flying at night is not good for your health. Especially since Nono is too young, she can't sleep on the plane."

"But..." Chi Baobao was so anxious that he wanted to rush over on a rocket right away.

Quan Dongting interrupted him and said, "Tomorrow morning. At the earliest at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will ask Haas to arrange a flight to send you there."

"...Okay." Although Chi Baobao was reluctant, he still reluctantly agreed.

Quan Dongting laughed gently, reached out to hold his shoulders, and said earnestly, "My uncle knows that you are a little man. You can take good care of your sister, right? You know that she is different from other little girls. She needs Pay more attention. Can you help my uncle take care of her?"

"I will take good care of Nono!" Chi Baobei's eyes looked exactly like someone else's with seriousness.

He knew better than anyone what was different between Nono and other little girls, so he would definitely watch her more to prevent her from getting hurt.

Quan Dongting pressed heavily on his shoulder, like a man talking to a man, "Okay. My uncle believes in you, Nono will leave it to you."


Chi Baobao got what he wanted. He looked at the dozens of people who were still waiting eagerly at the other end of the video and said smartly, "Uncle, you go ahead and get busy. I'm going out."

"Remember to ask the servant to make you a glass of milk."

Quan Dongting is indeed busy. He must resolve all matters in Country W within half a month and then return to Country T.

But no matter how busy he was, he never forgot to tell Chi Baobao.

Chi Baobao felt warm in his heart. Although he was still a little bit upset about Quan Dongting taking away her woman, he had to admit that after getting along with her during this period, those little knots had become very small.


He stepped on the adult's slippers and went out.

Quan Dongting watched him walk out of the study, closed the door, then fell back and sat down again.

He was not in a hurry to continue the meeting, but first made a call to the airport to arrange Chi Baobei's and his group's itinerary and hotel for tomorrow.

Then he picked up the Bluetooth headset on the table again, put it on his left ear, and said to the other end of the video maturely and steadily, "Okay, let's continue with the meeting."

"Where did you just say? Continue."

The meeting in the study began again.

Chi Baobao left the study and drank a glass of milk obediently before returning to the room.

He was in no hurry to sleep.

Instead, he dug out his small schoolbag and began to pack his things.

You need to bring your iPad... you need to bring your bank card... you also need to bring some cash... and... you need to bring Nono's lollipops and medicine...

clothing? My uncle must have made arrangements.

In the blink of an eye, his schoolbag was full.

After he stuffed the phone charger in, he took out his phone and looked at the message Chi Enen sent him.

After thinking about it, I still didn’t reply.

Forget it, I won’t reply yet.

Wait until he brings Nono to Ryukyu tomorrow!

He still has to think about how to give Chi Enen a big shock!

Let’s see if she takes them with her next time she goes out to play!

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