Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1687 Not even as good as a hair

Li Beijue had already identified the words "trouble" with her. He frowned, his handsome face cold and arrogant, "What do you want from me?"

Lan Ke repeated what she just said, with a questioning and puzzled tone, as if she was stubbornly asking him for an explanation, "So I don't understand, why did you choose her instead of me? We are more suitable, aren't we?"

Li Beijue patiently listened to what she had to say, and interrupted her with cold eyes, "Who told you that we are suitable?"

Lan Ke said unconvinced, "Isn't this an obvious thing? Anyone would say so. You and I are more suitable! And I think I can do better than her as Mrs. Li. Except Her family background is almost the same, but she is nothing compared to me."

She is very confident about this.

Li Beijue's eyes became even colder. He looked at her as if she were an annoying fly, showing disgust, "You are nothing compared to her!"

"I can't compare to her? How is that possible? Why do you think I can't compare to her?" She went to get to know that woman specifically. Apart from being a member of the Habsden family, that woman was absolutely useless and there was no way she could compare with her. !

"First of all, she is prettier than you." Li Beijue's dark eyes swept over her, and his words came from the bottom of his heart.

Compared with Chi Enen, other women are ugly in their own way.

Anyway, none of them look pleasing to the eye.

What Lan Ke is most confident about is her appearance. She considers her appearance and figure to be first-rate. Chi Enen is pretty at most, so why should she be compared with her?

Is there something wrong with Mr. Li’s eyes?

She actually said that Chi Enen was prettier than her?

"Secondly, she has a better figure than you!"

Lan Ke, "..."

"She has a better temperament than you, a nicer voice than you, prettier hair than you, longer eyelashes than you, whiter skin than you, darker eyes than you..." He used several metaphors in succession.

Lan Ke could barely bear it before, but the last one she couldn't bear retorted, "I have blue eyes!"

They were originally different, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, and Chi Enen had black hair and eyes. How to compare whose eyes are darker? There's no comparison at all. unfair!

"So you lost." Li Beijue didn't want to reason with her and said matter-of-factly, "Her eyes are darker than yours, isn't that right?"

He didn't care what color her eyes were, but Chi Enen's eyes were prettier than hers anyway.

It's that simple!

Lan Ke bit her lower lip, unconvinced, "This is not fair. I don't admit what you said."

"It's okay if I admit it!" Li Beijue narrowed his eagle eyes, glanced at her, and suppressed his impatience and said, "The most important thing is that the person I like is her, not you! So in my eyes, you are not even with her. Not even a hair can compare to you! Why should I choose you?"

He is not the kind of person who needs to sell his marriage to make the chaebol strong. He has the confidence and ability to lead the Li family chaebol to glory without relying on these.

So he would never give up on Chi Enen and choose a self-righteous woman who was considered good by outsiders.

He didn't know why this woman was stopping him, but since she was slandering Chi Enen in front of him, he didn't mind letting her know that she was just a clown in his eyes.

How ridiculously childish and inexplicable her behavior was!


He paused.

"It's none of my business if you don't understand. Just remember to stay away from me next time! Otherwise, I don't mind throwing you away!"

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