Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1770 Chi Baobao’s reaction

Haas had seen him walking back and forth dozens of times within an hour, and couldn't help but persuade him, "Young Master, why don't you sit on the sofa and wait. The eldest lady should be back soon, I I’ll make you a glass of milk and drink it while you wait.”

Chi Baobao also realized that walking back and forth like this was of no use, and pondered for a moment, "Okay."

He walked to the sofa and sat down on the sofa. Putting the iPad in his hand on his knees, he lowered his head and read the news on it.

The more I watched, the more I felt restless and anxious.

What happened.

He just went to the study to play stocks for a while, but when he came out, his woman went out. Immediately afterwards, so much news about his women appeared on the Internet.

The news even said that his wife had agreed to Nishizawa Lie's proposal, and the two had received approval from both parents.

He knew the latter one was a lie.

Because my uncle hasn't come back from the meeting yet, he probably doesn't know about it yet, and there is no such thing as approval.

But he saw the live video on the Internet. Although he couldn't hear what the two people were saying from a distance, his woman did accept the man helping her put on the necklace. In the end, he saw clearly that it was his family. Women take the initiative to hold other people's hands and leave.

Chi Baobao was very anxious.

At this time, Haas came over with soaked milk and handed it to him, "Young Master, drink some milk."

"Put it there first." Chi Baobao was so anxious that he couldn't drink anything. After finishing speaking, he raised his head and asked Haas, "Do you know my family..." The woman almost blurted out.

When it came to his mouth, he changed it to, "When will my mommy come back?"

Haas put the milk on the table for him and said, "I don't know about this. The eldest lady didn't say when she would be back."


Chi Baobao's irritable left hand unconsciously pinched his right hand, looking anxious.

He said yesterday that he would help his woman find a good one, and Xize Lie's conditions were indeed comparable to those of Lao Wang next door.

But he couldn't tell what was strange in his heart, and he couldn't tell what was strange. Anyway, it was like a cat scratching his chest, and he desperately wanted to find his woman for confirmation.

If his woman is really together with Xize Lie, will he call Xize Lie daddy in the future?

Chi Baobei frowned, and the indescribable cat scratching feeling in his chest emerged again. Under Haas's gaze, he jumped off the sofa and said with a straight face, "I'm going to get my phone."

He wanted to call Chi Enen and ask when she would come home.

Chi Baobao had just stepped on her slippers and walked towards her room when she heard the sound of a car parked outside.

Haas quickly stopped him, "Young Master, wait, the eldest lady is probably back."

Chi Baobao also heard the sound of cars outside. Needless to say, he quickly ran to the entrance and waited.

Chi Enen opened the door and was a little surprised to see the person standing at the door, "Baby, aren't you watching TV?"

At times like this, isn't he usually playing with his mobile phone or watching TV aloof? He rarely runs to the entrance to pick her up. At most, when he sees her coming back, he raises his eyelids and calls her out coolly. Why is he running so aggressively today? Pick her up at the door?

She had an expression like "The sun has come out from the west", which almost made Chi Baobao's hair explode.

However, Chi Baobei's attention is now completely attracted by the roses in her arms, and there is no hair.

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