Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1622 It’s better to have a comet hit the earth

Chi Enen had no idea that Chi Baobao was coming.

The plane landed at Ryukyu Airport 4 hours later.

Due to the time difference, it was already late at night in W country, but it was still daytime in Ryukyu.

Huo Yi arranged for special people to receive them.

As soon as I got off the plane, I changed into an extended Lincoln.

Li Beijue's so-called vacation was exactly what she thought of as a vacation. He was busy from beginning to end. Various video conferences are being held non-stop, and mobile phones are ringing from time to time.

During the five hours on the plane, he didn't take a minute's rest.

Chi Enen actually slept on the plane and is now full of energy. Outside the car window, the scenery of the island is pleasant, and the sun and beach make people feel relaxed.

She originally thought they were staying in a hotel this time.

Unexpectedly, the Lincoln drove to a villa near the sea and stopped.

"Sir, Miss Chi, we're here." The driver got out of the car respectfully and opened the door for the two of them.

Chi Enen got out of the car first, stretched and took a breath of fresh air.

The air with the scent of sea water and coconut milk was refreshing, and the sun was shining warmly on her body. It was indescribably comfortable. She couldn't help but close her eyes and enjoy it.

However, before Chi Enen could enjoy it for even a minute, her soft, mint-flavored lips pressed down, and he pried open her lips and teeth unceremoniously, attacking the city.

In order to prevent her from dodging, the man who attacked aggressively grabbed the back of her head with his hands, not giving her any chance!

"Well." Chi Enen suddenly opened his eyes, put his hands on the arrogant man's chest, and pushed hard.

Are you kidding me? The driver is still here, why can't he be more reserved?

For Li Beijue to be reserved, it would be better for a comet to hit the earth!

Sure enough, her little strength was not as good as scratching the itch, which was of no use at all. Instead, it deepened the kiss.

The driver was right next to him, his head lowered as if he didn't see anything.

After the kiss ended, the corners of Chi Enen's mouth turned red, looking even more 'delicious'.

Li Beijue's eyes were bottomless, and there was a strong possessiveness flashing in the depths of his deep eyes. That look seemed as if he wanted to turn her into a shrunken little rag doll so that she could be put in his pocket! His arms were tightly clasped around her waist...

Chi Enen finally breathed and started to move.

"Li Beijue, don't make trouble, you..."

"Don't move! If you move again, I can't guarantee anything!" She was the one who seduced him first! Damn it, this woman is smiling in front of him with her face upturned and her eyes closed when she has nothing to do!

Li Beijue suppressed the heat surging in his lower abdomen.

Chi Enen really didn't dare to move anymore, and froze in place, motionless.

She obviously didn't move, but somehow he offended him again. He suddenly lowered his head and bit her lips again.

Chi Enen took a deep breath after taking this bite.

Before he got angry, there was a sudden feeling of electricity touching the place where he was bitten, and a tingling sensation came from him.

It was Li Beijue who took the bitten corner of her mouth into his mouth.

The place that was originally burning suddenly became less painful. It didn't matter if Chi Enen pushed it away in embarrassment or not.

Fortunately, Li Beijue just wanted to kiss her and quickly let go of her. Instead of holding her hand, he returned to his aloof and arrogant demeanor. He opened his long legs and led her inside, "Go in and see if you like it."

Chi Enen was pulled in by him.

Once inside, she discovered the special design of this villa.

In other villas, there is just a living room, but not in this villa.

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