Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1686 Completely forgot about this person

Prada didn't like her calling behavior, but when she heard that she was Chi Enen's sister, she subconsciously looked at Chi Enen. Seeing that Chi Enen did not refute, he pondered for a moment and said, "Since you are Miss Chi's sister, I can give you an invitation letter."

Linnai was overjoyed, grabbed Prada's hand, and kept saying thank you.

Prada gave her a handwritten business card and handed it to her.

"Thank you, Ms. Prada." Lin Nai took it in surprise, fearing that Chi Enen would disrupt the situation, so he forced a smile and said, "There's still Enen."

The last favor was purely brought along by her with reluctance.

After finishing speaking, she took the initiative and said, "I won't disturb you anymore. Let's go first."

Linnaeus came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

As soon as she left, both Prada and the lady asked about Linnaeus.

Although Chi Enen didn't like Lin Nai, he didn't want to force Lin Nai to death, so he didn't say anything.

the other side.

Li Beijue and the fat man finished talking about business matters.

Just as he was about to go find Chi Enen, he was stuck on the road.

The visitor is wearing an aqua blue evening dress, which is bright and moving, and her blond hair and blue eyes are eye-catching at first glance. She was holding a goblet in her hand, and her beautiful face contained the charm of a girl and the charm of a woman. She was very beautiful and distinctive.

"Mr. Li."

"Step aside."

Li Beijue had no sympathy for her, and his attitude was simple and rude.

Lan Ke's expression changed, she bit her lip and stood in front of him, going straight in, "Why do you refuse to marry me?"


"I learned from my brother that your girlfriend is from the Habsden family. But I don't understand why I am not worthy of you, or what you think is bad about me, so you want to refuse to marry me. I I have always thought that the two of us are a perfect match. Our marriage is definitely a strong alliance. The benefits we create together are definitely much more than your current girlfriend. Why do you choose to give up on me, which can obviously bring you The object of more interests, choose someone who is not so suitable? I don’t understand, I really don’t understand.”

Who is this woman?

As noisy as mosquitoes.

Li Beijue frowned, having long forgotten who Lan Ke was.

But marriage...

"Are you from the Haas family?"

This simple sentence was like a slap on Lan Ke's face. Lan Ke's beautiful three-dimensional face turned blue and red, and her big bright eyes were full of disbelief and humiliation, "You don't know who I am?"

She had gone to his company to look for him before, but he had forgotten her in the blink of an eye?

Lan Ke couldn't believe it!

She is confident in her appearance, not to mention a peerless beauty, but she is definitely an unforgettable type.

And she had only seen him for how long before he forgot?

Li Beijue really forgot, not that he forgot about Lan Ke, but what Lan Ke looked like.

To him, all women except Chi Enen basically look the same.

Anyway, there are two eyes, one nose, and one mouth.

Who would deliberately remember how the facial features of an unimportant person are arranged?

"I need to know who you are?" Li Beijue asked impatiently. He glanced at her with his eagle eyes and said indifferently, "So who are you?"

Lan Ke was slapped several times in the face, and her face became ugly. She squeezed the goblet tightly, took a deep breath, and introduced herself, "I am Lan Ke, Mr. Li. We have met twice. Once in the restaurant and once in your office. I remember." ?"

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