Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1833 Contradictory Chi Baobao

"I agree." Chi Enen glanced at him nervously, and asked hesitantly, "Honey, if we are getting married, what do you think?"

Chi Baobei blinked his eyes first, then fell down on the bed, looked at Chi Enen lazily, with a small expression like looking at a fool, and said arrogantly, "My father and my mommy are married, isn't it very Is it normal? What should I think? Just think so."

He said it easily, not at all the reaction he had when he resisted Cizelie two days ago.

That look, how natural and natural it is.

Chi Baobao rolled over and rolled to her side again, and asked with her chin propped up, "Where is the wedding? Are you going to hold a traditional wedding or a Western-style wedding? What about the wedding dress? When will you get married? It's just right to get married now, just as little snotty worms can I'll be your flower girl. Chi Enen, don't wait too late, nights are full of dreams."

"..." Chi Enen was dumbfounded by his series of questions, stretched out his hand and squeezed his pretendingly sophisticated face, and laughed at him, "Do you know what it means to have long nights and dreamy nights?"

Chi Baobao was ridiculed, she avoided her hand in great dissatisfaction, jumped up, and said with her hands on her hips, "Of course I know. I have common sense without knowledge. Without common sense, at least I watch a lot of TV! You watch those TV shows. , Many men and women have agreed to get married, and their relatives have notified them, but before the wedding, either the man or the woman ran away."

"I know you, you won't run away. But you can't stand the old Wang next door. If something happens, the old Wang next door runs away. How embarrassing are you to leave you alone at the wedding?"

Chi Enen was really dumbfounded, and said gloomily, "Baby Chi, can't you think of something better? Do you want to curse me?"

"I'm not a curse, I'm just reminding you. Just in case, get married quickly. Don't procrastinate, it's best to have the wedding within a month!" He said clearly.

Chi Enen really doesn't know why he has so many worries all day long. He is obviously a big kid, but he loves to worry. She said helplessly, "If there are no accidents, maybe within half a month, we will hold a wedding."

The old man said half a month.

In terms of the old man's mobility, there shouldn't be a big change.

"Half a month?" Chi Baobao was stunned for a moment, then frowned, and the frown became more and more serious. He muttered softly, "Half a month is too fast, isn't it? be prepared."

Just now he kept urging her to quickly set the date of marriage, as if Li Beijue would run away if it was a little late.

In a blink of an eye, he disliked that the time was too fast, and he was not ready.

Looking at his contradictory appearance, Chi Enen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. The one who took the initiative to talk diverted his attention and said, "Today I asked Haas to buy a detective novel. Do you want to listen to it? I'll read it to you."

"Detective novel? What detective novel?" No matter how talented Chi Baobei was, he was still a child, and he couldn't resist what he was interested in, so he was easily distracted by her.

Chi Enen took out a newly bought book from the bedside, and said in front of him, "This is it. Your favorite Sherlock Holmes. How about it, do you want to listen to it?"

"I prefer to watch it myself. But you can barely listen to me when you read."

What a duplicity.

Chi Enen opened the book and began to read to him...

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