Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1769 This time I will clear all obstacles to like her!

She believed that Li Beijue didn't mean to hurt her wrist, he just couldn't control his emotions at the time.

But facing the current Xize Lie, she had a feeling that no matter how she explained it now, Xize Lie would not believe it.

She wisely did not force herself to explain. Instead, he shook his head and said, "No, I'll go back by myself."

Xize Lie did not force her and said, "Okay, then send me a message when you get home safely."

Chi Enen reluctantly agreed. After saying goodbye to him, I seemed to have left.

After she left, a man who looked like a bodyguard appeared next to Xize Lie and said respectfully, "Young Master Lie, the princess has received the news and is very angry. Please call her."

Xize Lie's expression, which was as warm as an angel just now, suddenly returned to normal after Chi Enen left. He glanced at the respectful man in black, touched his rose-colored thin lips, and said indifferently, "Tell her, It's my decision. I know what I'm doing and I won't change my decision."

He has decided to pursue Chi Enen, that is, to pursue Chi Enen. Even if everyone in the Nishizawa family objects, even if the disobedient mouse seizes this opportunity to roll over, he will not change his decision!

"There is no need to talk to me about the rest. I hope she supports my decision." Nishizawa spoke in an indifferent but tough tone.

The bodyguard in black immediately understood what he meant, lowered his head and said, "Yes, Mr. Lie."

After saying that, he stepped aside and returned the call...

Nishizawa Lie's confession of Chi Enen is definitely breaking news.

After all, before Xize Lie made such a grand confession, everyone knew that Chi Enen was Li Beijue's girlfriend.

Nishizawa Lie's actions undoubtedly told everyone that the two had broken up.

Suddenly, there were endless speculations about whether the two broke up and why they broke up. At this critical moment, someone interviewed Cize Lie's mother, Princess Willy.

I originally expected Princess Willie to deny the incident and then object strongly.

Unexpectedly, Princess Willy, who rarely accepted media interviews, actually confirmed Xize Lie's confession at the airport, and confirmed that the person being confessed to was Chi Enen. He even surprisingly agreed with the two of them being together.

The media exploded.

Various news reports also exploded——

"The couple of the century have met their parents?" The princess is very satisfied with her future daughter-in-law and gives her high-profile blessings! 》

"The confession of the century after the breakup of the century, a reversal plot like an idol drama!" 》

"High-profile breakup?" Does the princess's blessing mean that the two have broken up and a new relationship has surfaced? 》

Every piece of news is saying that Li Beijue and Chi Enen have broken up, Xize Lie has made a high-profile confession, and the whole city is in love.

In the villa, a beautiful young boy was walking around irritably with an iPad in his hand.

On his feet he wore a pair of adult plaid slippers that were completely inconsistent with his height and age, and they made a clattering sound when he walked.

He seemed to be in a very anxious mood, frowning and pacing back and forth.

After a while, he asked the man in his early twenties next to him, "Haas, isn't my mommy back yet?"

"Young Master, not yet."

"Yeah." Chi Baobao walked back and forth again, stopped, picked up the iPad and clicked a few times. He didn't know what he saw again, and his brows furrowed even more tightly.

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