"Then...this..." The special assistant was in a dilemma.

Chi Enen saw his embarrassment and said, "I'm going to print the report first. Assistant Xu can do the work first. I'll find you when you're done."


The special assistant watched her enter the office.

He hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and walked back.

He has to tell Mr. Li about this, otherwise it will be over when Miss Chi completes the resignation procedures!

In the circular conference room, dozens of people were silent, all with their heads lowered. It's as if there are dark clouds overhead, and lightning and thunder may occur at any time.

The man sitting above is wearing a suit and leather shoes, and he looks handsome. A perfect face like Apollo in Greek mythology, cold and expressionless, arrogant and aristocratic! His sharp eyes swept over the people in the conference room, and his slender fingers tapped on the table. The clicking sound seemed to hit everyone's heart.

very scary……

"Who thought of the solution?"

"..." The elites below lowered their heads one by one, almost to the table, and no one dared to speak.

There was impatience in the man's stern eyes, and there was already a hint of impatience in his brows that a storm was about to come. His chiseled jaw tightened, and he slammed the table, "The company raises you all just to see the scenery! This kind of problem that any engineer can solve, but none of you can think of a solution! You're so embarrassed to claim that you are the best person in the industry. Graduated from a prestigious school. What did you learn in school? ABCDEFG’s multiple-choice questions?

The people in the conference room buried their heads lower. This was not the first time they had been scolded in the past few days. Every time they felt a sense of forgiveness, they wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in!

Li Beijue leaned back on the leather chair, pursed his thin lips into a straight line, glanced at the silent group of people, and said domineeringly, "I'll give you ten minutes. After ten minutes, none of you have come up with a solution. You all go to the human resources department. Ministry report!”

"The Li family is not short of people. Since you are not qualified for your current position, you can only replace it with someone who is."

After he finished speaking, he narrowed his eagle eyes and waited for their reaction.

The conference room, which had been so quiet from beginning to end that you could hear a pin drop, finally began to discuss among themselves.

It's not that they are not afraid of men in power anymore.

But they knew that what the man sitting at the top had just said was definitely not a threat.

Because in the past two days, more than ten management people have been fired.

No one knows whether it will be their turn next.

In order to work, they don’t have to worry about so much...

When the special assistant came in, he saw a scene like this - everyone in the conference room was hurrying up and discussing solutions with the people around them. The man sitting at the top exudes an aura that prevents strangers from entering, and is cold and powerful. It can be seen from his furrowed brows and the pen spinning in his hand that he is definitely not in a happy mood right now.

The special assistant took a deep breath and walked towards the man at the top...

"What's the matter?" Li Beijue also saw him and glanced at him unpleasantly.

The special assistant leaned over to his ear, not knowing what he said.


The pen turning in the man's hand was abruptly bent into a U-shape.

He stood up suddenly, pulled out his chair, and looked like he was leaving. But I don't know what I thought of. The upright figure that was about to walk seemed to be nailed, and it was frozen in place for an instant.

The chair made a clanging sound, and everyone in the conference room looked over——

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