Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1748 Miss Chi wants to resign? !


The elevator reached the 88th floor.

Chi Enen adjusted her mood, took a deep breath, patted her cheeks and went out.

The decoration of Li's headquarters can be described as luxurious, and the president's office is even more luxurious.

The high-ceilinged palace-style crystal lamps and the polished marble floors are all shining with gold and spotless.

Chi Enen walked inside on the brand-name blanket imported from Country F...

The secretariat was as busy as ever, and everyone wanted to grow 6 hands. However, it seemed as if there were dark clouds in the air. Everyone was busy, but few people spoke. They all buried their heads and tried to reduce their presence as much as possible, as if they were too busy.

Chi Enen walked past the secretariat and finally met the person she was looking for today, "Special Assistant Xu."

The slightly fat man in a suit was still frowning and hurried out. When he saw her, his eyes suddenly lit up, just like a woman looking forward to the Red Army, and his eyes were shining.

On his face, he immediately smiled brightly, almost grabbing her hand, "Miss Chi, you are finally here. The president is still in a meeting, please go back to the office first."

Chi Enen didn't know what he was so excited about, but through the gossip she heard in the elevator, she could probably guess what he was thinking.

Li Beijue must have lost his temper in the company these days.

As a result, Assistant Xu thought that Li Beijue would not lose his temper if she came.

But this is impossible, she didn't come here to see Li Beijue today.

"What do you want to drink? I'll have someone make it and bring it to your office right away." Assistant Xu was particularly enthusiastic today.

Chi Enen embarrassedly avoided his hand, looked at him and said, "No, I came here to see you today."

"Looking for me? What do you want to ask me for, Miss Chi? Just tell me, I'll do it for you right away." He was stunned and showed his loyalty.

"I'm here to resign." As soon as Chi Enen finished speaking, the expression on the face of the man who had just patted his chest to show his loyalty froze. She continued, "The resignation procedure needs to be stamped by the supervisor and then given to the personnel department. I will go to the office right away to print out a report. After filling it out, please ask Assistant Xu to stamp it for me, and I will go to the personnel department to handle it myself."

Since they have broken up, let's part ways in peace.

She did everything she should do.

Assistant Xu had recovered from his thunderous expression and asked her tentatively, "Miss Chi, why do you suddenly want to resign? Is the workload too heavy? It doesn't matter, I can ask someone to help you share some of the burden, there is no need to resign."

Chi Enen admired his ability to lie with open eyes. Since she was transferred to the president's office by Li Beijue, she seemed to have never done any serious secretarial work.

After working for a few days, she was taken to Ryukyu for vacation by a willful person without even asking for a vacation.

If her workload is too heavy, then others don't have to live.

Chi Enen shook her head in his expectant eyes and said, "No, I'm going back to Lin City. I can't leave Ryan, so I have to resign."

When she gave this reason, the special assistant's words of persuasion were blocked.

He couldn't let a dignified Ryan representative give up the company.

She said that the company was busy and didn't want to play the secretary game for love. What else could he do except watch?

But if he really signed and stamped Miss Chi's resignation report, the president would definitely let him pack up and leave in a minute!

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