Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1834 Li Qiyun was humiliated

The villa is very warm.

The outside of the villa is about to be turned upside down by a blockbuster.

Mr. Li is indeed a man of action. From young to now old, his ability to act has never changed.

Since receiving Chi Enen's text message, he has ordered people to start preparing for the release. And asked the old housekeeper to help him arrange a video press conference.

Although he was still recovering, Mr. Li did not wear loose hospital gowns. Before attending the press conference, I changed into a suit coat.

If those who knew him hadn't known that he had really been hospitalized, those who didn't know would not have noticed that the hale and hearty old man in front of him had been in the critical ward a month ago.

The old butler opened the door and came in. Seeing that he was ready, he lowered his head and said respectfully, "My lord, the reporter is waiting for you outside. You can go out anytime."


Mr. Li stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and sized up his appearance with critical eyes. After confirming that it was correct, he picked up the leading crutch at the side, and walked in front of the old housekeeper with full aura.

Before stepping out the door, he seemed to be asking the old housekeeper, and also as if he was asking himself, and said softly, "This is the first time I made a decision based on feeling, I hope it's not a wrong decision. What do you think. "

The old butler was right next to him, and although his voice was very small, he heard it. Immediately said with a smile, "I think you have made an extremely correct decision."

Yeah, maybe he made the right decision.

But back then, when he was young, he had no chance to make such a decision. No elder would help him make such a decision.

So this time, let's hope he makes the right decision.

Mr. Li walked steadily towards the meeting room provided by the mansion with sharp and sharp steps——


In a quiet mansion in country W.

The doorbell rang again.

Li Qiyun was wearing a suit, and opened the door impatiently.

Sure enough, there was an equally impatient lady standing outside, who began to accuse her before entering the door, "What are you doing in there? Why did it take you so long to open the door?"

As she walked inside, she turned her head and looked Li Qiyun's clothes up and down, and said dissatisfiedly, "Are you going out again? What are you going to do?"

"I'll have a job later." Li Qiyun was extremely impatient, and the staff of the Li family who were familiar with her knew that what she disliked the most was being interrupted by unimportant things while she was working.

If it were someone else, she would have been rude a long time ago, but the person in front of her was not someone else, but the man's mother.

As soon as Mrs. Oss heard her talk about work, and looked at her attitude, she became more and more dissatisfied with her, and said bluntly, "Our family does not lack people to make money, nor does it lack that little money. Since you want to marry my son Now, you must abide by the rules of our family. After you get married, your job will be cut off, and you should take care of your husband and children at home!"

Li Qiyun's temples twitched, and she refused without thinking, "Impossible! I won't give up my career just because of marriage."

She is not the kind of boring woman who only guards one man, she still has a lot to do.

"Career?" Mrs. Oss sneered, staring at her condescendingly and said, "Do you think you are still a rich lady? What kind of career do you have? How much money can you make a year with that broken company? Tell me, tell me." Count it out. I'll discount it for you every year. You stay at home honestly, as long as you don't embarrass me, it's better than anything else!"

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