Backstage, the manager finally caught Lu Zhiang and said with spitting words, "Zhiang, why did you do this at the concert? Do you know that my phone has been blasted by the media. The company is not ready yet." Such emergency measures, the Internet is about to explode..."

He had a headache on his face and his temples were swollen. He pulled the man's sleeves and continued, "I have already set low standards for you. Zhi'ang, please at least tell me next time you have any ideas. Let's discuss it." Come on, you don’t want to ruin your career just because of a love affair, right? Even if you don’t care, think about it for Annan and the others. If you tell me in advance next time, I can take emergency measures in advance.”

"By the way, let's get on the same page first. Zhiang, when did you and Miss Lin start to like each other?"

He never thought at all that Lu Zhiang was not sure whether Lin Anxin would agree to this romantic and bold confession.

The boldest thing he could imagine was that Lu Zhiang chose to confess his love at the concert for the sake of romance.

Who would have thought that Lu Zhiang was facing the pressure of being rejected in front of tens of thousands of people to confess.

"And Miss Lin... Where is Miss Lin? Things have already happened. Let's all come together and have a unified voice."

Now that they have confessed their love at the concert, what we have to do now is to try our best to fabricate a romantic plot about the love between the two, and use Lu Zhiang's true temperament and manly qualities to hype up Lu Zhiang's love, so as to minimize the loss of fans.

After the agent made up his mind, he looked around and asked him, "Zhiang, where is Miss Lin? Why didn't I see her from the beginning?"

"she left."

"Leave?!" The agent was stunned.

Lu Zhiang had already pulled away his hand, took off the headset from his ear and placed it backstage. Then he shouldered his shoulder bag and walked out.

The agent recovered from the initial surprise, hurriedly caught up with him, and asked anxiously, "Zhi'ang, where are you going?"

"Meet them." Lu Zhiang raised his hand in a carefree manner without looking back, and said, "I'll leave the rest to you, thank you."

Seeing that he was really going to leave, the agent became anxious and said, "No, Zhi Ang, are you just leaving like this?"



No matter how he shouted from behind, no one stopped.

He watched Xin Chang's back disappear from his sight, and immediately stamped his feet anxiously. Looking again, there was no trace of Annan or the others in the background. They had obviously escaped first.

In other words, they deliberately let Lu Zhiang attract his attention, and then the three of them took Lin Anxin and left first.

Lu Zhiang then went to join them again.

The agent later realized that he had been fooled again. He suddenly had a headache, heart, liver, and body pain.

The director, who had finally calmed down the media, came over with a sullen expression. Seeing him, he immediately asked, "Where are Zhi'ang and the others? And where are Miss Lin and her friends? Let them prepare and go back to the company together to discuss strategies to deal with online public opinion. And tomorrow, let's see if there is a need to hold a press conference press conference.”

"...This." The manager didn't dare to look into his eyes. When the director was looking for someone, he took a deep breath and said, "Zhi'ang and the others... are leaving first."

"What did you say? You're gone! How do you look at people! Why don't you keep them at such a critical moment! How can you adjust the lines when they're gone? What kind of agent are you..."

Sure enough, what greeted the agent was a scolding.

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