Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1797 Visiting Lu Zhiang’s room

On the other side, the five culprits had already passed through the siege of fans and reporters and slipped to their destination.

It was a house facing the sea.

But it's not a villa or mansion near the sea like Si Chen's, but a very ordinary, ordinary, dilapidated wooden house.

Lu Zhiang took out the key and opened the door.

Annan and the others pushed Lin Anxin into the house. As they pushed, they said with a smile from behind, "Welcome sister-in-law to our secret base. The house is a bit small, don't mind."

Lin Anxin was pushed inside by him, and she realized that when he said it was a little small, he was not being modest, but that the house was indeed a little small.

The entire house totals about 90 square meters and is divided into three rooms.

The living room is simple with only a sofa, coffee table and a small TV.

Annan pushed her to a larger room to visit, "This is where we play musical instruments and record songs. Sister-in-law, how are you doing, isn't it good?"

"Not bad." Anyway, compared to the simple living room, the place where you put your musical instruments and record is definitely luxurious.

"This is my room with Nico and Bai Zhi." Annan pushed her to another room.

There are three 1.2-meter beds in the room. Just placing the bed already squeezed the space into a cramped space, so there was nothing left except the bed.

"...Hmm...very neat." Lin Anxin searched for a long time before finding this compliment.

Because there is nothing in the room except the bed.

Can it be untidy?

"Hahaha." Annan was not embarrassed at all and pushed her to the small room at the end. She winked and said with a smile, "Dang dang dang~ This is the boss's 'boudoir'. He is very withdrawn and insists on sleeping alone and refuses to be crowded with others to death. So the three of us can only squeeze into the same room. "

Lu Zhiang's room.

Lin Anxin visited curiously and found that Lu Zhiang's room was much cleaner than she expected a boy's room.

Except for the sheet music with lyrics and music scattered everywhere on the desk, it was basically neatly packed away. Even the quilt was folded like tofu and didn't look like someone had slept on it.

In the room, apart from the bed, the most eye-catching thing is the acoustic guitar placed against the wall. She curiously turned her head and asked Annan behind her, "Can Lu Zhiang also play the guitar?"

She thought that as the lead singer of the band, Lu Zhiang could only sing.

"Yes, boss plays the guitar very well. Sister-in-law, please wait." He picked up the guitar and dragged her out, shouting loudly as he walked, "Boss, sister-in-law wants to hear you play the guitar!"

"I'll go!" Lin Anxin almost couldn't hold back the curse words.

When had she ever said she wanted to hear it? She is just curious!

Lu Zhiang, Nico and Bai Zhi had already changed their clothes and washed their faces while they were visiting the room.

Lu Zhiang changed into a dark blue sweater, probably for professional reasons. The sweater was not an ordinary style. The collar was slightly opened, just enough to expose the charming collarbone under his neck. Lazy and casual, sexy yet a little unruly. He looked at Lin Anxin with his dark eyes, and then said, "I'll play it for you later."

Before Lin Anxin could react, Annan had already jumped up, even more excited than she was, "lucky, I haven't heard the boss talk about guitar for a long time. I'm going to get ready. Let's get high together later, and I just didn't get high enough during the concert." ”

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